Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 224: Senior, I am super strong! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 224 Senior, I am super strong! 【Third update! 】

Brother, my condolences!

Lin Yuan mourned three seconds of silence for Wang Tianjie from the bottom of his heart.

The next second, Li Fenyou didn't care whether Wang Tianjie was running for his life or not, he directly condensed a blood-burning blade with his backhand, raised his hand and slashed towards him with a scarlet sword light!

Suddenly, Wang Tianjie's complexion changed drastically, and the energy and blood around him suddenly exploded, and a **** lotus condensed in front of him, which was able to block the light of Li Fengyou's slashing sword!

Wang Tianjie, who survived the disaster, cursed and said: "Damn it, you devil, I told you that it's not like that. If I say that to you, you will kill me?!"

Although Wang Tianjie cursed a lot, he couldn't help but feel much more relaxed in his heart.

After all, if Li Fenyou joins forces with him, the two of them will be able to deal with the two foreign sages who are chasing him behind them!

“Lin Yuan, go and help him.”

 After finishing this blow, Li Fenyou finally felt relieved, but his tone was still bad.


Lin Yuan pointed at himself and asked, "Aren't you ready to take action?"

Li Fengyou snorted coldly: "I'm not in that mood."


 Lin Yuan nodded, smiled and said: "Then let me help Senior Wang, and take a look at how much my strength has improved."

 After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan's figure suddenly flew into the air and came to Wang Tianjie's side.

The latter was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Why are you here?"

 Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Senior Wang, Teacher Li Fengyou asked me to help you."

Wang Tianjie: “…Nonsense!”

He obviously didn’t expect that Li Fengyou would ask Lin Yuan to come up and help him!

If he remembered correctly, Lin Yuan seemed to be only a seventh-level martial arts master, right?

Although the martial arts master in his early twenties is very evil, no matter how evil he is... he cannot be eaten!

Wang Tianjie was about to explode.

When Li Fenyou asked Lin Yuan to participate in the war, did he want to trick him to death, or did he want to trick Lin Yuan to death?

This woman is too vindictive!

Thinking of this, Wang Tianjie said quite tiredly: "Lin Yuan, I appreciate your kindness, but you'd better not cause trouble here. If there is going to be a fight later, I will have to protect you."

Wang Tianjie is such a straightforward person, and he does not shy away from what he says.

However, Lin Yuan didn't appreciate it at all. Instead, he laughed cheerfully: "Senior, don't worry, I'm super strong."

Wang Tianjie: “…”

 You are a seventh-level martial arts master. Don’t you have some doubts in your heart about whether you are strong or not?!

While Wang Tianjie was madly complaining in his heart, Lin Yuan turned his head and looked calmly at the two foreign sages in front of him.

Coincidentally, Li Fenyou had introduced all of the two people in front of him, and Lin Yuan still had some impressions on them.

The tall man with brown hair and gray eyes was named "Ashes" Cohen. He was an eighth-level telepathic user. His power was to ignite a special gray flame from his eyes, which could burn everything in front of him into ashes. ash!

 The blue-haired man next to him is "Sea Demon" Claire!

His special ability is the ability to manipulate the water element to attack and defend at will.

 This ability is somewhat similar to the ability of Lin Yuan's Thunder Fruit.

However, the only difference is that Claire cannot elementalize her body. After Wang Tianjie stopped, Cohen turned his head directly and cast a questioning look at Claire.

The corner of the latter's mouth curled up in a ferocious arc, and he sneered and said, "What else do you want me to do? Just kill them all!"

As soon as Claire finished speaking, his figure instantly turned into an afterimage, stalking towards Wang Tianjie!

 After Cohen reacted briefly, a look of ferocity suddenly flashed across his face, and he also chose to take action!

 However, the target he chose to attack was still Wang Tianjie!

 For a moment, Lin Yuan next to Wang Tianjie was ignored by the two of them!

However, this is normal.

 After all, the name of ‘Blood Lotus Demonic Monk’ is quite resounding. Likewise, this is also a confirmation of Wang Tianjie’s strength!

As for Lin Yuan, Cohen and Claire had no impression of him at all, so they naturally ignored him as a nobody.

 “Tsk, tsk, it’s really miserable. I was ignored directly...”

Lin Yuan smiled mockingly, then moved and stopped in front of Cohen.

Wang Tianjie's expression changed and he said in a deep voice: "Lin Yuan, don't cause trouble and come back to me! You are no match for him!"

However, before Lin Yuan could respond, Cohen directly chose to take action!

 “Boy, I didn’t want to kill you. You’re looking for death yourself!”

Keen gave a low drink, and two gray-white flames suddenly ignited in his gray eyes, and they suddenly swept towards Lin Yuan!

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly laughed: "Do you know why I chose you as my opponent? It's because I am very interested in your abilities."

 “Because there is fire in my eyes... too!”

Just when Cohen's gray flames swept towards Lin Yuan's eyes, the latter suddenly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan!

The dark Amaterasu black flames, which seemed to come from hell, bloomed gracefully in front of Lin Yuan's eyes like a ghost flower!

 “Chi chi chi.”

The gray flames in front of him could not even resist for a moment in front of the Amaterasu Black Flame, and were instantly eroded and swallowed up by the latter, just like a splash swallowed by a huge wave without even a ripple.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but curl up a frivolous curve at the corner of his mouth: "The fire in your eyes doesn't seem to be very powerful."

"How can it be?!"

Keen's face showed a look of incredible horror!

After the gray flames were swallowed up by the black flames of Amaterasu, Cohen also suffered the backlash of the supernatural power. He closed his eyes in pain, and two streams of blood and tears slowly flowed out from the corners of his eyes!


 Claire frowned, obviously not expecting that he would be injured by Lin Yuan so easily!

Not to mention Cohen and Claire, even Wang Tianjie, who thought he knew Lin Yuan thoroughly, had a look of astonishment on his face!

This guy...when did he become so strong?!

 The flames in his eyes could actually hurt an eighth-level venerable?!

However, in addition to the shock, in Wang Tianjie's heart, there was more of a surprise!

 Because the stronger Lin Yuan is, the better it is for him!

Thinking of this, Wang Tianjie flashed and teleported directly in front of Claire. He slammed his right fist at her: "Bitch thief, I've been putting up with you for a long time!"

 (End of this chapter)

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