Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 226: "Soul-Eating Stone" [Second update! 】

Chapter 226 "Soul-Eating Stone" [Second update! 】


While Claire was distracted, she simply couldn't react to block Wang Tianjie's punch!

The latter's powerful punch forcefully dented Claire's chest, and there was even a faint sound of the sternum breaking!

Claire spit out a mouthful of blood, and her figure flew out!

Wang Tianjie retracted his fist and couldn't help but grin.

I have to say, this punch... was really refreshing!

 Then, Wang Tianjie turned his head again and cast an approving look at Lin Yuan.

Although he had been fighting with all his heart and soul before, it was not clear how Lin Yuan did it.

 But being able to forcibly kill an eighth-level venerable in such a short period of time is enough to prove Lin Yuan's strength!

The next second, Wang Tianjie moved and came directly to Lin Yuan's side, and said carelessly: "You kid, you are making great progress!"

“A few days ago, I was a martial arts master, and now I can even kill the venerable one?”

After sighing, Wang Tianjie couldn't help but smacked his lips again: "A martial arts master in his early twenties... Speaking of it, it is simply appalling! Xu Tianwu has an enemy with your kid. He is really unlucky for eight lifetimes!"

 Twenty-year-old martial arts master, what is this concept?

 This means... Lin Yuan is very likely to break through to the realm of the King of Heaven before he is thirty, or even twenty-five!

Geniuses of this level, even on a global scale, are being robbed by all forces!

As long as Lin Yuan randomly picks a big force to join him, how can Xu Tianwu dare to touch him?

By that time, not to mention Xu Tianwu, even the entire Xu family will probably have to live in fear.

 After all, offending a strong person is not so terrible.

 But after offending such a monster like Lin Yuan, who knows what level he can grow to in the future?

Wang Tianjie can guarantee it.

This time, as long as Lin Yuan can walk out alive from the secret realm of the abyss.

Then his name will definitely resound throughout the world!

Thinking of this, Wang Tianjie couldn't help but said: "It seems that I have to find some time to have a good discussion with you."

"If you continue to grow up, I might not even be qualified to compete with you."

Lin Yuan turned around and said with great seriousness: "Senior, I advise you to give up this idea."

Wang Tianjie was slightly startled: "Why?"

 Lin Yuan said seriously: "Although I don't want to hurt you, you are no longer my opponent now..."

Wang Tianjie: “…”

You kid, you seem to be quite polite, but why do you speak so painfully?

What Wang Tianjie didn’t know was that what Lin Yuan said was completely true.

 Spar with Lin Yuan, are you sure you can handle Amaterasu?

Even if you can resist the black flames of Amaterasu, are you sure you can withstand the power of God?

 Okay, even if you have extraordinary strength, even Shenwei can handle it... He also has a few cute little animals in his pet space, which can be summoned to play with you.

While Lin Yuan was talking to Wang Tianjie, Claire, who had been knocked away by the latter's punch, finally stood up again, and quietly took out a diamond-shaped black crystal from the space ring!

 He raised his head and glanced at Lin Yuan and Wang Tianjie with cold eyes.

The next second, he roared slightly madly: "You dare to kill Cohen, so be prepared to bear the wrath of the 'Death Scythe'!" "You will repay your transgression with pain!"

"You will pay for your arrogance with your blood!"

Looking at Claire who was almost crazy in front of him, Lin Yuan frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "What is the Death Scythe?"

Wang Tianjie pondered for a moment and then explained: "It is one of the seven major organizations from the West. It is quite mysterious and has a very deep foundation."

“If I remember correctly, both Claire and Cohen seem to be from this organization.”

Lin Yuan nodded and said: "That's it."

Then, Wang Tianjie sneered and said: "This guy is really ridiculous. You killed your companions, and you actually pulled out the forces behind him to suppress the situation."

“I really don’t believe it anymore. When we return to China, will the ‘Death Scythe’ really dare to come to our door?”

At this moment, Wang Tianjie's expression suddenly changed.

 Because his eyes happened to notice the black diamond-shaped crystal held in Claire's hand!

 The next second, Wang Tianjie almost roared and said: "Lin Yuan, stop him!"

 “Do you regret it now? Isn’t it too late?!”

 The look of madness on Claire's face became even more intense!

Before Lin Yuan could react, Claire activated the diamond-shaped crystal in her hand without hesitation amid Wang Tianjie’s roar!

 After Claire's mental power poured into it, a black light suddenly appeared on the diamond-shaped crystal!

Subsequently, under the shroud of black light, a ethereal shadow that was exactly the same as his face and figure quietly emerged behind Claire.

"That's too late…"

Wang Tianjie's face was ashen and he couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Even now, Lin Yuan still didn't understand what was happening in front of him. He couldn't help but ask: "What is the shadow behind that guy?"

Wang Tianjie sighed slightly and said in a deep voice, "That's his soul."


Lin Yuan obviously did not expect Wang Tianjie to give such an answer, and was slightly stunned.


Wang Tianjie continued to explain: "The black diamond-shaped crystal in his hand is a unique product of the secret realm of the Abyss. It is a special space crystal called the 'Soul-Eating Stone'!"

"This kind of space crystal is usually two pieces in one. After being activated, it can directly tear open a space crack and forcibly connect the two 'soul-eating stones' together!"

“The reason why this special space crystal is called the ‘soul-eating stone’ is because when the user activates it, his own soul will also be swallowed by this crystal!”

“Furthermore, the further apart the two ‘soul-eating stones’ are, the more difficult it is to activate the soul-eating stones, and the more souls need to be devoured!”

"If nothing else happens, the other 'Soul-eating Stone' should be stored in the hands of his companions! After all, many of the venerables from the west who entered the secret realm of the abyss this time are from the 'God of Death' Sickle' of this organization."

After Wang Tianjie explained this, Lin Yuan finally understood: "In other words, this guy wants to use the effect of the 'soul-eating stone' to forcefully open a space crack and teleport his companions here?"

Wang Tianjie nodded with a wry smile and said, "That's right. I didn't expect that this guy would have something like a soul-eating stone in his hand. Now we are in big trouble..."

 However, compared with Wang Tianjie, who had a livid face and was beginning to feel a little desperate, Lin Yuan's face was full of indifference, and even vaguely revealed a hint of excitement!

He is more interested in how many companions Claire can teleport through the space crack opened by the soul-eating stone!

Well, don’t send too little!

 Otherwise... I may not be able to kill him satisfactorily.

 (End of this chapter)

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