Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 240: Impolite, unjust, unbelievable!

Chapter 240 Impoliteness, unrighteousness, and unbelief!

Everyone present looked at the murderous Feng Tianrong in front of them in silence.

This legendary venerable finally showed off his sharp edge!

 Distance of three hundred meters.

 The interception of dozens of venerable-level warriors.

However, Feng Tianrong asked the other party to leave his last words in advance.

 He just wants to tell everyone that he is so domineering and powerful!

 Feng Tianrong then stretched his muscles and a smile appeared on his face: "Are you ready?"

The corner of Naba's mouth twitched, although he didn't know whether the other party was bluffing or really wanted to take his life.

 But under this situation, Nabal did not dare to make excuses at all, and said in a panic, "Kill him!"

However, Feng Tianrong is like a cheetah that pounces on prey, unstoppable!

Based on his ghostly speed alone, few people can keep up with him.

 And all the venerable ones who try to get close will be easily knocked away by him!

It was only then that everyone realized that what Feng Tianrong really wanted to do was not to face these dozens of venerables head-on.

No matter how strong Feng Tianrong is, he cannot resist dozens of warriors of the same level.

 What he has to do is to be an assassin who kills the king and takes the head of the opponent's commander from the crowd of thousands of troops!

 The distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

 Three hundred meters…two hundred meters…one hundred meters!

Feng Tianrong is like a **** of war, moving against the enemy's tide.

And Nabal’s face became even more ugly!

 Finally, when Feng Tianrong was only a few dozen meters away from him, Naba finally lost his composure.

 He turned around and wanted to run away when he saw it!

 The leader of the South African God of War Society, under the protection of dozens of venerables, was actually frightened by Feng Tianrong alone!

 “Have you even given up resistance?”

 Feng Tianrong's speed was much faster than Naba had imagined.

His voice rang faintly in Nabal's ears.

 At only a few dozen meters away, the former was in front of him almost instantly!

Nabal's face darkened. Since he couldn't escape, he had no choice but to fight head-on!

He raised his right hand, his energy and blood burst out, and he punched forward with all his strength!


However, before Nabal's punch could be fired, there was a sudden crisp sound on his wrist.

With a burst of severe pain, his right wrist was broken off by Feng Tianrong!

The most terrifying thing is that Nabal did not see clearly when the other party took action!

“It’s disrespectful for you to make provocations over and over again.”

Feng Tianrong spoke softly, clenched his right palm into a fist, and struck Nabal on the chest!

 The latter's sternum suddenly sunk.

"You only act based on your own likes and dislikes, but you push all your companions into the pit of fire. This is unjust."

Feng Tianrong turned his right palm into a sword, and the power of green blood seemed to condense into the blade!

 He slashed down with his right palm, easily cutting off Nabal's right arm, and blood spurted out from the cut.

"You made a bet with me, but you broke it immediately after losing, because you didn't believe it."

"Those who are disrespectful, unjust, and unbelieving..." "should be killed!"

The murderous intent in Feng Tianrong's eyes finally burst out completely, making people feel chilled to the bone!

Nabal finally collapsed completely and kept saying: "Don't kill me! I will leave here with the people of the God of War Society now! All the territory belongs to your Chinese Military Department, and we will never get any more involved!"

Facing Nabal’s begging for mercy, Feng Tianrong remained calm and slapped his head hard with his palm!


With a muffled sound, Nabal's head exploded completely, and blood splashed out.

Feng Tianrong retracted his right palm, turned around, looked at the venerables of the God of War Association in front of him, and said calmly: "People, I have already killed them. If there are any of you who want to take action against me, , you can try it.”

 At this moment, the warriors from the Chinese Military Department finally moved!

 They used a counter-encirclement force to surround the Lord of the Ares Society.

 The atmosphere at the moment suddenly became tense.

 Obviously, if someone dares to take action against Feng Tianrong, they will take action immediately!

"let's go!"

After the two sides were in a stalemate for a while, a sound of urn and qi was finally heard from the South African God of War Association.

The person who spoke was a man as tall as an iron tower, and he was obviously the number two figure in the Ares Society.

 After he spoke, no matter how unwilling the venerables of the Ares Society were, they had no choice but to leave this place with humiliation and heavy burden.

 After the venerables of the Ares Society left, the Chinese Military Department successfully took over their territory.

 Actually, most of the forces present are smart people.

Most of them can see that the Chinese Military Forces arrived so late, and if they want to gain a firm foothold, they probably need to establish their prestige.

However, what they did not expect was that Feng Tianrong alone would establish the power of the Chinese Military Department!

 The power of China is inviolable.

 After this small episode, all the forces returned to their own areas.

However, deep down in their hearts, they are more afraid of the Chinese Military Department.

Although except for Feng Tianrong, several other warriors from the Chinese Military Department have not taken action yet, they still dare not underestimate him.


 “The dust has finally settled.”

Wang Tianjie looked at the core area from a distance and said in a deep voice: "I have always heard about Tianzhan Zun of the Military Department before, and today I finally got to see his style. He is really a decisive person in killing."

 Li Fengyou nodded and said: "That's natural. This Heavenly War Lord was a genius as famous as Wang Zhanlin."

“It’s just that Wang Zhanlin later broke through to the Heavenly King realm and became the principal of Mowu, so his reputation is even greater than him.”

Wang Tianjie glanced at her and joked: "You are such a woman, you can involve your Lao Wang in everything."

Before Li Fenyou could open his mouth to refute, Lin Yuan said in a deep voice: "Cheer up, the Heart of the Abyss Realm... seems to be coming out soon."

Wang Tianjie was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "How do you know?"

Lin Yuan raised his head and said softly: "You can look at the blood moon above your head."

 “Blood moon?”

Wang Tianjie also raised his head, and soon saw a scene that shocked him extremely!

A dazzling scarlet light escaped from the hanging blood moon!

 And this scarlet light seemed to be condensed into an energy beam, projected towards the center of the core area!

 (End of this chapter)

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