Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 234: Changes from all sides!

Chapter 234 Changes from all sides!

  Time, another three months passed quickly.

In other words, a full six months have passed since they entered the secret realm of the abyss, and the blood moon above their heads has already gone through a reincarnation.

However, during this period of time, the number of beasts that Lin Yuan had brought into the beast space had reached a hundred heads.

Of course, most of the abyssal beasts among them were sent out by Lin Yuan to explore information.

 But until now, they still have found nothing.

However, Lin Yuan also dispatched many abyssal beasts to track members of various forces.

 Once there is any disturbance, he will be able to get the news as soon as possible.

 “Come on, come on, it’s time for dinner, today’s delicacies: braised beef, braised chicken with mushrooms, shrimp and fish plate...”

Wang Tianjie’s voice soon rang in their ears.

Li Fenyou complained angrily: "Instant noodles are just instant noodles. Why are you talking so high and mighty?"

Wang Tianjie replied cheerfully: "Although I can't eat any delicacies in this ghost place, I still have to comfort myself psychologically."

Although space rings can carry food, they can only carry dead objects, and they are not kept fresh, so they usually carry fast-food products such as compressed biscuits, instant noodles, and marching rations.

Wang Tianjie placed three buckets of instant noodles in front of the two of them. He picked up a bucket of braised beef noodles and started to eat them happily.

As he was eating, he urged vaguely: "Eat quickly, I've added ham for you."

Lin Yuan and Li Fenyou looked at each other and each picked up a bucket in front of them.

However, before Lin Yuan could take a few bites, he suddenly frowned.

Wang Tianjie noticed his expression, smiled and joked: "What's wrong? The noodles are not to your liking?"

Lin Yuan shook his head, frowned and said, "There is a situation."

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, Wang Tianjie also put down the instant noodles in his hand and asked solemnly: "What happened?"

Lin Yuan said in a deep voice: "My Abyss Beast transmission information has come back. There are several forces moving in the same direction intentionally or unintentionally."

During this period of time, Lin Yuan subdued an extremely special abyssal beast named ‘Tongyou Ghost Spider’!

The mental power of this Abyssal Beast is particularly powerful and its ability is extremely special. It can form its own mental power into threads like spider silk, which can be connected with the mental power of other Abyssal Beasts to transmit information.

When Lin Yuan controlled the "Tongyou Ghost Spider" to connect the mental power of all the Abyss beasts through "spider threads", his unique "information network" was also formed!

In this way, even if Lin Yuan does not summon the Abyssal Beast, he can still know the information it sends back through this method.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, Wang Tianjie couldn't help but lick the corners of his mouth and said excitedly: "It seems that these major forces have indeed received some news, otherwise they would not be able to act in such a concerted manner."

 “Fortunately, I am cunning enough to let you keep an eye on them in advance. These big forces are all old foxes!”

Having said this, Wang Tianjie could not help but feel a bit of pride on his face.

 “Now, a piece of good news and a piece of bad news.”

“The good news is that after these forces set out, we finally have a clear idea.”

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan changed the subject: "But the bad news is...there are quite a few forces taking action this time."

“In other words, if we want to fight for the ‘Heart of the Abyss’, we will probably have many enemies.”

Wang Tianjie was slightly startled: "For example?"

Lin Yuan stretched out his fingers and counted them one by one: "The Order of the Phoenix and the Society of the Dead in North America, the Alliance of Gods in Northern Europe, the God of War in South Africa, our Chinese military department, and..."

Lin Yuan gave a list of names of organizations in one breath, which made Wang Tianjie and others dumbfounded. “So many forces know about it?!”

“Wait a minute...why does our Chinese military department also know this news?!”

Wang Tianjie’s face was full of confusion.

 He originally thought that what he unearthed was a shocking secret!

 But now it seems that there is no force that is unaware of it, and it is almost going to be ruined...

Li Feng glanced at him and said calmly: "It would be really weird if the military department didn't know about this."

“In terms of foundation and strength, I’m afraid that the Order of the Phoenix and the Necromancers combined can’t compare to our Chinese military department, right?”

“They can all know in advance, there’s no reason why the Ministry of Military Affairs can’t get the news.”

Li Fengyou pointed out the key point with one sentence.

Wang Tianjie scratched his head and said tangledly: "Since the Ministry of Military Affairs knows about it, why didn't you tell us?"

 “Why tell us?”

Li Fengyou asked back: "Are we allowed to die?"

“The secret realm of the Abyss Realm was originally a place where the eighth-level venerables came in to look for opportunities to break through to the Heavenly King.”

“It’s just that this time the ‘Heart of the Abyss’ incident has caused all forces to pay more attention to the secret realm.”

"Idle warriors like us would be safer if we didn't know about this."

“The Ministry of Military Affairs was probably concerned about this, so it did not disclose the news to us.”

Wang Tianjie touched his chin: "It seems to be right. Thinking about it this way, I feel much better."

This time, even including Lin Yuan, there were only three warriors from their magical capital, Wu Da, who entered the secret realm. Things like the Heart of the Abyss Realm were indeed out of reach for them.

 “Okay, get ready to leave.”

Lin Yuan stood up and looked into the distance: "Going in this direction, six thousand kilometers away, we should be where our destination is."

Wang Tianjie said eagerly: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's set off now. With this distance and running at full speed, we can get there in no time."

“Don’t worry, there’s no need to expend too much energy on the road.”

Lin Yuan raised his hand and summoned a huge hurricane pterosaur directly from the pet space.

 Then, he jumped up and jumped onto the back of the pterosaur.

Lin Yuan patted the pterosaur beneath him and said, "We can just take this abyssal beast and go there."

 “I’m so stupid, I forgot that you can control the Abyssal Beast.”

Wang Tianjie slapped his head and climbed onto the hurricane pterosaur: "This is much more convenient."

 Three people boarded the hurricane pterosaur one after another.

The next second, the pterosaur flapped its wings and suddenly led everyone into the sky into the wind, flying towards the distance. The speed was not slow at all!

 (End of this chapter)

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