Chapter 257 Returns!

Time flew by, and seven days passed quickly.

During these seven days, Feng Tianrong counted the casualties of the martial arts warriors, arranged the next tasks for them, and even identified a prestigious warrior to take over his position and lead the military warriors for him.

 After all, it won’t be long before he will return to Earth with Lin Yuan.

 “How’s it going? Are you familiar with the Heart of the Abyss?”

Feng Tianrong walked up to Lin Yuan and asked straight to the point.

 “Almost familiar with it.”

 Lin Yuan raised his hand and opened a space crack leading to the outside world directly in front of his eyes. After a brief shock, it quickly stabilized.

 Obviously, he now has the ability to open up space channels at will.


Feng Tianrong nodded approvingly: "Since everything is ready, let's leave here today."

After Feng Tianrong said these words, Lin Yuan turned around, looked at Li Fenyou and Wang Tianjie, and said, "Teachers, do you want to come with us?"

"I won't. I still want to explore the secret realm of the abyss to see if I can find some opportunities."

Li Fengyou entered the secret realm of the Abyss Realm this time just to find an opportunity to prove the Heavenly King. Naturally, he was unwilling to leave so easily.

"me too."

 After Lin Yuan cast his eyes on Wang Tianjie, the latter also smiled and said.

“Since both teachers are unwilling to leave, I won’t persuade them any more.”

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan raised his hand to summon two eighth-order peak beasts from his pet space, and asked them to follow Li Fenyou and Wang Tianjie respectively.

“Two teachers, I can’t help you any more.”

"I have given instructions to these two abyssal beasts to protect you."

"If you encounter any difficulties in this secret realm, you can directly use the abyssal beast as cannon fodder and try your best to try your best to gain a chance of survival."

Li Fengyou nodded slightly: "You are really attentive."

Wang Tianjie grinned: "Yes, you are indeed a junior that I admire, and you are considerate in everything you do!"

“But don’t worry, Teacher Li and I are not that weak. Now that all the major forces have been fragmented, just those stragglers can’t do anything to me and Teacher Li.”

Lin Yuan smiled: "That's good."

 Then, Li Fenyou spoke again: "By the way, there is one more thing. If you meet Wang Zhanlin after you go out, remember to tell him."

"It is said that after coming out of this secret realm of the abyss, I will become the king of heaven!"

“When that time comes, let him get clean and wait for me to force him into marriage!”

Li Fenyou's words were so domineering that Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Lin Yuan: "...Sister Fengyou, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that I'm afraid that old boy Wang Zhanlin will chop me to death."

 Li Fenyou seemed to have expected that he would refuse, and said with a sweet smile: "If you don't tell me, I will hack you to death after I become the King of Heaven."

After finishing speaking, Li Fenyou also made a movement of raising the knife and lowering it, which scared Lin Yuan and shuddered uncontrollably.

 Fortunately, Feng Tianrong came to the rescue in time: "It's getting late, we'd better open the space channel and return to the earth as soon as possible."


Lin Yuan nodded and began to mobilize the energy in the heart of the abyss.

Following a burst of violent spatial fluctuations, a wide spatial crack soon appeared out of thin air in front of Lin Yuan, as if a zipper had been slowly pulled down by a big empty hand. “Let’s go!”

Feng Tianrong took the lead and walked toward the space passage in front of him.

 However, at this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air beside Lin Yuan.

 “Who is this person?”

Feng Tianrong frowned and asked very vigilantly.

 Lin Yuan grinned and burst into a bright smile: "This is the surprise I prepared for the Xu family."


 Earth, the entrance to the secret realm of the Abyss.

 In mid-air, a space crack appeared out of thin air.

 Two figures emerged from the cracks in space and fell directly into the jungle from mid-air.

 “Bah, bah, bah…”

Feng Tianrong spat out a mouthful of muddy foam and frowned: "You kid opened a space passage and you didn't even try to get some snacks? Look at this bad place you spread, I almost fell to death!"

Lin Yuan chuckled: "No way, it's my first time doing it, so I have no experience."

At this moment, the light of several detection lights shone directly in their direction!

 “Be careful, someone is coming!”

Feng Tianrong lowered his voice, trying to remind Lin Yuan beside him to be careful.

 However, just when he turned his head, he found that Lin Yuan had disappeared!

 Damn it, where did this kid go? !

Just as Feng Tianrong glanced around, trying to find any trace of Lin Yuan, the latter's voice came out faintly from the void: "Senior, don't move around, it's easy to be exposed."

 Feng Tianrong: “…”


This guy is actually really good at becoming invisible!

 You give me a good talk, what else do you not know? !

  Complaints come true, Feng Tianrong still carefully concealed his aura.

 It is estimated that even the guards here did not expect that someone would escape from the secret realm of the abyss so quickly.

 So after the detection light probed for a while, there was no movement soon.

Feng Tianrong also took this opportunity to take Lin Yuan and Xu Ying and quickly left the place.

After flying for about two or three hours, they completely left that area and arrived on a vast ocean.

I have to say that Feng Tianrong was really cautious when doing things, and even took him flying all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

“Wait here for a while, I’ll ask the military department to send someone to take us back.”

 After finishing speaking, Feng Tianrong took out a satellite phone directly from the space ring, dialed a number, and began to communicate with the other party.

The sea below, reflected in the dark night, revealed a cold and dead black ink color. Lin Yuan was waiting silently, looking thoughtfully into the distance with his eyes.

This half year has been like a dream to him.

You must know that before entering the secret realm of the abyss, he was just a martial arts master.

After leaving the secret realm of the Abyss Realm, Lin Yuan has become an eighth-level sage with supreme strength. Even if he is far away from the ninth-level heavenly king, he is no longer as far away as before.

 Speaking of which, it’s time for me to go back to those sort out the general ledger!

 (End of this chapter)

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