Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 227: Am I hallucinating [First update! 】

Chapter 227 Am I hallucinating [First update! 】

At this moment, Li Fenyou also noticed the strange changes here, and his figure flew through the air and came to their side.

"What's wrong?"

Li Fenyou asked.

Wang Tianjie looked gloomy and recounted the incident to Li Fenyou from beginning to end.

 “So that’s it.”

 Li Fenyou glanced at Claire who was not far away, and asked in a deep voice: "Is there no way to interrupt his guidance?"

  “There is no way.”

Wang Tianjie smiled bitterly and said, "Once the soul-eating stone is activated, it cannot be canceled or interrupted."

“Even if we kill Claire now, it will still be of no use.”

Li Fengyou pursed his lips and sighed: "This guy is really cruel to himself. Even if he sacrifices half of his soul, he still has to forcefully summon his companions."

Compared to Wang Tianjie, Li Fengyou didn't have too many worries in his heart.

 After all, Li Fengyou knew that there were still many abyssal beasts stored in Lin Yuan's pet space.

Just by summoning the Final Hydra, it can completely achieve the effect of one against ten!

No matter how many people come from the other side, in Li Fenyou's eyes, they are just giving Lin Yuan their heads.

However, Wang Tianjie did not know this.

He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Fengyou, when the members of the 'Death Scythe' teleport over, the two of us will fight to the death to block each other and create as many opportunities as possible for Lin Yuan to escape!"

“It’s okay if we die, Lin Yuan must not die!”

“Furthermore, as mentors of Mowu, we must also protect our students!”

Wang Tianjie’s tone was extremely firm, as if he had completely made up his mind to die!

His idea is very simple. Lin Yuan's talent is extremely high, and he is also a student of their magic martial arts. Therefore, under the current situation, the two of them... must protect Lin Yuan's life no matter what!

Lin Yuan is not only the hope of Mowu’s future, but also the hope of China’s future. He must not be allowed to die here!

At this time of life and death, Wang Tianjie resolutely chose to sacrifice his life for righteousness!

 Warriors are not afraid of death. If they are not afraid of death, they are afraid that their death will not be worth it!

 But now, as long as Lin Yuan can survive, it will still be worth it for him even if he dies here today!

At this moment, the space crack behind Claire was finally completely opened!

The dark space crack is like a long and narrow tunnel.

Through the space crack in front of them, they can even see the scene on the other side without any hindrance!

At this moment, messy human voices soon sounded from the other end of the space crack.

“The Soul-Eating Stone was activated? Did Claire do it? Is he crazy? Doesn’t he know that to activate the Soul-Eating Stone, you need to sacrifice your soul energy?!”

"Stop talking nonsense, he is not as stupid as you. He is probably in some trouble, so he used the soul-eating stone to ask us for help."

“Okay, the space channel has been opened anyway, let’s go out and take a look!”

Although these people all spoke English, Lin Yuan could also understand them.

 Subsequently, twelve or three figures from Moyo came out of the cracks in the space in front of them and gathered around Claire.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Tianjie's expression darkened.

 Obviously, the number of people coming from the other party was more than he imagined.

He and Li Fenyou alone may not be able to stop each other.

Thinking of this, Wang Tianjie turned his head and yelled at Lin Yuan: "What are you still doing? Run away!"

However, when Wang Tianjie looked over, he was stunned. Because he discovered that Lin Yuan... was actually smiling!

In such a critical situation, Lin Yuan was actually smiling!

The next second, Lin Yuan grinned and murmured softly with a happy face: "Come just as you come. What gifts do you want to bring? It's really interesting to bring more than a dozen heads here at once..."

Wang Tianjie: “???”

 I...Am I hallucinating?!


 After using the ‘Soul-eating Stone’, Claire consumed nearly half of her soul, and her face was extremely pale, as if she might faint at any time.

You must know that soul power is not like mental power, which can be slowly recovered through recuperation.

Claire, who has lost half of her soul, may not be able to return to her peak strength in the future, let alone go one step further and reach the realm of the King of Heaven.

 This sequelae cannot be reversed at all. Unless Claire can obtain the artifact to restore her soul, there is a glimmer of hope for recovery.

 The group of people walking out of the space channel quickly noticed something strange on Claire's side.

The leader stepped forward and asked with a frown: "Claire, what happened? Where is Cohen?"

Claire's face soon flashed with a trace of resentment: "Hilde, Cohen...have died in the hands of these three Chinese people."

“I was forced to use the ‘Soul-Eating Stone’ to open the space passage.”

The man named 'Hilde' in front of him turned his head, glanced at the three people in the air, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, I will make them pay a corresponding price for Cohen's death... !”

Just as Hilde finished speaking, everyone around him rose into the air at the same time, forming a semicircular encirclement, completely cutting off the retreat of Wang Tianjie, Li Fenyou and Lin Yuan!

Wang Tianjie took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Fengyou, get ready to lead this kid to break out!"

 Under Wang Tianjie's violent shout, Li Fenyou finally moved!

She decisively took two steps back and hid behind Lin Yuan!

Wang Tianjie: “???!”

 How are you doing?!

I asked you to lead Lin Yuan to break out, why did you hide behind him instead?!

Looking at Wang Tianjie's surprised eyes, Li Fenyou said matter-of-factly: "It's okay, don't panic, Lin Yuan will protect us."

Wang Tianjie: “…”

 Are you scared out of your wits?!

 Do you really think that guy Lin Yuan is invincible?!

There are nearly thirteen eighth-level venerables in front of him. Unless Lin Yuan has broken through to the Heavenly King Realm, otherwise... he will not be able to cope with the situation in front of him!

 But the problem is...

Where did Lin Yuan get to the realm of heavenly king?!

 For a moment, Wang Tianjie felt very tired.

 He felt that the two people in front of him seemed to be a little out of their minds.

 Then, Wang Tianjie took a deep breath, and a glimmer of determination flashed in his eyes.

It seems that now that things have happened, I can only find a way on my own to force Lin Yuan out alive from the surroundings of more than a dozen foreign sages in front of me!

 (End of this chapter)

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