Chapter 242 Japanese Ninja!

Lin Yuan formed a team with Wang Tianjie and Li Fenyou, and also entered the core area and began to fight with other warriors.

However, Lin Yuan did not summon the Abyssal Beasts in the Pet Beast Space. Now they are fighting entirely on their own strength.

 Among them, Li Fenyou and Wang Tianjie were responsible for the strong attack, while Lin Yuan used abilities such as Amaterasu, Other Gods, and Cursed Thorns to provide assistance.

Li Fenyou and Wang Tianjie are both powerful among the eighth-level venerables. Lin Yuan's abilities are so cunning that they are difficult to guard against.

Therefore, with the three people joining forces, as long as they are not targeted by the venerables of the top forces, they can still be invincible on the battlefield even if they do not rely on the power of the Abyssal Beast.

However, most of the sages’ attention is focused on the Heart of the Abyss.

It is really rare for a small team of warriors like Lin Yuan and others to kill everyone indiscriminately.

With the tacit cooperation of the three people, one foreign sage died in their hands one after another.

Under such circumstances, Wang Tianjie took great pleasure in collecting the spoils of war.

 There are people to kill and there are things to pick up. This is the battle he has been looking forward to!

 Although they have always kept a distance from the Heart of the Abyss, preventing the top forces from becoming hostile to them.

However, their arrogant behavior still attracted many small peripheral forces to focus on them!

"Chinese people...what you have done is a bit excessive, right?"

 A middle-aged man with a gloomy face and a short stature suddenly appeared in front of them, speaking Chinese that was not very fluent.

Lin Yuan glanced at the samurai sword at his waist, raised his eyebrows and said, "Japanese?"

Then, Lin Yuan laughed playfully: "How we act has nothing to do with you?"

This short and stocky middle-aged man from Japan said calmly: "Everyone is here for the Heart of the Abyss. Why are you so bloodthirsty?"


Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Then I won't kill anyone. Can you give me the heart of the abyss?"

The stocky man was choked and speechless for a moment, and said angrily: "You Chinese people are really a bunch of unreasonable barbarians!"

“In that case, let’s all die!”

"The heart of the abyss must not fall into the hands of you Chinese people!"

Lin Yuan sneered.

 After pulling it apart for so long, the fox tail was finally exposed.

 Huaxia and Japan have been grudges for a long time and refuse to deal with them everywhere.

However, in this era of prosperous martial arts, China is the world's number one martial arts power, while Japan is just a small country in a corner. There are not even many forces that can take advantage of it. Even the powerful people at the level of kings are not even China. Less than one-fifth of the total.

However, even so, if something can restrict China's development, Japan will definitely bear the brunt.

The Japanese in front of me would stare at them, naturally not for any other reason, but just because they have Chinese faces!

“Since you have to take action in the end, why are you wasting so much words?”

Wang Tianjie's face darkened, he raised his hand and used his own energy and blood to condense a ball of **** lotus, and blasted towards the opponent boldly!

 He ​​originally disliked Japanese people, especially idiots like the one in front of him who kept chattering and insisted on pretending to be righteous and sanctioning them from the moral high ground.


The blood lotus sacrificed by Wang Tianjie soon exploded on the opponent's body.

However, what Wang Tianjie didn't expect was that the opponent had no intention of evading or making any defense. Instead, he allowed his body to be blown apart.

"This guy…"

Wang Tianjie frowned slightly, feeling that something was not quite right.

Lin Yuan said calmly: "This is his shadow clone, his body is not here." This little trick of the other party was naturally invisible to Lin Yuan's Mangekyo Sharingan.

 “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Wang Tianjie muttered, and then asked: "Then where is his true form now?"

"it's here."

Lin Yuan uttered three words in a cold voice, and then punched in the air!


   accompanied by a muffled sound.

Lin Yuan's punch seemed to be punched into the air, but it landed firmly on the flesh!

At the same time, the figure of the Japanese man from before appeared in front of Lin Yuan out of thin air.

In his hand, he held a samurai sword tightly, and he was clearly preparing to slash it down at the latter's neck.

However, before he could make the cut, Lin Yuan's fist had already hit his lower abdomen.

 Lin Yuan’s punch was not light at all.

The severe pain caused the Japanese man's face to twist in pain: " could you see through my sneak attack?!"

 “Stupid dog.”

Lin Yuan was too lazy to explain to him, so he slapped him with his backhand, forcing the opponent to fly away.


 At this moment, an anxious voice sounded.

In the void in front of him, another figure emerged and caught the Japanese man who was whipped away by Lin Yuan.

This figure is a Japanese woman with a graceful figure and wearing a ninja uniform.

At this moment, she was holding the Japanese man in her arms and looking at Lin Yuan with eyes full of resentment.

 “Do you like to hide your head and show your tail so much?”

Lin Yuan looked around the void and said calmly: "Since everyone is here, let's get out."

After learning that Lin Yuan had the ability to see through their traces, these people simply stopped hiding.

 The next second, more than ten Japanese ninjas appeared out of thin air.

“There are quite a few people.”

Wang Tianjie looked around and grinned.

“Chinese people, don’t get too complacent too early. Injuring one of me is not a big deal at all. You will definitely die here today!”

“Watanabe River, stop talking nonsense with them and kill these Chinese dogs!”

 Among the group of ninjas, someone sneered sinisterly.

However, Lin Yuan's face did not show the panic expression as they imagined.

He just shook his head calmly and said with a hint of sarcasm: "I want to target us in China, but I don't dare to attack the Chinese Military Department. I only dare to attack us lone Chinese warriors."

  “It is clear that what you are doing is unjust, but you still have to put yourself on the moral high ground.”

“Should I say that you are bad to the core, or should I say that you bully the weak and fear the strong?”

 (End of this chapter)

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