Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 229: Do you want to see something more exciting? 【Second update! 】

Chapter 229 Do you want to see something more exciting? 【Second update! 】

 “Everyone, concentrate your firepower and kill this hydra first!”

Hilde reacted quickly and immediately gave the order: "Without the protection of this abyssal beast, it is impossible for them to escape!"

 For them now, the biggest threat is the eighth-level Dzogchen Final Hydra!

 Fortunately, no matter how powerful the eighth-level abyssal beast is, it is still only the eighth level.

As long as this final hydra has not broken through the shackles of the ninth level, they will still have the strength to fight!

No matter what, they also have more than ten eighth-level venerables on their side, so there is no reason to be timid!

Under Hilde's instructions, all members of the Death Scythe moved towards the Final Hydra in front of them, obviously intending to encircle and kill it to death!

The moment Lin Yuan summoned the Final Hydra, Wang Tianjie was simply stunned.

 He was stunned for a long time, and then asked blankly: "Boy Lin, where did you get such a big guy?"

Lin Yuan replied cheerfully: "I picked it up on the road."

Wang Tianjie: “???”

 Is this what you picked up on the road? !

Who the **** can pick up a powerful eighth-level abyssal beast on the road? !

However, the final Hydra in front of us does not seem to be enough to resist the opponent's offensive.

Under the encirclement and killing of the dozens of foreign sages in front of them, the final Hydra soon fell into a suppressed decline.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Tianjie asked softly: "I'm afraid this abyssal beast alone won't be able to stop them. How about we run away now?"

Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that there is indeed something unstoppable."

Hearing Lin Yuan’s second opinion, Wang Tianjie felt extremely relieved.

 This guy is finally normal for once!

Then, Lin Yuan said with a smile: "In that case, do you want to watch something more exciting?"

Wang Tianjie: “???”

 He was simply shocked. Don’t you think it’s not exciting enough now? !

 For Lin Yuan, this final hydra is really just an appetizer.

 The real show...has just begun!

Looking at the dozen or so people in front of him who were already locked in a fierce battle with the Final Hydra, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and immediately chose to release all the abyssal beasts in the beast space!

 In an instant, all kinds of abyssal beasts appeared behind Lin Yuan!

 The Abyss Demonic Wolf with dark fur!

 A sharp-toothed porcupine with sharp tusks!

The ghost-armored devil turtle with countless barbs on its back!

 The six-armed demon ape is as tall as a mountain!


These bloodthirsty and violent abyssal beasts appeared behind Lin Yuan like this, exuding a murderous aura.

Wang Tianjie looked at the scene in front of him, his heart was so shocked that he couldn't help but swallowed.

 He couldn't help but look at Li Fenyou, and said softly: "How on earth did this kid do it?"

If you just subdued a final hydra, it might still be a coincidence.

 But behind Lin Yuan, the sea of ​​abyssal beasts gathered together seemed to have formed a legion!

Li Fengyou glanced at him and said angrily: "Didn't Mr. Lin tell you? They were all picked up on the road."

Wang Tianjie: “…”

  Okay, I understand.

You just think I'm a noob and you're not willing to explain it to me.

 Actually, what Wang Tianjie didn’t know was that Lin Yuan and Li Fenyou didn’t lie to him.

 These abyssal beasts were indeed picked up from the road.

It’s just that they usually beat these abyssal beasts until they are half dead and then pick them back up...

Looking at the Abyssal Beast behind him, Lin Yuan had a slight smile on his face: "It's time for you to show off."

 “Go and wreak havoc to your heart’s content!”

Just as Lin Yuan finished speaking, the group of abyssal beasts behind him roared and charged towards the group of foreign lords headed by Hilde, just like tigers out of Zhen!

 After such a large number of abyssal beasts joined the battle, the situation in front of them was reversed in an instant.

Every member of the Death Scythe was surrounded and killed by two or even three Abyss beasts!

Under this situation, the Hydra was finally completely liberated, and its nine heads wreaked havoc on the battlefield, with power that seemed to be enough to destroy the world!

Seeing his companions fall one after another, Claire's face was ashen.

 He had no idea why Lin Yuan was able to summon such a large group of abyssal beasts.

At this moment, a violent Demonic Bear Abyssal Beast struck him hard with one palm!


 After consuming half of her soul, Claire was already in an extremely weak state and had no way to avoid the violent attack of the demon bear.

With a loud bang, Claire's figure was directly beaten into a pulp by the abyssal beast demon bear!

Although Claire died in the hands of the devil bear, at this moment, no one can take care of him at all, because everyone is trapped in a bitter battle!

 Under the almost crazy offensive of the Abyssal Beast, the members of Death Scythe were almost defeated steadily.

Hilde's face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

 He never expected that the situation in front of him would change like this!

 “Retreat! Everyone, retreat back!”

Hilde gritted his teeth unwillingly and issued the order in a deep voice.

If they continue to fight desperately, then all the members who were sent into the secret realm of the abyss by their death scythe will probably be destroyed today!


“Senior Wang, they seem to be preparing to escape.”

Lin Yuan glanced at the people running around and said with a smile.

 “Want to escape? Have you asked me?”

“Boy, wait here while I go and catch them all!”

Wang Tianjie frowned, and his body instantly turned into an afterimage, and he decisively chased and killed those people who were running around!

 Now that we have gained power, there is absolutely no reason to let these people go.

Li Fenyou also said softly: "I will try my best to help you stop as many people as possible."

Lin Yuan nodded: "Thank you very much, teacher."

Subsequently, Li Fenyou's figure flew out of the air and headed towards the fleeing people.

After Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment, his figure also turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared from the place.

In his eyes, these people are all real fat sheep, and there is absolutely no reason to let them go.

You know, Claire consumed half of her soul and finally opened a space channel to teleport this group of people!

  Gifting someone's head from a thousand miles away is light on courtesy but heavy on affection.

I can't live up to his hard work no matter what!

 (End of this chapter)

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