Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 235: China, the Ministry of Armed Forces! 【First update! 】

Chapter 235 China, Ministry of Military Affairs! 【First update! 】

The closer they are to the location where all forces gather, the more warriors Lin Yuan and the others will encounter.

 When we got to the back, wherever we looked, we were already filled with dignitaries from other countries.

The dark red land, which was originally a little desolate, now only feels lively.

 Among them, there are both venerables under the command of various forces, as well as casual cultivators like Lin Yuan and others who want to fish in troubled waters.

However, so far, no struggle has broken out.

 After all, everyone is here for the ‘Heart of the Abyss’.

At present, ‘Heart of the Abyss’ has not yet come out. It would be a bit unwise to fight to the death at this time.

 “This...should be where all the forces gather.”

Lin Yuan looked around and spoke calmly.

Wang Tianjie nodded and said, "However, it seems that this is not the inner circle yet."

“We only have a total of three Venerable-level combatants here. If we want to enter the inner circle, I’m afraid we are not qualified yet.”

Li Fenyou raised his head and looked far into the distance.

If this place is compared to a circle, then the inner periphery of the circle has already been occupied by those powerful forces who arrived in advance.

After occupying the core area, these forces directly formed a defensive situation and strictly prohibited other unqualified forces from entering.

Therefore, some smaller organizational forces and casual cultivators like Lin Yuan and others can only stay on the periphery and wait silently for the emergence of the Heart of the Abyss.

Wang Tianjie muttered dissatisfied: "Why are we not qualified to go in? If Mr. Lin were to let him summon more than a hundred of his eighth-order abyssal beasts, he would probably scare these grandsons to death!"

 Li Fenyou glared at him angrily and said, "Don't just think about being in the limelight. The more limelight you do now, the more miserable your death will be later!"

“Entering the core area is not necessarily a good thing. On the contrary, if we stay in the periphery and hide for a while, our chances will be greater when the situation is completely chaotic!”

I have to say that what Li Fenyou said is indeed reasonable.

If a monk like Lin Yuan, who has no power behind him, puts all his trump cards on the table from the beginning and tries to get a share of the pie with other powerful forces, he may die without knowing how. .

More than a hundred abyssal beasts may sound like a lot, but once Lin Yuan becomes the target of public criticism, these abyssal beasts will not be enough to watch.

You must know that any force in the core area rarely has more than 50 or 60 Venerable Realm warriors.

If Lin Yuan didn't have absolutely crushing strength, it would be a dead end for him to fight head-on.

No matter how two or three parties join forces, Lin Yuan will not be able to handle it.

 It should still be like what Li Fenyou said.

The world is in your sleeves, and you walk at night in brocade clothes. Only low-key, low-key is the way to go!

After being scolded by Li Fenyou, Wang Tianjie smiled sarcastically: "Look why you are so serious. Didn't I just say that casually?"

"Come on, no one knows what you are thinking. You are a reckless man and have no brains."

While Wang Tianjie and Li Fenyou were bickering, Lin Yuan opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and observed the situation in the inner core area.

 Within the core area, there are clear distinctions. Each force occupies an area and appears orderly. Order of the Phoenix in Northern Europe, Ares Society in South Africa, Alliance of Gods in Northern Europe, White Bear Organization in Russia...

It has to be said that all those who are qualified to stay in the core area are well-known organizations or forces in the outside world.

 Among them, Lin Yuan’s old acquaintance was also included...Losius!

This guy, dressed in black robes, still holding the skull scepter in his hand, stood in front of all the members of the Necronomicon.

 Obviously, Losius, who is the vice-president of the Necromancer Society, is the leader of this force!

 As for the members of the Society of the Dead, Lin Yuan was pretty easy to identify.

 Because they were all dressed in black robes, both men and women, and exuded an uncomfortable aura of death.

However, in addition to the members of the Necromancer Society, there are also many martial arts masters with completely different styles from theirs in their area.

 Obviously, Losius is extremely interested in the "Heart of the Abyss" and has even won over many neutral warriors.

As for what kind of benefits Losius promised them, Lin Yuan didn't know.

Lin Yuan made a rough estimate and found that there were a total of one hundred, forty and fifty martial arts masters within the area of ​​the Society of the Dead.

In terms of numbers alone, the Necromancer Society can definitely be ranked among the top three forces in the core area.

 Seeing this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

 It seems that the Necromancer Society led by Losius is likely to be a big trouble!

At this moment, Wang Tianjie nudged him with his elbow and asked, "How are you doing? Have you seen our military department?"

 “The military department?”

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It seems like no one from the Military Department has arrived yet."

No wonder he always felt something was wrong when he was exploring various forces just now. It turned out that the military department was not found!

Wang Tianjie said in surprise: "It doesn't make sense. Could it be that the Military Department has given up on fighting for the Abyss Realm?"

"Give up your desire to fight for the abyss? It's a shame you can think of it."

“When has the Ministry of Military Affairs ever given in on this matter?”

Li Fengyou said calmly: "As a great country, China doesn't even bother with these clowns appearing on the stage at the same time."

“What Teacher Li said makes sense.”

Lin Yuan smiled, turned his eyes to another place, and said in a deep voice: "The people from the Military Department... are here!"

Wang Tianjie subconsciously followed Lin Yuan's gaze and looked over.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, there were indeed dozens of figures flying in a straight line from the distant sky!

 For a moment, all the venerables present subconsciously looked at the dozens of figures in the sky.

 In this world, China is the most powerful country in martial arts today.

The Ministry of Military Affairs is the only organization created by the three circles of China's political, military and military circles... that is the only organization that can represent the will of China!

 In the world, apart from national power, no other force can rival China's military.

 The name of the Chinese Armed Forces is enough to make everyone pay attention to it!

Wang Tianjie licked the corner of his mouth and said slightly excitedly: "The Military Department did not disappoint me, finally someone is here!

These dozens of figures flew extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived at the core area.

 (End of this chapter)

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