Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 221: Necromancer, Losius! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 221 Necromancer, Losius! 【Second update! 】

Suddenly, fierce winds, mixed with sand and dust, swept towards Vader and Losius like an unstoppable tsunami!

This move covers an extremely wide area, and it is almost impossible to escape simply by relying on speed.

  The two of them were in a state of bitterness, so they had no choice but to pick it up head-on!

Losius directly raised the skull scepter in his hand and chanted in a low voice: "O ghost bone dragon wandering in purgatory, please listen to my call and come here!"

Just as Losius finished speaking, a dark space crack suddenly appeared in front of him!

 The next second, a forest-white bone dragon claw slowly poked out from the space crack.

Then, this white bone dragon claw directly grabbed the edge of the space crack, and slowly brought the ghost bone dragon's huge dragon body out of the dead space!


Accompanied by a thunderous dragon roar, the ghost bone dragon, exuding death energy, finally appeared in front of Losius!

"very good."

Losius's expression softened slightly and he hid directly behind the ghost bone dragon.

 Obviously, he summoned the Ghost Bone Dragon just to act as a human shield and bear the damage for himself.

 After all, as a telepathic person, Losius's own body is not very strong.

However, although he is a mental power user who majors in mental power, he is also an outlier among mental power users.

 Because Losius has an extremely special ability called ‘Whisper of the Undead’.

Under the effect of this power, Losius can communicate with the undead in the undead space, sign a contract with them, and summon them!

The stronger Losius’ spiritual power, the stronger the undead creatures that can sign a contract with him will naturally be.

 The huge ghost bone dragon in front of me is one of them!

Since there is still a distance between Losius and Vader, the bone dragon he summoned could not protect the latter at the same time.

Facing the violent sand and dust sweeping in front of him, Wei's face was gloomy, and he activated his "Storm" power to the extreme!

 The violent wind and rain swept against the violent sand and dust, trying to hinder it.

However, Vader obviously underestimated the power of the one-tailed crane.

With the blessing of the power of the tailed beast, Lin Yuan performed the 'Sand Breakthrough', which was far more powerful than Vader's imagination.

 The storm he spurred was engulfed by the violent sand and dust in almost an instant.

The whizzing sand and gravel, like bullets flying at high speed, all landed on Vader's body!

The violent sand and dust in front of you is like a natural disaster, possessing the power to destroy everything!

In just one second, countless blood holes appeared on Vader's body!

 “No…I absolutely can’t…die in…”

Vide struggled in the sand and dust, trying hard to support the mental barrier to block the violent sand and dust in front of him.

However, before the mental barrier in front of him could take shape, a sharp piece of sand instantly penetrated his head, leaving only a hideous blood hole.

Vide could not help but widen his eyes.

 He never thought that death would come so suddenly.

The vitality in Wade's eyes slowly dissipated...

After the life force was completely lost, Vader's body turned into a cold corpse.

Subsequently, Wade's body was completely swallowed up by the sand in front of him, like a small boat submerged by huge waves.    …

 “Is Vader dead too?”

 Losius frowned slightly.

 Because he could sense that Vader's aura quickly dissipated.

 Fortunately, the ghost bone dragon in front of him can still barely withstand the sweep of sand and dust.

However, as is always the case, half of the bone dragon's body has been eroded by the violent sand and dust.

 After another ten breaths, the violent sand and dust in front of me finally gradually calmed down.

Losius raised his hand and directly put the ghost bone dragon in front of him back into the dead space.

Lin Yuan quickly walked up to Losus and stared at him with cold eyes.

At the same time, Li Fenyou also broke away from the divine power space and stood side by side with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan glanced at her and asked softly: "Teacher Li, are you okay?"

Li Fengyou smiled: "Don't worry, you won't die."

"Ah That's good."

Lin Yuan nodded, then turned his head and looked at Losius in front of him: "I didn't expect you to survive."

Losius raised his head and laughed to himself: "I didn't expect that both Xu Ying and Wade died in your hands."

“Chinese boy, I have to say that your strength is completely beyond my expectation.”

Lin Yuan sneered and said, "Yes, you are the only one left now. Are you ready to follow them on the road to hell?"

Roxius smiled and shook his head: "If I remember correctly, your name should be 'Lin Yuan', right?"

“Lin Yuan, it has always been Xu Ying who wanted to kill you. There is no hatred between you and me.”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Yes, there is indeed no deep hatred between you and me."

“It’s just that I am a very narrow-minded person and I will retaliate. You have taken action against Li Fengyou, so today… you must die!”

Lin Yuan's voice was cold and indifferent, but it carried an unquestionable majesty.

 “Your behavior really doesn’t look like a teenager in his early twenties.”

After finishing these words, Losius slowly suppressed his smile and said calmly: "But, you want to send me to hell, but hell... may not be willing to accept me."

 The next second, dozens of undead cracks exuding the aura of death appeared out of thin air behind Losius!

Countless undead creatures, like evil ghosts crawling out of hell, poured out of these dark cracks!

 Skeleton warrior, undead lich, undead ghost crow, **** three-headed dog, bone knight, ghostly Rakshasa, charming ghost butterfly, Senluo demon wolf king...

Under Lin Yuan's induction, the undead creatures summoned by Losius had at least six levels of peak strength, and there were even two or three undead creatures whose momentum was comparable to the black one that Lin Yuan had conquered before. Demonic ape!

  With this group of horrified ghosts crawling out of the undead rift.

Behind Losius, it seems that a natural disaster army formed by undead creatures has formed!

This group of undead creatures gathered together, and just the death energy emanating from their bodies formed an extremely terrifying aura!

 (End of this chapter)

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