Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 243: Shadow Dance Club is destroyed!

Chapter 243 The Shadow Dance Club is destroyed!

Lin Yuan's tone was full of teasing and sarcasm.

Wang Tianjie burst out laughing and said, "Boy Lin, what nonsense are you talking to these Japanese bastards?"

“But you’re right, these guys are indeed bad and stupid!”

Wang Tianjie’s wave is full of ridicule value.

 All the Japanese ninjas present cast their angry gazes on him.

Li Fengyou said calmly from the side: "Shadow Dance Club is a second-rate club from Japan. There is only one king-level warrior in the entire organization."

“The dozen or so venerables who appear here should already be the entire combat strength of the Shadow Dance Club.”

“The man who attacked you just now is named Watanabe Chuan. His strength is just about average. He is probably on par with Wang Tianjie.”

As soon as Li Fenyou said these words, Wang Tianjie immediately became unhappy and said angrily: "Why is this bitch's strength equal to mine?"

 “And how come my strength is just enough?!”

Li Fengyou raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, if you take off Watanabe Chuan's head within ten moves, I will admit that you are stronger than him."

At this moment, Lin Yuan finally spoke: "Shadow Dance Club?"

He looked at the ninjas in front of him and suddenly grinned: "You should feel honored to be the first organization to be destroyed by us."

 However, what he responded to was dozens of shurikens!

Facing the hidden weapons, Lin Yuan was not afraid at all. He raised his hand and held up a thunder curtain, blocking all of them.

However, a dozen ninjas from the Shadow Dance Club did not give up. Their bodies turned into afterimages and attacked Lin Yuan and Wang Tianjie from different directions!

As for Li Fenyou, perhaps because she is a woman, she was ignored by these Japanese ninjas.

Facing the joint attack of several ninjas of the same level, Wang Tianjie quickly fell into decline.

 However, just when these warriors wanted to surround and kill Lin Yuan, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared behind him!

This dark shadow is the final Hydra that Lin Yuan has been hiding in the beast space!

Although many Abyssal Beasts have been sent out by Lin Yuan to gather information, there are still many powerful Abyssal Beasts left in his pet space.

 Hydra is one of them!

After being summoned by Lin Yuan, the nine heads of the Final Hydra displayed their respective powers one after another!

 Wind blades, fireballs, poisonous gas, ice spikes...attacks of various attributes were raging crazily on the battlefield, like a doomsday catastrophe!

Looking at the strange changes in front of them, the faces of these ninjas showed shock: "This is... Yamata no Orochi?!"

 Lin Yuan’s mouth twitched, and he angrily yelled: “Don’t try to trick your Japanese mythology on anything you see! Take a good look at how many heads my Hydra has!”

These Japanese **** really can’t count, they can’t even count their heads!

Just when these Japanese warriors were shocked, another black shadow flashed past and bit off a huge head in one bite!

 That head, until it was bitten off, was still staring with eyes wide open.

At this moment, they noticed that the one who bit off their companion's head was a huge black demonic lion!

"Be careful, this guy can control the beast!"

This group of Japanese ninjas quickly became alert.

 Unfortunately, they were vigilant too late.

 Because...they have been surrounded by the abyssal beasts summoned by Lin Yuan. On the other side, Wang Tianjie, who was being beaten by several Japanese ninjas, lost his temper and cursed loudly: "Boy Lin, do you have any conscience? Hurry up and get some Abyss beasts over here, I won't be able to hold on anymore!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Watanabe Sichuan couldn't hold his breath anymore and commanded in a deep voice: "Don't worry about that kid for now, go and capture that Chinese woman and use her as a hostage!"

 As Lin Yuan summoned more and more Abyssal Beasts, the balance of victory began to tilt towards the opponent.

In order to break the situation, Watanabe Chuan no longer cared about morality and directly ordered others to attack Li Fenyou!

As long as they hold Li Fenyou hostage, they can successfully restrain each other!

 However, this time... Watanabe Chuan completely miscalculated.

Looking at the three ninjas attacking in front of him, a cold light suddenly flashed in Li Fenyou's eyes.

 The next second, scarlet blood suddenly covered her whole body, and then burned violently!

 Suddenly, Li Fenyou's momentum suddenly reached the extreme!

 These three ninjas were stunned.

 This was the first time that they felt such a violent momentum in a woman!

“Want to target me? Are you awake?!”

 Li Fenyou's figure instantly turned into a scarlet afterimage, and forcibly appeared in front of one of the Japanese ninjas!

She was seen moving like lightning, and her right hand forcibly locked the opponent's neck.

“I advise you to think carefully before taking action next time.”

Li Fengyou left these words in an indifferent tone, and broke the other person's neck with one hand!

Lin Yuan and Wang Tianjie looked at this scene with deep emotion.

You said it’s not good for you to hold someone hostage. Even if you come and hold me hostage, that’s fine. You have to provoke Li Fengyou’s humanoid female tyrannosaurus...

However, the two of them dared to complain about this in their hearts. If they really said it, they would be the ones whose necks were broken...

 For these Japanese ninjas, Lin Yuan had no intention of letting them go.

Facing the abyssal beast summoned by Lin Yuan, they had no power to resist.

Even if they wanted to hide their aura and escape, they could not escape the pursuit of these abyssal beasts.

Because Lin Yuan's Mangekyō Sharingan can easily detect their traces.

As the ninjas of the Shadow Dance Club fell one after another, the look of despair on Watanabe Chuan's face became more intense.

They originally just wanted to pick a few lone Chinese warriors to attack, but they didn't expect to provoke Lin Yuan, a killing **** who can control abyssal beasts!

 In the end, even Watanabe Chuan himself was swallowed up by the Final Hydra!

With Lin Yuan killing everyone, the Shadow Dance Society was officially destroyed.

  After witnessing the destruction of the Shadow Dance Society with their own eyes, the remaining forces also developed a deep fear of Lin Yuan and the others, and did not dare to approach easily again.

Wang Tianjie looked around at the empty surroundings, smiled bitterly and said, "Now that's good, we don't even have a chance to make mistakes on the battlefield."

Li Fengyou looked into the distance and said softly: "Don't think about missing things all day long. There seems to be something wrong with the Ministry of Military Affairs..."

 (End of this chapter)

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