Chapter 237 Nabal!

After learning Feng Tianrong’s identity, everyone present looked at him with a little more awe.

 This time, the number of people brought by the Military Department was not too large, only seventy or eighty.

However, in terms of the aura exuded by these dozens of venerables, they are definitely the best among the best, and they can be called the masters of tigers and wolves!

  Sometimes, numbers are not the key to victory or defeat.

Although the number of the armed forces is small, it makes all forces feel extremely fearful. This is a demonstration of its deterrent power.

 Forget about the other venerable members of the Military Department.

Feng Tianrong alone is enough to equal ten!

“Feng also knows that this time, everyone is here for the Heart of the Abyss.”

Feng Tianrong smiled and said, "In that case, can you make room for our Chinese Military Department so that we can all compete fairly?"

 After the pleasantries, Feng Tianrong finally stated his purpose.

  However, Edward shook his head and said calmly: "Mr. Feng, you are a bit pushy."

“Everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis.”

“Obviously, this core area is already full, and all forces have already taken their positions in advance.”

“Mr. Feng, when you come here, you ask others to move the place. I’m afraid it’s a little inappropriate, right?”

At this moment, among the crowd on the side, a strong black man holding a pair of axes took a step forward and grinned: "Edward is right, the territory here has been divided up by us!"

“If you want to fight for the heart of the abyss, you’d better ask your Chinese military department to stay outside!”

The tone of this strong black man was extremely domineering, as if he was deliberately provoking.

Feng Tianrong was not angry at all, but asked with a faint smile: "You guys...really don't want to do this for convenience?"

Although the territory in the core area has been divided up by various forces, as long as the leader of any force is willing to allocate some territory, they can still have a place in their military department.

 After all, although this core area is small, it is more than enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

The seventy or eighty warriors in the Military Department are nothing at all.

 However, under Feng Tianrong's inquiry, no leader of any force was willing to speak.

 After all, once you divide your territory to Feng Tianrong and others, it will be equivalent to bowing to the Ministry of Military Affairs in disguise.

 Those gathered here are all the top forces in the world, and no one is willing to bow to other forces so easily.

At this moment, Losius laughed conspiratorially: "Mr. Feng, why do you need to make it so troublesome?"

"Just sweep away the weakest forces on one side, and their territory will belong to you, won't it?"

"Anyway, in this secret realm of the abyss, the law of the jungle is the law!"

Feng Tianrong glanced at him, smiled lightly and asked, "How about President Losius transfer the territory of your 'Necromancer Society' to us?"

Roxius was not afraid, and there was still a faint sneer on his lips: "Mr. Feng, I just gave you a suggestion, why do you need to be so tit-for-tat?"

"Of course, if you really want to seize my Necronomicon's territory, you can give it a try." Faced with Feng Tianrong, the legendary Chinese sage, Losius remained neither humble nor overbearing, speaking calmly and confidently.

 Because the more than a hundred venerables behind him are the source of his confidence in speaking!

 Although these venerables may still have a certain gap with the venerables of the Military Department in terms of strength.

 But if a fight really breaks out, Losius is confident that the opponent will not be able to get any benefits!

 His meaning is clear.

If you want to use me to establish the power of the Necromancer Society, then just fight to the death. At worst, no one will fight for the heart of the Abyss Realm!

Feng Tianrong glanced at Losius, then turned his head and looked at the strong black man who had taken the initiative to provoke him before, and asked with a smile: "If I guessed correctly, you should be the commander-in-chief of the South African God of War Association. Bar?"

The strong black man narrowed his eyes, grinned, and said coldly: "Just call me Nabal. Old guy, listen carefully. Others are afraid of you, but I may not be afraid of you."

“What nonsense, Heavenly War Lord, I want to see if you... can survive ten rounds under my battle ax!”

“The South African God of War Association is quite a big force.”

Feng Tianrong looked at Naba and said calmly: "I don't have any other intentions. I just need a place to stay temporarily."

 “Want territory? Sure!”

Nabal smiled coldly, and the giant ax in his hand collided directly in the air, causing a burst of sounds of metal and iron. He grinned and roared: "As long as you can defeat me, all the territory of our God of War will be yours!" "

“I would like to learn from you what kind of skills you, old fellow, have!”

 “Can you make the decision?”

Feng Tianrong glanced at him and asked calmly.

“What nonsense are you talking about? Of course I can make the decision on the territory I occupy!”

 A trace of ferocity flashed across Nabal's face.

 As early as when they arrived, the core area had already been divided up by various forces.

 The territory occupied by their God of War Guild was forcibly seized from other forces!

For this reason, they killed at least thirty or forty venerables!

 His battle ax is still exuding the smell of blood!

"In that case, I promise you."

Feng Tianrong smiled: "If we can decide the outcome through this battle between you and me, that would be the best thing... let's take action."

 After finishing speaking, Feng Tianrong slowly assumed a fighting posture.

Nabal did not hesitate, and rushed towards Feng Tianrong like a wild lion, and his figure suddenly turned into an afterimage!

“No matter who you are, Heavenly War Lord, I will make you crawl back like a reptile under this axe!”

Nabal let out a loud roar, and the giant ax in his hand, like a meteor, was forcefully smashed down towards Feng Tianrong!

 However, at this moment, Feng Tianrong's figure disappeared from the place in an instant, even faster than Naba's giant ax fell!


With a roar of energy and blood, Naba's giant ax failed to hit Feng Tianrong, and directly smashed a deep hole into the ground!


A trace of ferocity appeared on Naba's face. He held a giant ax and looked around, searching for traces of Feng Tianrong. He said sarcastically: "Does the dignified Heavenly War Lord only know how to run away?! "

 (End of this chapter)

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