Chapter 266 Tianyang Realm!

“So what if you can control the Abyssal Beast?”

Xu Tianwu's face was as dark as water, and he said in a cold voice: "Today, I will kill you!"

“I will let you see how big the gap in strength is between the ninth-level king and the eighth-level venerable!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Tianwu's body suddenly rose up and instantly turned into an afterimage, heading towards Lin Yuan to kill him!

However, in the next second, several eighth-level abyssal beasts roared and intercepted Xu Tianwu, preventing him from getting close to Lin Yuan.

"piss off!"

Xu Tianwu roared, his energy and blood suddenly burst out, and he punched forward!

Tianwu style, collapsed!


Xu Tianwu's punch, which contained the true meaning of martial arts, actually blasted a Demonic Tiger Abyss Beast in front of him into a **** mist!

 One punch, instant kill!

 Fortunately, there is no such thing as morale of the Abyssal Beasts. Even if one of the Abyssal Beasts was exploded by Xu Tianwu's punch, the other Abyssal Beasts still rushed towards him without fear of death.

Xu Tianwu didn’t hesitate at all. The King of Heaven unleashed all his fighting power and started fighting head-on with the Abyssal Beast in front of him!

 Under his fist, the abyssal beasts blocking his way exploded into blood mist one after another.

 The power of the King of Heaven is so unrivaled!

After the Sharingan evolved into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Lin Yuan was finally able to see through Xu Tianwu's strength.

 The opponent's energy and blood are at least 650,000 points!

You should know that one only needs to break through 400,000 qi, blood or spiritual power to officially enter the ninth-level Heavenly King realm.

Existences of Xu Tianwu's level can already be regarded as the best among heavenly king-level warriors.

In the blink of an eye, six or seven eighth-level abyssal beasts had died in Xu Tianwu’s hands!

 However, at this moment, Lin Yuan transformed into thunder and took the initiative to approach Xu Tianwu!

Judging from Xu Tianwu's reaction, he naturally noticed Lin Yuan's actions immediately.

 He frowned slightly.

 This he looking for death? !

Just as Xu Tianwu was about to attack Lin Yuan, two eighth-level abyssal beasts rushed towards him!

Just as Xu Tianwu raised his hand to blast one of the abyssal beasts, another octopus-like abyssal beast quickly wrapped its tentacles around his body, tightly entangling and imprisoning it in place!

 At this moment, Lin Yuan also took action!

 The dark purple energy instantly condensed into Susanoo's shadow behind him!

The next second, the surging lightning wrapped around Susanoo's right arm again, even more powerful!

Facing a Heavenly King Realm expert like Xu Tianwu, Lin Yuan naturally did not dare to hold back at all!

The power of Susanoo and the Thunder Fruit were pushed to the extreme by Lin Yuan, and they were perfectly blended together!

 The next second, the giant purple fist fell directly towards Xu Tianwu’s head!

The power of this punch was so powerful that even the surrounding space seemed to be torn apart!

 “Field, open!”

Facing Lin Yuan's all-out attack, even Xu Tianwu was slightly moved.

 He did not hesitate and directly opened his own field!

 Xu Tianwu’s domain is called ‘Tianyang Domain’!

After opening the realm, a dazzling light like the sun seemed to emerge around Xu Tianwu!

 This field is considered to be a relatively common power field among the fields!

 Under the influence of the ‘Tian Yang Domain’, Xu Tianwu’s power will be greatly improved!

With the added power of the domain, Xu Tianwu easily broke free from the shackles of the octopus tentacles.

Then, his eyes were slightly sharp, and his right fist suddenly shot out, forcibly meeting Susanoo's dark purple giant fist!


When the two fists collided in the air, the energy shadow formed by Susanoo quickly dimmed!

Lin Yuan's pupils shrank suddenly and he quickly retreated, no longer confronting Xu Tianwu.

After opening the ‘Tian Yang Domain’, Xu Tianwu’s power has been significantly improved again!

According to Lin Yuan's conservative estimate, Xu Tianwu's power has now exceeded the 700,000 mark at least!

I have to say that the effect of the field is quite significant.

Xu Tianwu’s ‘Tian Yang Domain’ directly brought him nearly 50,000 points of qi and blood increase!

You must know that Lin Yuan currently only has more than 300,000 points of energy and blood. Even with the double increase of Susanoo and Thunder Fruit, Lin Yuan would never be Xu Tianwu's opponent based solely on strength!

 “Want to escape?”

Seeing Lin Yuan trying to retreat, Xu Tianwu did not hesitate and directly chose to bully him!

In order to get rid of Xu Tianwu's pursuit, Lin Yuan once again used the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

In his eyes, a cluster of Amaterasu black flames suddenly ignited, burning in the direction of Xu Tianwu!

 The latter's expression suddenly changed.

He has understood the power of the Amaterasu Black Flame.

Once it is touched by even a trace of flame, it will be burned until only ashes remain!

 Fortunately, Xu Tianwu was fast enough and avoided the burning of Amaterasu's black flames in time, and continued to pursue Lin Yuan!

But just when Xu Tianwu was about to attack and kill Lin Yuan, a breath of frost was sprayed towards him from the sky!


With the sound of frost condensing, Xu Tianwu's speed gradually slowed down, and in the end he was frozen into an ice sculpture!

It was at this moment that Xu Tianwu noticed that a nine-headed demon snake as big as a mountain appeared beside Lin Yuan.


Xu Tianwu's energy and blood surged around his body, and he forcibly exploded the condensed frost!

He looked at the Final Hydra in front of him with cold eyes: "Is this your last trump card? You actually used the energy of the Heart of the Abyss... to cultivate a ninth-level abyssal beast?!"

Lin Yuan chuckled: "Yes, otherwise, how do you think I would kill you?"

"kill me?"

Xu Tianwu was so angry that he laughed back: "You are really brave enough to think!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Tianwu's body suddenly shot towards Lin Yuan like a whistling cannonball at an astonishing speed!

However, Lin Yuan's face did not show the slightest trace of panic, as if he had anticipated Xu Tianwu's actions.

At this moment, the Final Hydra beside him finally began to gather energy!

On the nine heads covered with strange lines, nine different attributes of energy were condensed one after another!

 Ice, fire, wood, water, poison…

 The energy of all attributes once again converged into the gray-white power of finality!

After the Final Hydra broke through to the ninth level, the final power it condensed also showed even more terrifying power!


Although Xu Tianwu is very fast, the speed at which the Ultimate Hydra can gather the power of the Ultimate is still a bit faster.

Accompanied by a high-pitched snake whistle, the ultimate power that had been condensed into an energy beam poured towards Xu Tianwu like a waterfall!

Although Xu Tianwu opened the ‘Tian Yang Domain’, Hydra, as a ninth-level abyssal beast, also has the ‘Nine Snake Domain’ to enhance the attribute strength of the nine heads.

Under the crazy release of the ultimate power, Xu Tianwu's figure fell directly downwards, smashing a mountain top!

 (End of this chapter)

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