Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 250: I am a Chinese, born with pride! 【First update! 】

Chapter 250 I, a Chinese, am naturally proud! 【First update! 】

 “Get the heart of the abyss first!”

 Losius roared eagerly.

At this moment, the blood-red light ball had already come out of his hand and was thrown towards Lin Yuan by Feng Tianrong!

Anna moved in response, and her figure suddenly turned into a blue afterimage, rushing towards the direction of the Heart of the Abyss in front of her!

However, Lin Yuan's speed was a few points faster than him.

He activated the ability of the Thunder Fruit to the extreme, and his figure suddenly turned into a thunder shadow. Suddenly, he flashed in front of the blood-red light group, and held the Heart of the Abyss in his hand!

 “Sorry, this thing belongs to me.”

Lin Yuan grinned and showed a bright smile to Anna in front of him.

"you wanna die!"

Anna's face was cold, and she raised her hand to condense several water blades, slashing furiously in the direction of Lin Yuan!

 “Why are you so grumpy?”

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed, and he activated his divine power without hesitation, distorting the space in front of him and crushing all the sharp water blades.

Losius roared loudly: "Kill that boy and take back the Heart of the Abyss!"

At this moment, Losius had sucked all the soul energy in front of him into his own body, and his momentum reached its peak.

I saw the air of death lingering around him, and he was heading towards Lin Yuan at an almost terrifying speed!


Feng Tianrong shouted low and stepped in front of Lin Yuan without hesitation. The green energy and blood instantly condensed into an arm armor on his right arm!

 The next second, he faced Losius and punched out with all his strength!

 “Old man, you are looking for death!”

A glint of coldness flashed through Roxius's eyes, and the aura of death around him also lingered on his right arm, condensing into a pair of undead arm armor!

 The arm armor is also covered with sharp bone spurs, which looks extremely terrifying!


The fists of the two sides collided with each other, the momentum was earth-shattering, and the aftermath of the energy and blood escaping was enough to make everyone around them feel depressed.

These two people...are so strong!

Lin Yuan looked at the scene in front of him and let out a sincere exclamation in his heart.

If Feng Tianrong had not stopped Losius for him, then it would have been absolutely impossible for him to block Losius's blow with his own strength alone.

Furthermore, with Losius's astonishing speed, it's probably not even possible to tell whether he will have time to hide in the divine space.

After the two exchanged fists, Losius took a few steps back.

 However, Feng Tianrong... flew directly backwards, with a trace of blood escaping from the corner of his mouth!

 Obviously, the current Losius is far stronger than Feng Tianrong, whose soul was damaged!

Feng Tianrong's punch only caused the opponent to suffer a small loss.

 But under Losius' blow, Feng Tianrong's injuries became even more serious.

“Do you really think of yourself as the number one person under the King of Heaven?”

Roxius's face was full of ferocious madness: "Anyone who dares to hinder us, the Undead Society, from seizing the heart of the abyss, no matter who you are, the Heavenly War Lord or the Earth War Lord, you will all die!"

At this moment, Lin Yuan shouted: "Senior Feng, please stop me for a moment."

Feng Tianrong turned around and asked in a deep voice: "What are you planning to do, kid?"

“Senior Feng, I’m going to take a gamble.”

 Lin Yuan grinned, and a look of madness appeared on his face: "I plan to... refine this heart of the abyss!"

As soon as he said these words, everyone present looked in disbelief.    Is this guy crazy?

 He actually wants to refine the Heart of the Abyss during the battle? !

"You guys are really crazy." Feng Tianrong smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it...the future of China belongs to young people like you anyway."

“In that case, I, an old man like you, will go crazy with you for once!”

  Just as the words fell.

Feng Tianrong took half a step forward and said calmly: "We, China, a country with a history of five thousand years, are not afraid of power, do not dishonor our honor, do not rely on others, and do not beg for mercy. This is because... we, China, are proud!"

 “If you were born in China, you would rather die standing than live on your knees!”

"Since you have all shown your trump cards, I... simply won't hide them."

 Feng Tianrong's eyes flashed with a hint of awe.

 The next second, an invisible wave, with him as the center, spread out and expanded to the surroundings!

 “This is...realm?!”

Roxius's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Impossible! The secret realm of the Abyss clearly does not allow heavenly king-level warriors to enter, how could you have the realm?!"

Feng Tianrong looked at him with a half-smile, and said softly: "Who told you that only heavenly king-level warriors can own a domain?"

At this moment, Losius recalled something.

 That is, Feng Tianrong... once entered the realm of the King of Heaven.

Although he abandoned his cultivation and regressed, he returned to the eighth-level venerable realm.

 However, no one knows whether Feng Tianrong's field has regressed along with his realm.

"My domain is called the 'War Lord Domain'. Unfortunately...under the suppression of the laws of the independent space of the Abyss Secret Realm, it can only be used for a mere five meters."

With a smile on his face, Feng Tianrong said calmly: "But as for my strength within this five-meter range, you can come over and try it yourself."

“As for whether I am the number one person under the King of Heaven, it doesn’t matter what you say, I say it.”

 Feng Tianrong's tone was very calm, but it revealed an unquestionable dominance and confidence!

What he has to do now is to hold off the opponent and give Lin Yuan enough time to refine the heart of the abyss!

 After all, no matter how strong he is alone, he will never be able to reverse the entire battle.

 Ke Lin Yuan is different.

 This boy seems to be beyond description using common sense.

 Controlling strange beasts, distorting space, transforming into thunder, and burning black flames... Lin Yuan's body seems to be full of incredible abilities.

Since this kid said that he wanted to gamble, then just gamble with him!

  In any case, it is just a matter of putting oneself to death and living later.

 “Let’s fight!”

Under Feng Tianrong's violent shout, Losius and Anna looked at each other and chose to take action one after another!

After noticing the scene here, Edward decisively abandoned the seriously injured Li Fenyou and turned to attack Feng Tianrong!

Their idea is very simple. Kill Feng Tianrong first, and then kill Lin Yuan. No matter what, they cannot allow the latter to successfully refine the Heart of the Abyss Realm!

 In an instant, the three great sages all fought together against Feng Tianrong!

 (End of this chapter)

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