Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 225: Are you worthy of the title 'Poseidon'? 【First update

Chapter 225 Are you worthy of the title ‘Poseidon’? 【First update! 】

After Cohen was dragged away by Lin Yuan, Wang Tianjie naturally no longer had any worries and could concentrate on dealing with Claire.

His character is inherently strong and violent.

  Having been chased all the way by these two people, I was already very angry.

 At this moment, it is time to let it out completely!

 After all, in a one-on-one situation, Wang Tianjie boasts that he is no weaker than any warrior of the same level!

 “Poseidon’s Halberd!”

Facing the menacing Wang Tianjie, Claire did not dare to slack off at all. She directly stretched out her hand and used the water element in the air to forcibly condense a water-blue trident!

However, Wang Tianjie didn't buy it. He roared and punched Claire again!

The latter's expression darkened, and the Poseidon Trident in his hand suddenly passed in front of him, releasing a barrier like a water curtain!


The next second, energy and blood roared from Wang Tianjie's right fist, which actually forcibly shattered the water curtain in front of him!

 “You alone are worthy of the word ‘Poseidon’?!”

Wang Tianjie sneered disdainfully, and the blood lotus on his back seemed to come alive, so bright that it was eerie!

 At the same time, his offensive was like a gust of wind, pouring crazily towards Claire!

 “I want you to die here for me!”

 “Really? You can give it a try!”

 Under Wang Tianjie’s crazy pressure, Claire seemed to be out of temper.

His eyes were red, and the Poseidon's Halberd in his hand was glowing with blue light. Dozens of sharp water arrows formed out of thin air and pierced through it in an instant!

 “Demon Blood Lotus Platform!”

Wang Tianjie groaned, and a drop of blood suddenly gushes out from the center of his eyebrows and floats into the air. Then it suddenly expands to form a **** lotus platform, wrapping his body in it and blocking all the water arrows!

After blocking Claire's attack, Wang Tianjie had a thought in his mind and directly controlled the demon blood lotus platform and forcibly smashed it towards Claire!

 For a while, the two sides were going back and forth, forming a rivalry!


Claire was still barely able to compete with Wang Tianjie, but Cohen's side was completely crushed by Lin Yuan.

 He could feel that Lin Yuan's mental power was not much higher than his.

Logically speaking, I shouldn't be like this now, with no power to fight back.

 But the ability of this guy in front of me is really weird!

The black flames igniting in the opponent's eyes actually completely suppressed his own abilities, so much so that Cohen still dared not try to use the flames in his gray eyes.

In addition, the black-haired Chinese youth in front of him also has the ability to elementalize his body!

During the fight between the two sides, Cohen secretly gathered a spiritual spear and attacked Lin Yuan secretly!

Just when Cohen thought he had succeeded in his sneak attack, Lin Yuan's body instantly turned into countless lightnings and scattered in all directions, perfectly avoiding his sneak attack!

What makes Cohen even more crazy is that in addition to being mentally strong, this guy’s energy level has also reached the level of an eighth-level venerable!

As Lin Yuan got closer, he punched him with a cold punch. The power was like a roaring cannonball, which made Cohen break out in a cold sweat!

Had he not reacted quickly enough and formed a mental barrier in front of him in time, Lin Yuan would have been able to beat him to half a disability with just this powerful punch!

Keen once again distanced himself from Lin Yuan, gritted his teeth, and stared at the latter intently.

 If he continues like this, he will be tortured to death by the kid in front of him!

Claire's side has been entangled by Wang Tianjie. If you want to survive, you have no choice but to save yourself!

However, just as Cohen was thinking about countermeasures, Lin Yuan in front of him suddenly laughed.

Keen's eyes were slightly cold, and he said in a deep voice: "What's so funny?!"

 “No…I’m not laughing at you.”

 Lin Yuan shook his head, chuckled and said, "I just feel that it's really embarrassing for you to practice with me for so long."

“Counting the time, it’s almost time. It’s time to end.”


Hearing these two words, an ominous premonition suddenly flashed through Cohen's heart.

 The next second, his eyes suddenly widened!

Could it be that in the previous battle, the Chinese young man in front of me...had not used all his strength? !

How can this be? !

 Cohen’s first reaction was disbelief!

 But his next thought was to escape from Lin Yuan, as far away as possible!

Because he didn’t dare to gamble, didn’t dare to gamble with his own life!

Unfortunately, Cohen's reaction was still a little slow after all.

To be precise, it was not that he was slow, but that Lin Yuan had already planned everything before he spoke.

Two strands of dark thorns appeared out of nowhere and wrapped directly around his legs, firmly fixing them in place!

 “What the **** is this?!”

 After his legs were imprisoned, Cohen's expression completely changed!

These two black thorns are the "cursed thorns" secretly displayed by Lin Yuan!

In terms of strength alone, Lin Yuan is not much better than Cohen.

Since he wants to rely on his own strength to kill Cohen, he must use all his abilities to the extreme.

 “Divine power!”

Lin Yuan’s Mangekyō Sharingan circulates again!

 The place where his eyes focused was exactly where Cohen's head was!


 Cohen seemed to be aware of the approaching crisis, with a look of panic on his face.

 The art of divine power was suddenly activated.

 The space in front of you is like a twist, completely twisted together!

Along with the distortion of space, Cohen's head was torn off by the force of distortion, and was forcibly swallowed into the divine space.

In just an instant, Cohen was left with only a headless corpse. Blood spurted out crazily from the broken neck, even dyeing the cursed thorns scarlet.

After hearing Cohen's scream, Claire looked over subconsciously, but all she saw was a headless corpse! dead? !

Claire felt completely dazed, and her brain was even "buzzing".

As a companion, of course he is aware of Cohen's strength.

But the black-haired Chinese young man in front of him seemed to have killed Cohen effortlessly!

 Before Claire could recover from her dazed state, Wang Tianjie stepped forward directly, his energy and blood surging like a rushing river!

The next second, Wang Tianjie punched out, and that extremely domineering punch pierced through Claire's chest!

 (End of this chapter)

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