Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 236: ‘Tian Zhan Zun’ Feng Tianrong! 【Second update】

Chapter 236 ‘Tian Zhan Zun’ Feng Tianrong! 【Second update】

 “Chinese Armed Forces? Is it finally here?”

Within the area of ​​the Order of the Phoenix, a middle-aged man in a fiery red robe whispered to himself, with a faint flash of coldness in his eyes.

“Even the military of China cannot even think of taking away the Heart of the Abyss from our hands!”

“This time, the Order of the Phoenix will become famous all over the world!”


 “This is really interesting. This short-term balance is going to be broken again.”

Within the area of ​​the Alliance of Gods, a beautiful woman with lake-blue hair looked calmly at the dozens of figures flying in the sky, and gently stroked the azure crystal in her hand with her right hand. Qiu, with a slight smile on his lips.

 “Destiny is always unpredictable.”

“I don’t know which force will be eliminated first by the Chinese Armed Forces…”

 The next second, this beautiful woman slowly closed her eyes, and a faint light emitted from the crystal ball in her hand.


 “Huaxia, the Ministry of Armed Forces?”

Losius looked coldly at the 'uninvited guest' in front of him, seeming to be observing the opponent's strength.

At the same time, the skull scepter in his hand also trembled slightly.

 If I remember correctly, the boy who can control the abyssal beast seems to be also from China.

I don’t know if that kid is among the group of distinguished people from the Chinese Military Department.

If he were there, things would be really troublesome.

 After all, even in Losius's eyes, that guy's ability was extremely difficult.

Thinking of this, Losius couldn't help but feel a trace of evil spirit escaping from his eyes.

He narrowed his eyes and whispered softly: "No matter what, we, the Necromancer Society, will get this 'Heart of the Abyss' in our hands!"


 “Hahahaha, did you choose to appear at this time?”

“These Chinese people are really arrogant!”

 In one area, a burst of unbridled laughter suddenly came out!

Those who dare to laugh on such occasions are naturally the leaders of a force!

 South Africa, Ares Club!

The person who laughed earlier was a giant black man with a height of two meters!

 He was naked from the waist up, with just a circle of animal skin skirt underneath, making his image look extremely rough.

However, everyone can see that hidden under his tall and strong an almost explosive power!

Every muscle on his body seems to be made of steel. Combined with his dark skin, it looks extremely visually impactful.

 And in his hands, he held two huge bronze axes that were as tall as a person, and they looked even more violent.

This giant black man looked at the Chinese warriors who came here, his eyes full of awe-inspiring fighting intent. He urgently wants to know whether there is anyone among this group of warriors who can be his opponent!



At this moment, all forces are secretly observing the last force that will come here in the finale - the Chinese Armed Forces!

At this moment, among the warriors who came here, a middle-aged man with an elegant face stepped out slowly, with a warm smile on his face: "What's the matter? No one wants to come out to greet the guests?"

What he said was perfectly spoken Chinese!

 This is the pride of the Chinese Military Department.

 If you want to communicate with us, you must be able to understand our language!

  After the heads of several forces looked at each other, they took a step forward, forming a confrontation with this elegant middle-aged man.

“Mr. Feng, I really didn’t expect that this time when the Chinese Military Department entered the secret realm of the Abyss, you would be the one to lead it.”

 The person who spoke was none other than the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, Edward Michel!

 Eighth level peak powerhouse, with dual cultivation of Qi, blood and spiritual power, his strength is extremely terrifying!

This elegant man, whom Edward respectfully called 'Mr. Feng', smiled lightly and said, "I can't call you a leader. I'm just doing my best for the motherland."

“After all, after so many years, I haven’t set foot in the Heavenly King Realm again, so it’s time to do something to repay the cultivation of the military department.”

 Edward smiled and said, "Mr. Feng is too modest. You have always been a strong Chinese man that I respect very much!"

When Edward named the other person, Losius, who was standing beside him, finally recalled the identity of the middle-aged man in front of him.

 After all, there are not many venerable people with the surname Feng in China.

 There are even fewer people who are qualified to lead a team into the secret realm of the abyss.

If I guessed correctly, the elegant-looking middle-aged man in front of me should be the most famous eighth-level venerable in the Chinese Military Department!

 ‘Tian Zhan Zun’, Feng Tianrong!

It is reported that this person is extremely evil, and at the age of thirty-five, he has the hope of breaking through to the realm of the king of heaven.

 No, to be more precise, Feng Tianrong that year had already reached the realm of the King of Heaven!

 Because at that time, Feng Tianrong...had already understood his own field.

However, after successfully comprehending the realm and entering the realm of the King of Heaven, before everyone could congratulate him, Feng Tianrong did something unexpected by everyone!

 He actually... chose to take the initiative to disperse the realm he had comprehended, causing his martial arts cultivation to fall back to the level of an eighth-level venerable!

 No one knows why Feng Tianrong did this.

However, there are many rumors from the outside world.

 Some people say that Feng Tianrong wants to try a brand new martial arts path, a martial arts path that does not require reliance on a field.

 Some people say that Feng Tianrong feels that his foundation is unstable, and he wants to officially enter the realm of the King of Heaven after his martial arts foundation is completely solid.

There are also rumors that Feng Tianrong feels that the field he has comprehended is not perfect enough. If he continues to practice, he may not be able to make a bigger breakthrough in the realm of the ninth-order heavenly king, so he resolutely dispersed his field. , choose to start all over again!

 At that time, countless warriors were shocked and felt sorry for Feng Tianrong's choice!

You must know that so many warriors go through untold hardships just to reach the realm of the Heavenly King!

Even people like ‘Ant Slaughter’ know that their talents are not good, so they want to have the power of a king no matter what the means!

But no matter what, just Feng Tianrong's choice to voluntarily disperse the realm and fall from the king of heaven to the supreme one is beyond the reach of ordinary warriors.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Tianrong has the title of ‘Tian Zhan Zun’!

He once became the king of heaven and the lord of war, so he was named...'the war lord of heaven'!

 (End of this chapter)

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