Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 219: The power of Shukaku! Wind Escape, practice empty bombs! 【Third update

Chapter 219 The power of Shukaku! Wind Escape, practice empty bombs! 【Third update! 】

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully activating the ‘Tailed Beast Power’ and successfully obtaining the power of a Shukaku. Do you choose to use it?”

At the same time, information about the power of Shukaku also appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

 Shukaku's power: Contains 50% of the power of a "Shukaku". After use, this power can be directly added to the host's body!

 According to the introduction of the system, One-Tailed Shukaku is one of the nine tailed beasts and has the ability to control strong winds and sand!

Seeing this, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and chose to use it directly!

 The next second, in his palm, the sandy-yellow ball of light, symbolizing Shukaku's power, quickly turned into a stream of light and merged into his body!

I saw the wind and sand blowing around Lin Yuan, as if there was a violent sandstorm!

Xu Ying looked slightly cold and did not choose to take action immediately because he had no idea what happened to Lin Yuan!

The earthy yellow dust soon gathered on Lin Yuan's body, causing his figure to suddenly expand several times!

At this moment, Lin Yuan, with the blessing of Shukaku's power, quickly became a giant civet cat made of yellow sand!

After Lin Yuan obtained the power of Shukaku, he only felt the majestic power rushing out of his body, as if the flood gate of the dam had been released!

He obviously did not expect that even if he only obtained 50% of Shukaku's power, he would be so powerful!

 The power of the tailed beast really did not disappoint him!

Although Xu Ying didn't know what happened to Lin Yuan, he knew that the opponent's strength was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

 “Purple Maple Knife!”

Xu Ying flipped his right hand and took out a dark purple long knife directly from the space ring!

 Like Xu Tianwu, he is a warrior who is good at swordsmanship.

Now, since Xu Ying has sacrificed the ‘Purple Maple Sword’, he obviously wants to use all his strength.

However, Lin Yuan, who was in the tailed beast state at this time, was not afraid at all!

 “Purple air is coming from the east!”

Xu Ying gave a low shout, and the purple maple sword in his hand suddenly cut out a dazzling sword light that looked like a sword!

 The power of the sword penetrated the heaven and the earth, as if it was enough to cut off everything.

 “Sand Shuriken!”

Facing the attacking sword light in front of him, Lin Yuan raised his right hand and used the yellow sand to condense a huge cross shuriken out of thin air in front of him!

 The next second, the sand shuriken collided with the purple sword light in front of me!

 The offensives from both sides were extremely fierce.

 Finally, the Sand Shuriken suddenly shattered into pieces and scattered into yellow sand all over the sky.

The purple sword light that Xu Ying slashed also dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

What shocked Xu Ying was that in this first round of confrontation, Lin Yuan actually showed that he was not weaker than him!

 “Come again!”

Lin Yuan laughed wildly, condensed two sand shurikens again, and threw them towards Xu Ying!

The latter's reaction speed was extremely fast, and his figure instantly turned into an afterimage. While blocking the sand shuriken in front of him with the purple maple sword in his hand, he quickly approached Lin Yuan!

 Obviously, Xu Ying still has not given up the idea of ​​killing him.

He wanted to withstand his own attack, quickly approached, and cut off his own head with the purple maple sword in his hand!

"In that case, let me play with you." After gaining the power of the tailed beast, Lin Yuan's strength has been qualitatively improved!

Xu Ying wanted to kill him, but why didn't Lin Yuan want to kill Xu Ying?

Both sides have murderous thoughts in mind, so it depends on who is more skilled!

 “Sand thorns and thorns!”

Lin Yuan raised his hand suddenly, and dozens of thorns made of sand and gravel suddenly rose from the ground in front of him, winding towards Xu Ying in front of him!

 “You want to stop me?!”

Xu Ying's face darkened, and the purple maple sword in his hand suddenly swung out. The sword moved in an arc, as if forming an invisible barrier of sword light around him!

All the sand thorns and thorns that tried to get close were cut off by the purple maple knife in Xu Ying's hand and scattered into sand and gravel again.

However, as the number of sand thorns and thorns increased, even Xu Ying gradually began to have some difficulty.

Just as he cut off the two sand thorns in front of him again, two more thorns suddenly rose from the ground and wrapped around his ankles!

Xu Ying did not hesitate, turned the blade and slashed at him!

However, Xu Ying was horrified to find that this time...his purple maple sword failed to cut off the two thorns in front of him!

To be precise, the knife in his hand only cracked its gravel shell!

As the crust of yellow sand fell, these two dark black thorns revealed their true appearance in front of Xu Ying.

 Xu Ying's expression changed.

 He finally realized that he had been fooled!

Lin Yuan, this guy, secretly hid two "cursed thorns" among the sand thorns!

 The dark cursed thorns soon wrapped around his ankles.

 At the same time, a negative state that is difficult to describe in words also affected him!

Xu Ying only felt an unprecedented weakness, unable to exert all his strength to break free from the cursed thorns in front of him like chains that tightly entangled him!

Just when Xu Ying was trapped, Lin Yuan was already ready to launch an offensive!

He opened his mouth directly, and the howling wind condensed directly in his mouth, forming a wind-attributed energy bomb!

Lin Yuan, who was in the tailed beast state, opened his mouth and suddenly spat out the extremely compressed wind bullet in his mouth!

However, in order to exert stronger power, Lin Yuan continued to compress it until it was completely condensed and formed!

This kind of move with a very long charging time is usually easy for the enemy to dodge.

 But under the current situation, Xu Ying, who was entangled by the cursed thorns, was a living target in front of Lin Yuan!

 “Wind Escape, practice blank bullets!”

 After he entered the tailed beast state, the methods of using these moves were naturally integrated into his mind.

 For a moment, the howling sound of the wind seemed so violent that it could tear a person's eardrums!


With a loud noise, Xu Ying, whose body was fixed in place, forcibly withstood the bombardment of the blank missile!

Under this momentum, his figure flew backwards nearly a hundred meters away, and even his body was cut with dozens of large and small blood marks!

However, Lin Yuan obviously has no intention of stopping here.

He directly raised his hand and controlled the yellow sand on the ground, covering Xu Ying's figure...

 (End of this chapter)

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