Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 256: Human Parliament, List of Protectors!

Chapter 256 Human Parliament, list of protectors!

“From this point of view, the role of the Heart of the Abyss seems a bit useless.”

Feng Tianrong sighed slightly and said, "However, even if you can't completely control it, it doesn't matter. As long as the heart of the Abyss is in your hands, this secret realm of the Abyss belongs to us, China."

Lin Yuan warned: "So, you want me to hand over this Abyss Heart to the country?"

Feng Tianrong glanced at him sideways and said angrily: "You little fox, you are really cautious. If you say it's yours, it's yours. No one will **** it from you!"

“It’s just that the heart of the Abyss Realm can be yours, but the product of the secret realm of the Abyss Realm cannot be swallowed up by you alone.”

“Even if the Ministry of Military Affairs of China agrees, forces from other countries will put pressure on us.”

 Lin Yuan nodded: "I can understand this."

 Before this, the secret realm of the Abyss Realm has always been regarded as an ownerless secret realm. Venerables from all countries are qualified to enter it and compete for the resources in the secret realm.

And after Lin Yuan obtained the Heart of the Abyss Realm, this secret realm belonged to China in disguise.

If Lin Yuan insists on not opening the secret realm of the Abyss, China will definitely bear pressure and condemnation from many parties.

Therefore, the best approach is to still open the Abyss Secret Realm to the outside world, but limit the number of venerables from other countries who can enter it as much as possible to ensure China's dominant position in the secret realm.

If China is more tough, it can also add conditions so that the venerables from various countries must pay a corresponding price before they can be qualified to enter the secret realm of the abyss.

 “It’s good that you can understand.”

 Feng Tianrong's eyes revealed a hint of approval.

I have to say that Lin Yuan has a very clear vision of right and wrong, which saves him a lot of trouble.

 Feng Tianrong then cleared his throat and continued: "Moreover, if you bear this responsibility, China will compensate you accordingly."

Lin Yuan's eyes lit up and he subconsciously asked, "What kind of compensation?"

"First, if it doesn't go as I expected, China should set rules to require all the venerables who successfully enter and leave the secret realm of the abyss to hand over a certain share of the harvest, maybe 20%, maybe 10%. The specific number depends on how it is negotiated.”

Lin Yuan quickly reacted and said slightly excitedly: "In other words, I still have a share in this part of the harvest?"


Feng Tianrong nodded, seemingly satisfied with the expression on Lin Yuan's face.

 “But that’s not the most important thing.”

Feng Tianrong changed the topic and said calmly: "In my opinion, the second compensation is even more irreplaceable for you!"

 For a moment, Lin Yuan's curiosity was completely aroused by Feng Tianrong: "What is the second compensation?"

"To be precise, it cannot be regarded as compensation." Feng Tianrong said: "Because the heart of the abyss is with you now, if nothing else happens, the Ministry of Military Affairs should recommend you to be included in the list of protectors of the 'Human Parliament'. "

 “List of protectors?”

Lin Yuan was slightly startled.

He does know something about the ‘Human Parliament’.

This is a neutral organization that is not affiliated with any country, but is formed by top warriors from various countries to maintain order around the world. It is no exaggeration to say that even a powerful person at the level of a king may not be qualified to participate in the human parliament.

“The list of protectors is a special list established by the ‘Parliament of Humanity’ in previous years.”

“There are only three types of people who are eligible to be included in this special list.”

“The first type is politicians who may influence the world structure.”

“The second type is those who have made outstanding contributions to the world, such as some top scientists, writers, historians, etc.”

"The third type... is like you. Your own existence involves some extremely influential people or things, but you don't have the corresponding strength. You will easily fall into a dangerous situation. You must Protected by the Parliament of Mankind.”

 Lin Yuan: " hurts my heart, Lao Tie."

"There is nothing to worry about. I believe you also know that ordinary people are not guilty and pregnant women are guilty. If you are not included in the protection list of the 'Human Parliament', I am afraid that as soon as you leave the secret realm of the abyss, you will He was assassinated in turn by the top forces from all sides."

Feng Tianrong snorted coldly: "By that time, let alone you being just a mere venerable person, even if you have already attained enlightenment as the Heavenly King, I am afraid you will die without a burial place!"

Lin Yuan secretly smacked his lips: "So terrifying?"

“Nonsense, do you think we, the Chinese family, are the only ones in the world? There are so many eyes staring at us in the dark!”

“I won’t mention the distant ones, let’s just talk about the three forces of the Order of the Phoenix, the Society of the Dead, and the Alliance of Gods. Which one doesn’t have a few heavenly kings?”

“If they try something evil on you, are you sure you can handle it?”

Lin Yuan's head shook like a rattle. Who the **** can withstand this? !

Feng Tianrong patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder and said, "So, it is not a shame to accept the asylum of the Human Parliament."

“Think about it, if something happened to you, and a bunch of king-level experts from the human parliament came out to help you support you, how spectacular would that scene be?”

“And, more importantly, don’t you have a grudge against the king of the Xu family?”

"When you are included in the protection list of the 'Human Parliament', even if the Xu family has ten courages, the old dog may not dare to touch you."

Lin Yuan blinked and had to say that what Feng Tianrong said did seem to make some sense.

 “Now you know the benefits of the protector list?”

Feng Tianrong raised his head and said proudly: "After you become familiar with the heart of the abyss, open the space channel directly, and I will leave with you."

The proud look on his face was obviously like saying, 'I have obtained so many benefits for you, why don't you come and please me quickly?'

However, Lin Yuan didn't react at the first moment, and asked blankly: "Senior, why did you leave the secret realm so early?"

 “Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?”

Feng Tianrong really wanted to slap Lin Yuan's head, and said with eyes wide open: "What else can I do to go out so early? Of course, I'm going to wipe your kid's butt!"

“Our Military Department fought tooth and nail for the Heart of the Abyss, and even lost so many brothers, but in the end we got the advantage of you, kid. Do you really think that the Military Department doesn’t need me to explain?”

Lin Yuan was extremely ashamed and laughed a few times: "Thank you for your hard work..."

 (End of this chapter)

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