Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 259: Which hand did you just use?

Chapter 259 Which hand did you use just now?

“Don’t worry, Uncle Lin, Lin Zhengxin has already taught those gangsters a lesson for you.”

 Liu Yun looked at Father Lin and Mother Lin and said comfortingly.

 “Thank you very much.”

Father Lin lowered his head with a dejected look on his face: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Liu Yun waved his hand and said, "It's okay. This is our duty. It's not a troublesome thing."

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the hall downstairs!

Liu Yun’s expression changed.

 Because this scream seemed to be Lin Zhengxin’s voice!

 Has something happened to Lin Zhengxin? !

Liu Yun frowned and hurried downstairs.

 Father Lin and Mother Lin looked at each other, put on their coats, and followed Liu Yun's pace.

When they arrived at the living room, they found that the whole living room was in a mess, the door had been forcibly broken open, and Lin Zhengxin was lying **** among a pile of debris, his life or death unknown.

 “Have a correct mind!”

  After seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Yun rushed over without hesitation and stretched out his hand to feel his nose.

Father Lin on the side asked anxiously: "How's it going?"

“He’s still breathing, he probably just passed out.”

Liu Yun breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head and glared at the people standing at the door.

 Most of these people did not show any vitality. They were obviously just ordinary hooligans and had not stepped into the ranks of warriors.

However, the martial arts cultivation of the man in black clothes at the head made Liu Yun somewhat unpredictable.

He raised his head and said in a cold voice: "You have hurt Zhengxin?"

The man in black clothes raised his eyes and glanced at him indifferently: "Hand over Lin Yuan's parents, and then you can get out."

 “Extremely arrogant!”

Liu Yun had an angry expression on his face, and took a step forward. He was like an angry arrow leaving his string, and instantly flashed in front of the man in black clothes. He struck him with a straight punch and suddenly killed him!


However, Liu Yun's full-force punch was easily caught by the opponent's right palm.

"Is this all you have? That would be too boring."

The indifferent gaze of the man in Xuanyi seemed to be full of disdain.

 “How about trying this again!”

Liu Yun gritted his teeth, and the power of Qi and blood, as dark brown as soil, instantly wrapped around his left arm, forming a pair of Qi and blood arm armor.

The next second, Liu Yun let out a low shout, and once again struck the man in black clothes in front of him with his left fist in the chest!

"It's really boring...weak people should have the consciousness of being weak."

The voice of the man in Xuanyi came to Liu Yun's ears lightly.


With a soft sound, Liu Yun's left arm was grabbed by him!

Liu Yun's expression changed, because he was horrified to find that no matter how powerful his strength was, his fist could not advance even an inch further under the opponent's control!

 Obviously, the strength of this man in black clothes far exceeded his imagination!

"Stop struggling. You can't protect them. If you resist again, I will kill you."

The man in Xuanyi spoke coldly, and suddenly used his left hand to crush Liu Yun's Qi-blood arm armor.

The power of brown energy and blood that was originally condensed into substance is now like a broken mirror, cracking inch by inch!

 Subsequently, the man in black clothes grabbed Liu Yun's wrist and swung it towards the wall! Under this impact, even the wall surface was dented. Liu Yun's body slipped from the wall and he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

The man in Xuanyi didn't even look at Liu Yun, but walked straight towards Father Lin and Mother Lin.

 Obviously, these two people are his real targets.

“I’ll give you two choices. One is to follow me back to the Xu family obediently, or the other is to break your legs first and then take you back to the Xu family.”

The man in black clothes said calmly while walking towards the two of them.

 However, at this moment, Liu Yun's figure blocked the man in Xuanyi again.

He stared at the man in black clothes with his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "As long as I am still alive, even if you are a venerable... you will not even think of taking them away!"

After Liu Yun said these words, a look of surprise could not help but appear in the eyes of the man in black clothes.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a faint smile: "Since you already know that I am a Venerable, you still dare to stop in front of me. Do you think I should praise you for your courage, or should I think that you are a Venerable?" Looking for death?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the man in black clothes suddenly turned into an afterimage, and he suddenly moved towards Liu Yun to kill him!

 What a fast speed!

Liu Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly crossed his arms in front of his chest, trying to block the attack from the man in black clothes!

However, what Liu Yun didn't notice was that a hint of sarcasm quietly appeared in the other party's eyes.

The man in Xuanyi is laughing at...his overestimation of his abilities!

 The power of blue energy and blood, like a snake, quickly wrapped around the right arm of the man in black clothes!

 He stood firm, his energy and blood surged, and his fists surged like a mighty river!


 Liu Yun still overestimated his own strength.

The power of the opponent's punch was simply beyond what a mere martial arts master like him could withstand!

 There is nearly double the difference between the seventh level and the eighth level in terms of energy and blood alone.

Under the power of this punch, Liu Yun's figure flew directly backwards more than ten meters away, and his arms were shattered!

The man in Xuanyi turned around expressionlessly, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

 Then, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Mother Lin.

However, Father Lin on the side slapped his arm away hard, protected him in front of his wife, and said word by word: "I don't allow you to touch her!"

The man in black clothes looked at him deeply, and a hint of ferocity could not help but appear in his eyes: "Your noise really makes me a little impatient."

He stretched out his right hand, raised his hand and slapped Father Lin who was standing in front of him!


The crisp sound of a slap soon reverberated throughout the entire hall.

Father Lin was slapped hard and flew away. His right face was red and swollen.

The man in black clothes stepped forward, leaned down slightly, and said with a ferocious look: "I don't have much patience, so don't make me anxious. Anyway, the Xu family just wants to bring you back alive, but there is no way He said you can’t cut off your hands or feet.”

 “If you don’t want to suffer, just obey me.”

However, at this moment, there was a clear knock on the door of the villa.

 “Du, du, du.”

The man in Xuanyi frowned slightly and turned his head to look over.

 He wanted to see who was so short-sighted that he dared to come and disturb the situation at this time!

The man in Xuanyi looked around and found a young man in his early twenties standing at the door with a cold face and eyes as cold as an abyss.

 He stood up, took a few steps forward, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

The black-haired young man stared at him, a fierce look suddenly flashed in his eyes: "With which hand did you hit my dad just now?"

 (End of this chapter)

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