Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 239: When the sword is unsheathed, he will kill!

Chapter 239: When the sword is unsheathed, someone is about to kill!

 As warriors in the military department, it is their bounden duty to obey the orders of their superiors!

 Moreover, most of them trust Feng Tianrong unconditionally!

 Because in their eyes, Feng Tianrong... is simply like the God of War, an invincible existence!

 However, the other forces cannot understand their behavior at all.

Are these Chinese people crazy? !

No matter how powerful Feng Tianrong is, he is still not the King of Heaven. Does he still want to defeat dozens of people with one person? !

If he can really do it, then there is no need for them to stay here to fight for the heart of the abyss today, and they can just hand it over to the Chinese Military Department.

The venerables of the Chinese Armed Forces did not take action, but the venerables of the South African God of War Association had already formed a siege on Feng Tianrong!

Under Naba's order, dozens of venerables surrounded Feng Tianrong tightly in the center of the encirclement, leaving him no room for escape.

Feng Tianrong's expression remained calm. He raised his head and asked calmly: "Do you want to break the contract?"

 “Broken a promise? What promise was broken?”

Nabal laughed wildly: "As long as our warriors from the Ares Society have not fallen, you can't even think of taking away our territory!"

“What’s more, I didn’t lose at all, so how could I break the contract?!”

Feng Tianrong shook his head: "Shameless person."

“You’d better think carefully about how to survive today!”

Nabal looked at Feng Tianrong who was surrounded by the encirclement provocatively, and said in a cold voice: "If you take these Chinese dogs under your hands and get out, I can consider sparing your life!"

Since the battle just now, Nabal has been deliberately pulling the battlefield closer to their God of War.

 This is what he left behind!

 Because of this, the venerables of their God of War Association could immediately surround and kill Feng Tianrong!

Under such circumstances, I can remain invincible no matter what.

 As for winning or losing, who else cares? !

Thinking of this, Nabal couldn't help but grin, obviously feeling particularly proud of the strategy he had set up.


 Peripheral area.

 “These **** are so insidious!”

Wang Tianjie looked at the scene in front of him, his face gloomy as if he was about to drip with water.

After the arrival of the Chinese Armed Forces, the attention of all forces was attracted, even the peripheral warriors.

Lin Yuan said: "There is no way, soldiers never tire of deceit."

Wang Tianjie frowned and glanced at him: "Boy Lin, where are you from? Why are your elbows turned outward?"

 Then, he lowered his voice and said softly: "How about you send a few Abyss beasts over to stir up trouble and rescue Feng Tianrong?"

“At that time, the Ministry of Military Affairs may still remember your great contribution!”

"Of course, if you are willing, you can also directly release all the Abyss Beasts and crush them by force. Regardless of the God of War Association or the Alliance of Gods, they will all be destroyed. Let's see how dare these grandsons still do it. Don’t dare be so arrogant!”

After Wang Tianjie finished speaking, Lin Yuan laughed: "I would also like to take action, but it is probably not necessary."

Wang Tianjie was slightly startled: "Why is it not necessary?"

 “Have you not noticed that the venerable members of the Military Department have not made any movement yet?”

Lin Yuan explained: "If such a situation occurs, Feng Tianrong should have given them instructions secretly."

Wang Tianjie subconsciously asked: "Then why did Feng Tianrong do this?" "Why else?"

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Of course... I want to use this group of people to establish authority!"


At this moment, Feng Tianrong, who was surrounded by dozens of venerables, finally began to take action.

 The power of green qi and blood surged out from around him, forming qi and blood armor!

The next second, Feng Tianrong's figure suddenly turned into a green afterimage, attacking in the direction of Naba!

 “Stop him!”

Nabal's expression changed. He obviously did not expect that in such a situation, Feng Tianrong would not retreat but advance towards him!

 In an instant, the sages closest to Feng Tianrong rushed forward without hesitation and launched an offensive towards the former!

Feng Tianrong's eyes turned cold, and the aura around him suddenly dissipated: "If you want to survive, get out of here."

His words were as cold as if they came from the Nine Nether Hells.

These venerables were slightly shocked after hearing this, and could not help but feel a chill in their hearts.

However, after a moment of daze, they gritted their teeth and surrounded Feng Tianrong!

Their numbers are large enough, there is no need to be afraid of just Feng Tianrong.

Accompanied by several sounds that pierced the air, blades, axes, giant hammers...all kinds of weapons attacked Feng Tianrong alone!

“It seems that you... really don’t want to live.”

 Feng Tianrong shook his head and sighed.

“The light of a grain of rice dares to compete with the fireflies?”

 Suddenly, Feng Tianrong’s body was filled with energy and blood!

His body flashed and he suddenly rushed in front of one of them. With blood lingering on his right arm, he punched forward!


I saw Feng Tianrong's strike like lightning, and with a muffled sound, the chest of the man in front of me was instantly penetrated by the former!

His eyes widened in disbelief, and he stared at his chest being penetrated, his eyes full of shock and reluctance...

He obviously did not expect that, as an eighth-level venerable, he would be instantly killed by a punch from the person in front of him!

 The next second, his eyes slowly lost their vitality, and naturally he could no longer maintain his airborne state. His figure fell downwards like a falling stone.

This time, Feng Tianrong's expression was finally no longer as calm and peaceful as before.

His eyes were cold and murderous!

Feng Tianrong calmly withdrew his right fist, and blood dripped from his fist!

 The sword, when hidden in the scabbard, is restrained.

 But once the sword is pulled out of the scabbard, it will kill with blood!

 After killing this venerable man, Feng Tianrong raised his head, looked at Naba, and said calmly: "I am still three hundred meters away from you."

“If I have any last words, I can tell them now.”

 “Otherwise...I’m afraid you won’t be able to make it in time.”

 For a moment, the whole place was silent, and you could hear a pin drop!

The Chinese man in front of me is really...too arrogant!

 (End of this chapter)

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