Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 265: Instantly kill the lord, Lin Yuan shows his power!

Chapter 265 Instantly kills the Lord, Lin Yuan shows his power!

Just as Xu Tianwu finished speaking, several figures rose into the sky from the mountains below and surrounded Lin Yuan.

The latter frowned, looked around, and found that all around him were the venerables of the Xu family!

“Master Xu, you really think highly of me.”

Lin Yuan smiled self-deprecatingly and said calmly: "I'm just an eighth-level venerable person. Do you need to spend so much effort to target me?"

Xu Tianwu looked at him coldly: "Lin Yuan, I admit that I underestimated you before."

“I really didn’t expect that you not only left the secret realm of the Abyss alive, but you even refined the heart of the Abyss.”

 “This is really…unexpected.”

Xu Tianwu deliberately emphasized the word "unexpectedly" as if he was sarcastically speaking.

Lin Yuan's expression changed: "How do you know about the Heart of the Abyss? Commander Feng told you?!"

 “Feng Tianrong?”

 “No, no, no, I think you must have misunderstood something.”

Xu Tianwu seemed to be satisfied with the expression on Lin Yuan's face. He waved his hand, chuckled and said, "Come out and meet him, Xu Ying."

At this moment, a person appeared behind Xu Tianwu again. He was exactly the same as him in appearance and body shape, just like his twin brother.

 The person who appeared was none other than Xu Ying!

Lin Yuan's face suddenly darkened: "Are you plotting against me?!"

 “Hahahahaha... so what if I plot against you?”

Xu Tianwu turned to look at Xu Ying, laughed and said: "Xu Ying, if this happens, I will recommend you to join the core management of our Xu family!"

"From now on, you no longer have to be my shadow and hide in the dark all day long!"

I have to say that Xu Tianwu knows the art of controlling his subordinates very well. He knows what Xu Ying needs most, and that is his approval!

As expected, after he said these words, Xu Ying's face immediately revealed a look of joy: "Thank you very much, Master, for your love, I am humbled and sincere!"

Xu Tianwu nodded, turned his head, looked at Lin Yuan, and shouted in a deep voice: "If something changes later, kill him!"

As Xu Tianwu issued the order, the surrounding Xu family sages immediately moved toward Lin Yuan to kill him!

 Suddenly, qi and blood of various different attributes began to escape towards the surroundings.

 “Want to kill me?”

A ferocious look appeared on Lin Yuan's face: "Then let's give it a try!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan's figure suddenly turned into a dazzling thunder, and directly attacked and killed the Venerable Xu family who was closest to him!

 “Thunder Fist!”

The blue thunder light, like a snake, wrapped around Lin Yuan's right arm!

  When he punched out, bursts of thunderous sounds could be heard in the surrounding space!

Feeling Lin Yuan's majestic thunder fist, the face of the Venerable Xu family was full of horror.

He simply couldn't believe that a boy in his early twenties could actually use such a powerful move!

He did not dare to show any signs of neglect. The energy and blood all over his body suddenly exploded, making his momentum rise to the extreme, and he faced Lin Yuan's thunder fist head-on!


With a loud bang, and under the power of the Thundering Fist, the Qi-Blood Arm Armor of this Venerable Xu Family actually cracked inch by inch, and it was covered with dense lines like spider webs!

At the same time, he only felt waves of surging thunder energy rushing towards his body!

"No, it's impossible!" The expression of the Xu family's venerable was completely distorted.

He desperately poured out his energy and blood, hoping to withstand the violent thunder above Lin Yuan's fist!

 However, Lin Yuan was not prepared to give him this opportunity.

He directly opened the Mangekyo Sharingan, focused his eyes on the opponent's head, and chose to activate the divine power without hesitation!

Since the method of divine power was too weird and the opponent had no defense at all, the twisted space formed by divine power instantly broke the opponent's neck and swallowed his entire head into a different dimension!

Lin Yuan calmly retracted his right fist.

In front of his eyes, a lifeless, headless corpse fell from the sky in a free fall and fell into the endless mountains.

Lin Yuan’s strength shocked everyone present!

In just one encounter, he forcibly killed a respected person of the same level!

 Such strength is simply terrifying!

Xu Tianwu stared at Lin Yuan and said in a deep voice: "Song Qinghong was indeed killed by you!"

 “So what?”

Lin Yuan spoke unceremoniously: "Xu Tianwu, if you dare to attack my family again, I want everyone in your Xu family to die!"


Xu Tianwu’s aura as a heavenly king instantly spread to the surroundings.

He said sharply: "We have already reached this point, and you still have the guts to threaten my Xu family?!"

 “Why don’t you dare?”

A hint of a faint smile appeared on Lin Yuan's lips: "I think your lackey must not have told you about the new abilities I gained after refining the Heart of the Abyss, right?"

Xu Tianwu's expression changed, and he subconsciously looked at Xu Ying beside him.

 However, the latter also had a look of confusion on his face, obviously unaware of this matter.

 Then, Xu Tianwu looked at Lin Yuan again, his eyes extremely cold: "Whatever trump card you have, just use it."

“I would like to see what kind of ability can threaten my existence in the Heavenly King Realm!”

“Since King Xu Tian has already said this, I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obey.”

Lin Yuan raised his hand, and a space crack appeared out of thin air behind him!

 Densely packed abyssal beasts, like ants crawling out of an anthill, poured out of this space crack.

Xu Tianwu's expression soon turned completely gloomy.

 Because he could sense that these abyssal beasts... all possess the strength of level eight or above.

He obviously did not expect that after refining the Heart of the Abyss, Lin Yuan would have the ability to control the Abyss Beast!

 Suddenly, the situation in front of him was reversed in an instant.

Lin Yuan, who was originally surrounded by the venerable Xu family, now has the advantage.

 Because behind him, the number of eighth-level abyssal beasts has even reached three times the number of the opponent!

Like a monarch, Lin Yuan stood in front of a group of eighth-level abyssal beasts with a slight smile on his face: "King Xu Tian, ​​I wonder if my trump card still satisfies you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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