Chapter 241z

 Under the reflection of the blood moon, that area was reflected in scarlet.

Moreover, if you observe carefully, you can still see that scarlet trembling slightly, just like a heart beating!

Such a strange scene can only mean one thing, and that is that the heart of the abyss... is about to mature!

As the energy core of this secret realm, it is frantically devouring the energy flowing out of the blood moon.

 All the forces present did not choose to act rashly, and everyone was waiting for the moment when it fully matured.

 “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

  Like a heartbeat, it sounded dull and powerful in everyone's ears.

 The blood moon above the head dimmed to the extent visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, deep in the center of the earth, dazzling scarlet rays of light burst out, scattering in all directions, as if the rising sun was born!

Looking at such a strange phenomenon in front of you, no matter how slow you are, you should realize that this is the heart of the abyss being completely formed!

At this moment, a huge phoenix shadow suddenly condensed in the sky!

The phantom of the phoenix, covered in scorching flames, roared loudly and then forcibly fell towards the area in front of it!


With a loud noise, a torrent of fire burst out, and the energy aftermath was like a tide, escaping in all directions.

 Obviously, this phoenix shadow is the work of the Order of the Phoenix!

This flaming phoenix was like a meteorite. Under its impact, a huge crater was created on the ground in front of me!

 However, within the huge pit, there was no shadow of the Heart of the Abyss Realm at all.

“Look, the heart of the abyss is in the sky!”

However, at this moment, a loud shout soon came from the crowd!

Everyone followed the sound and found a blood-red light group floating above the pit, like an incorporeal ghost.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Edward couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and murmured softly: "This heart of the abyss has indeed acquired its own intelligence."

 Obviously, when Edward manipulated the phoenix shadow to bombard the ground, the Heart of the Abyss had already sensed the danger and escaped from the underground in advance.

Seeing the Heart of the Abyss Realm emerge, the warriors on the periphery began to get ready to take action.

“That blood-red light group is the heart of the abyss?”

“After obtaining the Heart of the Abyss, I will be able to control the entire secret realm of the Abyss. No matter what, I will fight for it!”

“As long as I can get the heart of the abyss, there will definitely be a place for me in the realm of the king of heaven!”

 Everyone has different thoughts in their heart.

However, the only thing they have in common is that they all want to get the heart of the abyss in front of them!

For this reason, they did not hesitate to fight with their lives!

I don’t know who took the lead first. After seeing the appearance of the Heart of the Abyss, all the peripheral warriors rushed towards the core area where the Heart of the Abyss was located, as if they were crazy!

“Whoever dares to take a step forward will be killed without mercy!”

Looking at the warriors who were like locusts crossing the border, the forces from all sides finally couldn't hold back anymore and threatened the former fiercely.

 However, in the face of huge enough interests, people are often crazy enough, even warriors are no exception.

Before the Heart of the Abyss comes out, these top forces may still be able to intimidate them with their prestige.

 But now, as long as there is a glimmer of hope to win the Heart of the Abyss, it is impossible for these warriors to stop! After all, as long as you successfully refine the heart of the abyss, it means that you will reach the sky in one step on the road of cultivation!

Such a temptation is something that no one can resist.

What's more, as long as all the peripheral warriors gather together and rush in, it is impossible to intercept them all with these powerful forces alone!

"Damn it, don't worry about these people, getting the Heart of the Abyss first is the most important thing!"

 Among these major forces, some people quickly reacted and shouted loudly.

 They are located in the core area and are closest to the Heart of the Abyss. They have a unique advantage.

 In this case, if time is wasted on intercepting these peripheral warriors, it will be a real loss.

 Suddenly, the originally peaceful situation was broken in an instant.

The forces from all sides soon fell into a melee.

 Even the peripheral warriors quickly participated.

This core area is like a large meat grinder, with warriors dying every second!

The martial arts master who is extremely powerful and respected in the outside world is like cannon fodder here, and will be destroyed once he dies!

 The Heart of the Abyss has driven all the warriors into madness!


 At this moment, the peripheral area.

Lin Yuan and the others just lost their minds and missed the earliest opportunity to enter.

However, even so, there are still a steady stream of warriors rushing towards the core area.

Wang Tianjie turned his head, glanced at Lin Yuan, and asked in a deep voice: "Boy Lin, what should we do now?"

Lin Yuan grinned, and a cold light emerged in his eyes: "What else can we do? Go in...kill people!"

“Normally I feel like killing is not fun, but this time I should be able to enjoy it to the fullest.”

 The group of venerables in the core area have become prey in Lin Yuan's eyes!

Li Fengyou asked in surprise: "Aren't you going to compete with them for the heart of the Abyss Realm?"

"Of course we have to fight for the heart of the abyss, but there is no need to fight now."

Lin Yuan replied calmly: "You can see the current situation. Let alone getting the Heart of the Abyss, even if you are slightly closer to that thing, you will become the target of public criticism and be besieged by everyone."

"The heart of the abyss now, wherever there is a treasure, is clearly a trap, and whoever touches it will die!"

After hearing Lin Yuan's analysis, Li Fenyou couldn't help but nodded: "That's true. Those relatively rational big forces should also understand this, and they just keep an appropriate distance from the Heart of the Abyss. He didn’t directly fight for it.”

 Lin Yuan smiled and added: "This is true even if it includes our Chinese military department."

"It seems that these guys are all reincarnations of foxes. They are all very shrewd and have already formed a corresponding tacit understanding without any discussion."

“It is estimated... that after this group of warriors who want to fish in troubled waters are almost dead, they will officially start fighting for the heart of the abyss.”

 “Until then, it will be worthy of being called a real war!”

 (End of this chapter)

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