Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 231: The heart of the abyss! 【First update! 】

Chapter 231 Heart of the Abyss! 【First update! 】

 After cleaning the battlefield, Lin Yuan and the others obtained a total of fourteen space rings, which was a fruitful harvest.

However, since these members of the ‘Death Scythe’ all gather together to act, the materials in the space ring are not abundant.

Moreover, in addition to Hilde’s space ring, there are also some good things.

 In other people's space rings, there are very few rare materials that Lin Yuan can take notice of.

“Senior Wang, how much can the materials in these rings be sold for?”

Lin Yuan glanced at Wang Tianjie, who was counting the trophies, and asked softly.

After Wang Tianjie joined the gang, he was directly entrusted with the task of sorting out the spoils of war by Lin Yuan.

After hearing Lin Yuan's question, Wang Tianjie's lips almost reached the root of his neck.

He said with great excitement: "Guess how many there are? I just looked at it. These fourteen space rings alone can be sold for at least 50 million!"

“If you include the materials in the space ring, the total sales can reach at least 350 million!”

“Hahahaha... I never thought that one day I would be able to experience the feeling of getting rich overnight!”

Looking at the overjoyed Wang Tianjie in front of him, Lin Yuan and Li Fenyou couldn't help but look at each other, and they both read the same meaning in each other's eyes.

This guy really has never seen the market...

 Lu You has always been quite generous when it comes to treating his own people.

 The 350 million was divided into ten parts, and he only took 50%.

 The remaining 50% was divided equally between Wang Tianjie and Li Fenyou.

Even if it is divided equally between two rounds, Wang Tianjie will have nearly 80 million!

 rounded up, that’s 100 million!

Even for an eighth-level venerable like Wang Tianjie, this is a huge sum of money.

After receiving the assignment, Wang Tianjie was so happy that he threatened to follow Lin Yuan from now on, regardless of his seniority as a teacher or student!

That generous look almost made Li Fenyou laugh.

 After cleaning up the battlefield, they left the place directly.

As for the corpses left here, they will naturally be eaten by the passing abyssal beasts.


The three of them walked together in the secret realm of the abyss. Lin Yuan even released Xiaoyou smoothly to let her breathe.

After seeing Xiaoyou, Wang Tianjie quickly reacted: "This little the cub of the Ice You Demon Armored Dragon, right?"

Lin Yuan did not deny it, but smiled and nodded: "You have good eyesight."

Wang Tianjie asked tentatively: "This young dragon should be you..."

Lin Yuan still smiled: "You guessed it right."

"Okay, you Lin Yuan." Wang Tianjie raised his brows and pretended to be angry: "We are fighting to the death with the Ice Demon Armored Dragon up there, but you kid is stealing dragon eggs down there?!"

As if sensing Wang Tianjie's emotions, Xiaoyou flew directly back to Lin Yuan's shoulder and growled twice at the former with great vigilance.

 “Hey, you little guy is really good at protecting the Lord.”

Wang Tianjie laughed and cursed, and then said: "Forget it, for the sake of you bringing me a fortune, I won't argue with you about this little dragon cub." Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Thank you very much. Senior."

 After a while, Wang Tianjie lowered his voice again and said softly: "Boy, honestly, do you want to leave this ghost place?"

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned, obviously not expecting Wang Tianjie to ask such a question.

Then, he smiled bitterly and said, "Of course I have, but the problem is, isn't the entrance to the secret realm of the Abyss only open once a year?"

“If I remember correctly, only more than three months have passed so far, right?”

If you ask Lin Yuan if he wants to leave here, the answer is of course yes.

 After all, he is not like others who deliberately came here to seek opportunities in order to break through to the Heavenly King Realm.

For Lin Yuan, the realm of the Heavenly King is still too far away. He was exiled here just to avoid the punishment of the Heavenly Prison and to seek a chance of survival.

However, I am afraid that no one would have thought that after entering the secret realm of the Abyss, Lin Yuan would become a demon king-like existence in just three or four months.

The number of foreign sages who died in his hands was probably sixty or seventy, if not more than a hundred.

Wang Tianjie glanced at Lin Yuan and said calmly: "If there is an opportunity now that allows you to leave the Abyss Realm in advance, would you be interested?"

 “Can I leave the secret realm of the Abyss in advance?!”

 Lin Yuan's face showed a hint of strange color, and even his tone of voice couldn't help but rise a little higher.

 He has received enough benefits from the secret realm of the abyss.

If he could get the chance to leave the secret realm of the Abyss in advance, he would seize it no matter what!

You must know that outside the secret realm of the Abyss, his parents, his friends, and Chu Yu... they are all silently waiting for his return and worried about his safety!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan took a deep breath and asked solemnly: "Senior Wang, please tell me how to do it."

Li Fengyou glanced at Wang Tianjie and asked doubtfully: "Wang Tianjie, you couldn't have fooled this kid casually, right? I've never heard of any way to leave this secret realm of the Abyss in advance. "

“To be precise, in the past few decades, there has never been a situation where a venerable person left the secret realm early.”

 “How else can I say that you have long hair but short knowledge?”

Wang Tianjie glanced at Li Fenyou sideways and said disdainfully.


Li Fengyou narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Say it again?"

Seeing that Li Fengyou seemed to be getting angry, Wang Tianjie hesitated without saying a word and coughed twice: "Actually, I spent a lot of effort to get this information."

"Have you ever heard of the 'Heart of the Abyss'?"

 “Heart of the Abyss?”

 Lin Yuan and Li Fenyou's faces showed confusion and confusion.

 Obviously, both of them felt very unfamiliar with this term.

Wang Tianjie did not give in, but went on to explain: "As an independent space, the secret realm of the Abyss is an independent space. In addition to consuming corresponding energy every time it opens a space channel to the outside world, it has been silently accumulating energy at other times. Energy."

“This space energy, accumulated over many years, finally formed the core of the secret realm of the Abyss, which is the so-called... ‘Heart of the Abyss’!”

 (End of this chapter)

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