Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 222: Stalemate [First update! 】

Chapter 222: Stalemate [First update! 】

Looking at such a terrifying scene in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frowned.

Losius said calmly: "Now...are you still sure that you will kill me?"

“Even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think more about the companions around you, right?”

"Even if you can really kill me, the woman next to you may not be able to survive in my hands."

“Lin Yuan, I’ll give you a piece of advice: never underestimate the madness of a ‘Necromancer’.”

With just a few words from Rosius, Lin Yuan fell completely silent.

I have to say that what Losius said is true.

 Li Fenyou is now seriously injured.

 Even if he could forcefully kill Losius, he might not be able to save Li Fenyou's life from so many undead creatures.

 At this moment, both sides are constrained.

Lin Yuan was able to kill Losius by force.

  The latter is also able to risk his life and die together with Li Fenyou.

The situation is at a stalemate.

"Hahaha... It seems that your heart is not cruel enough. Since you can't make a decision, it seems that you can't kill me today."

 “Lin Yuan…I regret it for a long time and look forward to seeing you again!”

After laughing a few times, Losius turned around and his figure suddenly turned into a black mist, drifting away towards the sky.

 Subsequently, those terrifying undead creatures were also withdrawn into the undead space by Losius.

Watching Losius leave, Lin Yuan never made any move.

Li Fengyou beside him said apologetically: "I'm sorry for dragging you down."

Lin Yuan smiled and shook his head, denying: "There is no such thing, I can't maintain the state of tailed beast transformation anymore. I was just bluffing to scare him, but I didn't expect that I actually scared this guy away." ”

Li Feng was humorous for a while and did not answer.

Of course she knew that Lin Yuan was lying to comfort her.

If he hadn't taken care of himself, I'm afraid Lin Yuan would have killed Losius long ago.

 After all, Lin Yuan’s character is to eliminate the root causes in order to avoid future troubles forever.

However, since Lin Yuan said so, Li Fenyou said nothing more and could only keep this kindness in his heart silently.

 “You should recuperate first.”

Lin Yuan released his tailed beast state, walked to Li Fenyou's side, supported her, and walked towards the mineral vein.

 He has no extra fairy beans on his body, so he can only find a safe place for Li Fenyou to let her slowly recover from her injuries.

 After placing Li Fenyou in place, Lin Yuan turned his head again and found Xu Ying who was in a coma.

 For Xu Ying, Lin Yuan deliberately did not choose to kill him.

 Because only Xu Ying can play a greater role if he is alive!

The next second, Lin Yuan directly opened Xu Ying's right eye and forcibly launched the God of Destiny on him!

What Lin Yuan wants to do is to accept Xu Ying as a puppet who only listens to his instructions, and then take him out of the secret realm of Abyss alive.

 When the time is right, Lin Yuan will let Xu Tianwu taste...the feeling of being betrayed! Since Xu Ying is a qi-blood warrior and his mental strength is not strong, Lin Yuan easily controlled him with other gods!

 After that, Lin Yuan directly dragged Xu Ying to Li Fenyou's side. After explaining, he poured a bottle of medicine to restore his injuries.

“There are quite a lot of ‘Tianyuan Spirit Souls’ in this mine.”

Lin Yuan looked around and soon sensed many familiar scents.

He gathered a thunder blade at will, inserted it directly into the rock wall in front of him, and cut off a piece of rock about six or seven cubic meters.

The next second, Lin Yuan punched forward boldly.

 The rock mine in front of me suddenly turned into powder.

A jet-black turbid crystal the size of an adult's head fell into this pile of khaki rock powder, making it particularly eye-catching.

Lin Yuan lowered his head and picked up the ‘Tian Ling Yuan Soul’.

 Then, he casually broke the piece of Tianling Yuan Soul into two halves and threw one of them to Li Fenyou.

The Tianling Yuanpo produced from this vein is not only larger in size, but also of higher quality.

Lin Yuan held the Tianling Yuanpo in his hand, sat cross-legged, and after shaking it into powder, he threw it directly into his mouth and began to absorb it with his eyes closed.

 An hour later, Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, feeling that the strength of his soul had increased again!

 Subsequently, his mental power spread out in all directions like ripples.

Soon, Lin Yuan's mental power enveloped the entire mineral vein, and he was able to estimate the approximate number of 'Tianling Yuan Soul'.

The number was so large that even Lin Yuan was slightly frightened.

Even if he and Li Fengyou absorb it together, it will take at least three months to absorb all the 'Tian Ling Yuan Soul' in this mine.

 It seems that for the next period of time, he and Li Fenyou will have to stay in this mine.

 Besides them, the only one who knows about this mine is Losius.

However, no matter how tempting the mineral vein is, he will never appear in front of Lin Yuan before he is sure enough.

Although Lin Yuan currently lacks the means to protect himself, as long as Li Fengyou, Xu Ying and Zhongyan Hydra recover from their injuries, looking at the entire Abyss Realm, there may not be many forces that can compete with them. .

However, Losius's cunning methods made Lin Yuan feel a little wary in his heart.

 He originally thought that if he could conquer the abyssal beast through the power of other gods, he would be able to conquer the secret realm of the abyss.

 But now it seems that my vision is still too narrow and short-sighted.

 After all, there are venerables from so many countries gathered in the secret realm of the abyss.

These venerables are all from each country, except for the King of Heaven, and they are the ones with the best combat capabilities!

 Among them, it is inevitable that there will be several powerful characters.

Take Losius who escaped earlier as an example. His ability to summon undead creatures made Lin Yuan feel extremely afraid.

This incident can be regarded as a complete wake-up call for Lin Yuan.

 Other gods are not invincible, and one must be prepared for danger in times of peace.

 After all, even if he leaves the secret realm of the Abyss, he still has to face a king-level powerhouse like Xu Tianwu.

 So, during this period of time, no matter what, I must try to be on guard to become stronger.

In addition to using the Heavenly Spirit Abyss Soul to enhance the strength of his soul, he must also try to conquer more Abyssal Beasts to enhance his own strength.

 (End of this chapter)

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