Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 258: Return to Zhenhai City

Chapter 258 Return to Zhenhai City


 The sound of the helicopter soon came from a distance.

I have to say that the efficiency of the Chinese Armed Forces Department was high enough. Less than an hour after Feng Tianrong’s call was dialed, the Logistics Department sent a helicopter to pick them up.

A helicopter that looked like a black hawk soon hovered in front of Lin Yuan and Feng Tianrong. The strong wind it set off was like a knife cutting through the surface, and even the sea below was rippled.


 After the helicopter's hatch opened, Feng Tianrong gave Lin Yuan a direct look and motioned for him to get up first.

Soon, the two of them found their seats in the back row of the helicopter.

"I'm going to go to the Military Department of Yanjing first to report the situation to my superiors." Feng Tianrong turned around and asked, "What about you? Where are you going?"

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment and then said, "I'm going to go back to Zhenhai City first."

Feng Tianrong raised his eyebrows: "Are you going to go back and see your parents?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "That's what I meant. I'm afraid the Xu family will target them."

“Well, you should definitely go back and take a look.”

Feng Tianrong paused for a moment, then spoke again: "However, it will take at least a month for the Human Parliament to pass the Ministry of Armed Forces' proposal to add you to the list of protectors."

“So, during this month, I advise you to try not to have a head-on conflict with the Xu family.”

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Senior Feng, I have a sense of discretion."

Feng Tianrong said: "Well, after I return to the Military Department of Yanjing, I will have someone help you return to Zhenhai City."


 Hong Kong, Zhenhai City.

“Is it okay to land here?”

 The helicopter pilot turned his head and asked.

 “Well, thank you very much.”

Lin Yuan nodded and agreed.

 The helicopter descended slowly and landed on the top of the Zhenhai Military Department Building.

Lin Yuan opened the door of the helicopter and stepped out.

At this moment, it was early in the morning, the sky was breaking, and the early morning sunlight was shining just right, giving Lin Yuan the illusion of being in another world.

You must know that in the secret realm of the abyss, there is no such warm sunshine at all, only the cold dark red moonlight.

“I don’t know what happened to my parents.”

Thinking of his parents' expressions when they saw him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile.


 Zhenhai City, Jingyuan Community.

 This community is already considered a relatively high-end community in Zhenhai City.

 Given the jobs of Lin’s father and Lin’s mother, they definitely cannot afford to live in such a high-end community.

This house was originally bought by Lin Yuan. After buying it, he directly filled in the names of his parents.

 Because he knew that if he gave the money directly to his parents, they would probably save it for themselves and not even think about how to spend it.

So, Lin Yuan bought a house in Jingyuan Community with all the money without consulting them.

“Bang!” It was early in the morning, and suddenly there was a violent sound of glass breaking in the quiet Jingyuan community.

Father Lin and Mother Lin, who were sleeping soundly in the bedroom, were awakened from their sleep by the strange noise.

 “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, it’s okay.”

Father Lin held his wife in his arms, patted her back gently, and comforted her softly: "It's probably those gangsters who are here again."

Mother Lin’s face still showed some shock.

 Then she covered her face and sobbed softly: "I don't know if Yuan'er can come back alive..."

She also knew more or less about Lin Yuan.

His son seems to have killed someone he shouldn't have killed, thus offending a big shot and being forced into an extremely dangerous place.

It is precisely because of this that during this period of time, ruffians have been coming to harass their lives.

Although Father Lin is also very worried about Lin Yuan's safety, as the pillar of the family, he cannot show any weakness.

He wiped the tears from his wife's face and said softly: "Don't worry, our son Ji Ren has his own destiny and nothing will happen to him."

“In half a year, he will be able to return safely.”

"It's still early, so you should sleep a little longer. This period of time... has been really **** you."

During this period of time, due to worries about her son's safety and being constantly harassed by the gangsters, Mother Lin barely had a good night's sleep. She even suffered from neurasthenia, and her face became more and more haggard day by day.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly in the bedroom.

Father Lin raised his head and said, "Come in, the door is unlocked."


With a soft sound, the door in front of you was opened directly.

After the door opened, two men who looked like warriors, about 27 or 28 years old, appeared in front of them.

One of them also held a stone in his hand, with a piece of blood wrapped around it and the four characters "Kill to pay for life" written on it.

Father Lin obviously noticed the stone, smiled bitterly, and said, "Is it that group of people again?"

The man in front of him was slightly startled, and subconsciously hid the stone in his hand behind his back, and said angrily: "Yes, they are still those bastards, they have no bottom line in life, they can do any dirty things, and they don't Know what benefits the Xu family promised them."

Another warrior turned around and said sternly: "Brother Liu, I can't bear it this time. I'll catch up and teach them a lesson!"

The warrior known as "Brother Liu" smiled bitterly and said, "It's useless if you go, those people are just pawns of the Xu family, they just collect money to do things."

“Even if you teach them a lesson, the Xu family will still have another group of people come to cause trouble next time.”

"Can you be so arrogant when you accept money to do things? This time I want to make them remember that they have to pay the price for accepting illegal money that they shouldn't have received!"

The warrior gritted his teeth and turned around to chase him out.

Liu Yun was a little helpless and had no choice but to say: "Okay, just give him a lesson. Don't kill anyone. We must always remember that we are warriors and we must abide by our duties as warriors."

 “Well, I know, I won’t mess around.”

The warrior responded in a deep voice, turned around and chased after him.

 These two warriors were sent by Wang Zhanlin to personally protect Lin Yuan's parents.

One of them is named 'Liu Yun', and the person who just chased him out is named 'Lin Zhengxin'. These two people look young, but they both have the strength of seventh-level martial arts masters.

With them on hand to protect him, they can at least protect Lin Yuan's parents from life-threatening threats.

 (End of this chapter)

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