Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 249: Why not give it to you! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 249 Why not give it to you! 【Second update! 】

How can this be? !

 Losius's eyes were full of uncertainty and disbelief.

Logically speaking, if such a large number of soul needles were hit head-on, even the ninth-level Heavenly King might not be able to withstand it.

But why was Lin Yuan in front of him still safe and sound? !

Losius frowned, and his mind began to work rapidly.

There is absolutely no problem with the soul needle that I condensed using the power of my soul.

Either, Lin Yuan has a way to deal with soul attacks.

 Otherwise...this boy's soul strength has reached an incredible level!

“I didn’t expect that even the soul attack can’t do anything to you.”

Losius took a deep breath, sneered again and said, "It's just that I can't do anything to you, but that doesn't mean... I can't do anything to your companions either!"

 The next second, Losius raised his hand again!

This time, he condensed thousands of soul needles and shot them through the air in three different directions!

Lin Yuan's eyes were sharp. With the insight of the Mangekyo Sharingan, he quickly saw through the direction of the attack of these three soul needles.

Rosius's targets are none other than Feng Tianrong, Wang Tianjie and Li Fenyou!

 “ careful!”

No matter how fast Lin Yuan was, he was unable to do anything at this time, so he had to yell loudly in order to remind the three of them!

 Feng Tianrong was the first to react and made an immediate dodge action.

However, Anna's attack speed was not slow at all. The crystal ball in her hand suddenly burst out with blue light full of ocean atmosphere, and formed a sea prison, trapping Feng Tianrong in it!

 Under the constraints of the sea prison, Feng Tianrong was forced to take nearly half of the soul needles!

A pain that seemed like tearing surged out from Feng Tianrong's soul. He gritted his teeth, but blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth involuntarily.

 Injuries to the body may not affect the soul.

However, the injuries sustained by the soul will appear on the body immediately.

 A hint of joy clearly appeared on Anna's face.

With her strength, even if she just wanted to entangle Feng Tianrong in his heyday, it would not be easy.

 But now, with Feng Tianrong seriously injured, the pressure on his shoulders has suddenly been relieved a lot!

I have to say that Losius’s move really did Anna a big favor!


 “Soul attack?”

Li Fengyou groaned under the attack of the soul needle, but like Lin Yuan, he did not suffer any substantial damage.

 After all, she and Lin Yuan each absorbed half of the mineral vein's "Tian Ling Yuan Soul", and their soul strength was naturally beyond the reach of ordinary eighth-level venerables.

However, at the same time, Wang Tianjie's face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he coughed up a large mouthful of scarlet blood. His whole aura instantly weakened.

 Obviously, Li Fenyou was able to withstand Losius's soul attack, but Wang Tianjie was unable to do so.

Li Fenyou did not dare to hesitate and flew over directly to support Wang Tianjie's figure.

 He is now so weak that he can hardly maintain his air-control state.

“Before considering your companions, why don’t you consider your own situation first?”

 Edward's cold and cold voice suddenly rang in Li Fengyou's ears. The next second, the scorching flames suddenly exploded in front of her, instantly overturning her and Wang Tianjie's bodies!

After taking the ‘Phoenix Essence and Blood’, Edward’s strength increased to an almost unbelievable level.

Under such circumstances, even if Wang Tianjie and Li Fenyou join forces, they may not be his opponent, let alone the former who has now lost his ability to fight.

 “Want to escape?”

Edward laughed ferociously, raised his hand and struck with another flaming chain!


Because he wanted to protect Wang Tianjie, Li Fenyou couldn't fight back at all, and his back was torn open with deep blood marks by the flaming chains that Edward whipped out.

 In an instant, with the help of Losius, the situation on both sides was instantly reversed.

"You can withstand my soul attack. I have to say that you are indeed very capable."

"But what I want to know more is, what can you do under the current situation?"

 “You can’t do anything on your own.”

Roxius had a faint smile on his face, trying to break down Lin Yuan's psychological defense step by step.

Watching his prey look desperate is one of the few pleasures in his life.

“Just let me tear your pathetic hopes into pieces.”

Looking at Lin Yuan whose expression remained unchanged, Losius seemed to feel a little bored.

 He simply closed his eyes and opened his arms.

At this moment, the gray-white soul ball in front of him seemed to be inspired by something, and turned into several soul energy, pouring in from Losius's seven orifices, and poured into his body!

There is no doubt that Losius is absorbing the soul power in front of him in his own way!

As the gray-white soul energy continued to pour into Losius's body, his aura gradually increased, and a sinister death energy even began to linger around him!

 At this moment, Losius is like the God of Death who has descended on this world!

 Lin Yuan did not choose to take action because he knew that since Losius dared to absorb these souls in front of him, it meant that the other party was confident that he would not interrupt him.

However, Lin Yuan did not sit still and wait for death. He flew into the air in the direction of Feng Tianrong without hesitation. At the same time, he said eagerly: "Commander Feng, is the heart of the Yuan Realm... in your body?"

Feng Tianrong was stunned for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Why do you ask this?"

 “It’s too late to explain.”

"If you are willing to believe me, lend me the heart of the abyss!"

 Lin Yuan was moving very fast. In the blink of an eye, there was only a few hundred meters between him and Feng Tianrong!

As soon as they heard the words ‘Heart of the Abyss’, everyone couldn’t help but cast their gaze over, locking their eyes on Lin Yuan and Feng Tianrong.

“You and I are both Chinese compatriots and comrades-in-arms, what else can I not believe in?”

"As long as you don't let it fall into the hands of others, this heart of the doesn't matter if I give it to you!"

Feng Tianrong laughed twice, flipped his right hand, and a blood-red light ball instantly appeared in his hand, which was the heart of the abyss!

 (End of this chapter)

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