Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 223: Devil, save me! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 223: Devil, save me! 【Second update! 】

Roxius rode on the back of a huge soul-dead bone dragon, flying through the air above the dark red earth.

 His face looked slightly gloomy.

Lin Yuan's strength was completely beyond his expectation and disrupted his plan.

 Xu Ying and Wade died one after another, which meant that Losius lost all his helpers.

 Originally, Losius wanted to cooperate with Lin Yuan to find "that thing" he wanted.

However, Losius obviously did not expect that Lin Yuan's attitude would be so tough, even to the point of fighting him to the death.

“It seems... we have to find a few more helpers.”

Losius's eyes flickered and he murmured in a low voice.


 Two months passed by in a flash.

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at the sky above his head, and found that the blood moon on the horizon had begun to change from waxing to waning.

 Obviously, more than a quarter of the year has passed.

 Most of the Tianling Yuan soul within the veins has been absorbed by Lin Yuan and Li Fenyou.

 In this case, the soul strength of both of them has been almost qualitatively improved.

Even the mental strength of the two people has also increased.

 As for the remaining Tianling Yuan soul that had not had time to be absorbed, all of it was mined by Lin Yuan and stored in the system space.

During this period of time, many sages from foreign countries have discovered this mineral vein.

However, without exception, they all died in the mouth of the final Hydra.

In Lin Yuan's eyes, these people were just like money-delivery boys, rushing over to deliver the materials to him.


At this moment, Lin Yuan was leaning on the soft belly of the Abyss Porcupine, absorbing the Tianling Abyss Soul while emitting his own spiritual power to sense whether there were humans or Abyss beasts approaching.

This Abyss Porcupine is an Abyss beast that Lin Yuan has recently subdued. Although this guy has sharp thorns all over its body, its belly is surprisingly soft, almost like a sofa.

"You are really taking your time. How is the mining of the ore vein going?"

Li Fenyou walked slowly to Lin Yuan's side, smiled and said.

 In the past two months, under Lin Yuan's protection, she had hardly participated in the battle, and her injuries had been completely healed.

Lin Yuan replied casually: "It's almost finished mining. At most, there are only some scraps left."

Li Fengyou teased: "Some scraps, you guy, you are very wealthy now."

“Do you know that if these scraps from Tianling Yuanpo were put outside, they could be sold for a whopping price of 20 to 30 million?”

Lin Yuan smiled but did not answer.

If it were him in the past, he might still think that 20 to 30 million is a large amount of money.

But for Lin Yuan now, just killing an eighth-level venerable would cost him tens of millions.

A mere 20 to 30 million yuan was not taken seriously by him at all, and he was too lazy to dig out the scraps. Lin Yuan has already made a plan. After leaving the secret realm of Yuanjie, the first thing he will do is to send his parents 100 million to let them experience the feeling of having more money than they can spend all.

“By the way, to what level has your mental power improved now? Has it exceeded 300,000?”

Li Fenyou looked at Lin Yuan and asked softly.

Lin Yuan replied quite casually: "It has broken through a few days ago, and now it has reached 320,000 kilohertz."

Li Fengyou took a breath and sighed sincerely: "It's really... terrifying."

 As his soul strength increased, Lin Yuan's mental power increased at a rate that was completely unreasonable.

 In just two months, Lin Yuan's mental power increased by nearly 100,000 Hz!

 Comparatively, Lin Yuan's qi and blood growth rate is extremely slow, and it has only just exceeded 230,000 points now.

Under such circumstances, Lin Yuan has transformed from a qi and blood warrior who is good at qi and blood to a spiritual warrior who focuses on mental power.

 As his mental power increases, the power of Amaterasu, Kamui and other moves has also been greatly enhanced!

It is no exaggeration to say that with Lin Yuan's current combat power, he can fight a late eighth-level warrior alone without being at a disadvantage.

Lin Yuan was just about to open his mouth to joke with Li Fenyou, but suddenly he sensed something, his eyes suddenly turned sharp, and he said in a deep voice: "Be careful, someone is coming!"

After his mental power increased, Lin Yuan's perception also became sharper.

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, Li Fenyou was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked around.

After about ten breaths of time, a slightly embarrassed figure appeared in Li Fenyou's sight.

Although the distance between the two parties was far and Li Fenyou could not see the other party's face clearly, she could already feel a familiar fluctuation of energy and blood!

 Then, Li Fenyou turned his head and said in a deep voice: "This guy... seems to be Wang Tianjie!"

Wang Tianjie?

Hearing this familiar name, Lin Yuan was slightly startled for a moment, but then he quickly came to his senses.

Blood Lotus Monk, Wang Tianjie!

This guy was one of the three sages who surrounded and killed the Ice Demon Armored Dragon!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and instantly saw the other party's face clearly.

With that burly figure and that iconic bald head, it’s definitely Wang Tianjie.

Lin Yuan said: "It seems like it's really him. Is this guy... also being hunted down?"

Li Fengyou’s face froze: “What does your word ‘ye’ mean?”

However, it has to be said that among the three people who entered the secret realm of the Abyss in Mowu, only Lin Yuan did the best...

Wang Tianjie's escape skills were top-notch, and he was extremely fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, he was only a kilometer or two away from them.

As Lin Yuan expected, he was indeed being chased.

Behind Wang Tianjie, two foreign sages were following him like maggots attached to their bones!

At the same time, the sharp-eyed Wang Tianjie quickly discovered Lin Yuan and Li Fenyou on the ground!

Seeing a familiar face in the secret realm of the Abyss is like meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

Wang Tianjie was slightly stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed. He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Devil, save me!"

 Lin Yuan: “…”

This Wang Tianjie is really very stubborn. Even under such circumstances, he will not forget to go crazy and commit suicide.

Sure enough, after he finished shouting, Li Fengyou's face darkened instantly!

 (End of this chapter)

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