Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 230: Don’t mess with women [Third update! 】

Chapter 230 Don’t mess with women [Third update! 】

 The war has turned into chaos.

The foreign venerables were engaged in a chaotic battle with the abyssal beasts. Some were desperately fighting for their lives, some were wailing for help, and some were running away frantically.

Under this situation, Wang Tianjie and Li Fengyou were like predators in the jungle, cooperating with Lin Yuan's abyssal beasts to madly slaughter the lone foreign sages.

The two of them are the best among the eighth-level venerables. With the cooperation of the abyssal beasts, they are even more invincible. It is estimated that it will not be long before they can completely clean up the battlefield.


 “Damn it, how on earth did that kid do it?”

Hilde ran away frantically, and the tip of the Annihilation Spear was still stained with the scarlet blood of the Abyssal Beast.

 He killed an abyssal beast and escaped from the encirclement.

In that case, it was unknown whether he could survive, and Hilde had no time to care about his companions.

While fleeing, Hilde couldn't help feeling a bit resentful towards Claire in her heart.

If that guy hadn't summoned them, how could such a tragedy have happened!

 Fortunately...I finally escaped!

Thinking of this, Hilde looked back and found that there was no abyssal beast chasing behind him, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

 It’s finally safe.

However, the blow this time was too severe.

 Next, he must find other members of the ‘Death Scythe’ to join him as soon as possible.

In this dangerous and secret realm of the abyss, being alone is tantamount to dying.

While Hilde was thinking this way, a voice suddenly rang in his ears.

“Mr. Hilde, what a coincidence, we meet again.”

After hearing this familiar voice, Hilde turned her head suddenly and saw Lin Yuan's face that was half-smiling but not smiling.

 His expression darkened instantly: "Why are you here?!"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Mr. Hilde, are you so forgetful? Have you forgotten the bet between you and me so quickly?"

“I said I would kill them all, even if one person is missing, it won’t count.”

"good very good!"

Hilde narrowed his eyes, and the Spear of Annihilation in his hand suddenly shook out a spray of gunfire.

He stared at Lin Yuan in front of him and said, "If I guessed correctly, you should have summoned all the abyssal beasts that can be controlled, right?"

Lin Yuan did not comment, just looking at Hilde with a calm face.

The latter took a step forward in the air, and a ferocious look flashed across his face: "It seems that I guessed right."

“Without the Abyss Beast, how could you have the confidence to kill me?!”

 Speaking of this, Hilde flicked his wrist and pointed the spear in his hand directly at Lin Yuan. The overwhelming murderous aura naturally came out.

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly laughed.

"It's true that I didn't bring the Abyss Beast here, but... I won't be stupid enough to come here to hunt you down alone."

Just as Lin Yuan finished speaking, another figure appeared beside him.

 After seeing the face of that figure, Hilde's expression darkened.

The man in front of him is one of the few powerful Chinese people he knows.

 Hilde was completely surprised that he would appear here.

Lin Yuan turned his head slightly and said calmly: "It's time for you to show off...Xu Ying."


 Fifteen minutes later.

Lin Yuan appeared in front of Wang Tianjie and Li Fenyou holding a head. The battle here has come to an end.

 The battlefield was a mess, full of corpses and bloodstains!

"Where have you been?"

Li Fenyou glanced at Lin Yuan and asked in surprise.

Lin Yuan didn't explain much, he just calmly raised the head in his hand.

What he was holding in his hand was Hilde's head!

 “You kid, you can do it!”

After seeing Hilde's head, Wang Tianjie looked surprised and said: "Fortunately, you saved a hand, otherwise this guy would have escaped."

Then, Wang Tianjie seemed to have remembered something and asked doubtfully: "By the way, how did you kill Hilde by yourself?"

Lin Yuan clapped his hands, and a familiar figure quietly walked out from behind him.

After seeing this person's face, Wang Tianjie subconsciously widened his eyes: "Xu family, Xu Ying?!"

 “How can this guy do things for you?”

Lin Yuan shrugged and explained: "He originally wanted to kill me, but now he has been hypnotized by me and is loyal to me alone."

 Speaking of which, Lin Yuan didn’t know how to explain the effect of ‘Other Gods’. He could only describe it as hypnosis.

After Lin Yuan said these words, Wang Tianjie seemed even more surprised: "In other words, these abyssal beasts were all hypnotized by you?"

“And...your hypnosis technique can even hypnotize humans?”

Lin Yuan nodded, admitting it.

Wang Tianjie's eyes lit up instantly: "My dear, you are too strong. Can you teach me your hypnosis skills?"

Lin Yuan was slightly startled, obviously not expecting Wang Tianjie to make such a request.

Then, he shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this won't work. It's not that I don't want to teach you. It's just that the move itself has some limitations and you can't learn it."

"Oh, I see."

Wang Tianjie said with a hint of regret.

Then, he came over mischievously and said softly: "How about we work together to hypnotize that old thief Wang Zhanlin?"

“After hypnosis, we will be the masters of Mowu!”

Lin Yuan blinked and was stunned for a while.

I have to say, this guy... is really brave enough to think.

 Is this the legendary saying “The bolder the man, the richer the land”?

Just when Wang Tianjie was about to continue to confuse Lin Yuan, Li Fenyou's voice suddenly sounded faintly from behind him.

 “Wang Tianjie, are you looking for death?!”


Looking at Wang Tianjie with a bruised nose and swollen face, Lin Yuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, no matter who he offends, he can't offend women!

 After this short interlude, they began to clean up the battlefield.

Under the resistance of the Death Scythe members, many of the Abyss beasts summoned by Lin Yuan from the pet space were also killed.

However, Lin Yuan was not distressed.

 After all, in this secret realm of the abyss, the most indispensable thing is all kinds of ferocious abyss beasts.

 Except for the Final Hydra, Lin Yuan didn't care at all about other ordinary abyssal beasts.

As long as he can still use other gods, he is not afraid of not being able to conquer other abyssal beasts.

 (End of this chapter)

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