Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 218: Turn on! The power of the tailed beast! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 218 opens! The power of the tailed beast! 【Second update! 】

Seeing Xu Ying's punch about to land, Lin Yuan thought and summoned another Scorpion Abyss Beast!

However, this Scorpion Abyss Beast has not recovered from its injuries and has no fighting ability at all.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan summoned it not to let it fight, but just to block the sword for himself!

The huge body of the Scorpion Abyss Beast stood between Lin Yuan and Xu Ying!

However, Xu Ying's offensive did not slow down at all. He directly faced the body of the Scorpion Abyss Beast and punched it out with one punch!


With a muffled sound, Xu Ying's right fist was like a cannonball, blasting through the scorpion's shell and forcefully passing through it!

However, the power of Xu Ying's punch was still within Lin Yuan's expectation!

He summoned the Scorpion Abyss Beast just to block Xu Ying for a moment and block his sight.

Now that my goal has been achieved, it’s time to close the net!

 The next moment, Lin Yuan suddenly activated the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Kamui!

 In front of his eyes, a twisted space instantly appeared!

With his sight blocked, Xu Ying was not aware of this phenomenon at all, and hit the distorted space directly with his right fist!

Suddenly, Xu Ying felt a strong attraction, pulling and strangulating his right arm crazily, like a meat grinder, trying to forcefully mince it!

 “Damn it!”

Xu Ying's expression changed, and the energy and blood on his right arm suddenly exploded, forcefully blasting the body of the Poisonous Scorpion Beast into four pieces.

 Subsequently, he finally saw the scene in front of him clearly.

 His right fist actually fell deeply into a twisted space!

 And under the tearing and strangulation of the twisted space, his right arm was already a **** mess!

Xu Ying's face turned cold. He exerted force on his right arm suddenly, and his energy and blood exploded. He actually forcibly pulled his right fist out of the twisted divine power space!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan's eyes flickered slightly for a while, and he couldn't help but reveal a bit of helplessness.

 In the final analysis, my mental strength is still too low.

 Twenty-one thousand spiritual power, although it sounds very high, is actually just the level of entering the eighth level.

If his mental power were higher, he would be able to exert even greater power. Even if he forcibly broke Xu Ying's right arm, it would not be a problem, instead of allowing him to escape so easily.

Although Xu Ying's right arm looked **** and bloody, the injury was not considered serious for an eighth-level venerable.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan turned his head and looked at Li Fenyou subconsciously.

 The latter's situation is even more difficult than his.

 Because Li Fenyou is now trapped in the siege of Vader and Losius!

The two of them had a tacit understanding and directly handed over the task of killing Lin Yuan to Xu Ying, then turned around and besieged Li Fenyou.

You must know that these two people are not ordinary people. If you pick one out alone, you will be on the same level as Li Fengyou!

 Fortunately, Li Fengyou had taken a fairy bean before, and now his condition has returned to its peak.

If not, she would have been defeated by the other party in just one encounter after having just experienced a big battle! However, even Li Fenyou, who was at his peak, was somewhat powerless when faced with the joint siege of the two men. He was like a small boat sailing under rough waves, which might capsize anytime and anywhere!

 “Black Demon Ape, go help her!”

Looking at Li Fenyou who was in trouble, Lin Yuan immediately made a decision and sent the black magic ape to help her!

Although the black demon ape may not be the opponent of either Vader or Losius, with its help, it can more or less relieve some of Li Fengyou's pressure.

Just as Lin Yuan was thinking this, Xu Ying suddenly rose up and punched him!

 “Boy, are you still distracted by fighting with me? Are you looking for death?!”

 Xu Ying's ferocious laughter soon rang in Lin Yuan's ears.

The latter's face turned cold, and he forcibly activated the ability of the thunder fruit, causing his body to turn into several thunderbolts, which quickly spread out, barely avoiding Xu Ying's punch!

Although the body is elementalized and cannot block attacks from martial arts masters and above, in this situation where there is no time to retreat, it can quickly decompose the body into thunder and forcefully avoid the opponent's attack.


On Xu Ying's right fist, the dark purple energy and blood seemed to go berserk, pouring out its own energy wantonly, forcefully blasting a huge crater on the ground!

 All of a sudden, gravel splashed, and the sound was terrifying!

The scattered thunder quickly condensed and reorganized, and once again condensed into Lin Yuan's figure.

 His face was slightly pale.

Although he was not hit head-on by Xu Ying's punch, just the fluctuation of energy and blood that escaped forcefully injured him.

Although both sides are eighth-level venerables, their strength is obviously not on the same level.

Even if Lin Yuan tried his best, he would never be Xu Ying's opponent.

However, judging from the current situation, Li Fengyou is in a tough battle, and the only one who can really open up the situation is himself!

 He must find a way to defeat Xu Ying as soon as possible, and then quickly support Li Fenyou!

Lin Yuan's eyes flickered, and countless plans quickly flashed through his mind.

However, Lin Yuan knew in his heart that he would never be able to defeat Xu Ying with tactics alone.

Even the divine power that he was most proud of could only cause some minor injuries to Xu Ying.

It seems that the only thing I can really rely on now is that thing!

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan turned his hand and took out the 'Tailed Beast Power' directly from the system space!

This random ‘Tailed Beast Power’ looks like a ball of orange-red light.

 Power of the Tailed Beast【Special props】

 Number of uses: 1/1

 Item introduction: After opening it, you can randomly get the power of a tailed beast!

This item is exactly the reward Lin Yuan received after conquering the Final Hydra!

 Obviously, the power of the tailed beast in front of you is a one-time special item that can only be used once.

Although Lin Yuan didn't know exactly what the so-called "tailed beast power" did.

 But ever since he obtained the system, all one-time special props, such as the ‘Buddha’s Angry Fire Lotus’ and ‘Character Summoning Card’, usually have extremely powerful powers.

 I hope this time, I will not let myself down!

Lin Yuan's eyes were slightly sharp, and he chose to activate the power of the tailed beast in his hand without hesitation!

 (End of this chapter)

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