Chapter 268

Xu Tianwu never expected that Xu Ying would stab him in the back after burning his own life force!

 Since Xu Tianwu never thought about Xu Ying's betrayal, he had no precautions at all.

 Xu Tianwu was obviously seriously injured under Xu Ying's blow, and he opened his mouth and coughed out a mouthful of blood!

However, before Xu Tianwu could recover, Xu Ying approached him again.

His limbs were like an octopus, clinging tightly to Xu Tianwu's body. The energy and blood around him began to burn violently, exuding an extremely terrifying power!

Xu Tianwu was slightly stunned at first, and then reacted instantly.

 Xu preparing to self-destruct!

 “Damn it...get out of here, get out of here!”

Concerning his own safety, Xu Tianwu instantly transformed into a ferocious beast and began to resist crazily!

Xu Ying is only an eighth-level venerable after all. Even though he is burning his own spiritual power, there is still a huge gap in strength between him and Xu Tianwu.

Within three seconds, Xu Ying's limbs were forcibly broken by Xu Tianwu.

However, at the same time that Xu Tianwu got rid of his restraints, Xu Ying was completely prepared to self-destruct!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

With bursts of roaring noises, Xu Ying's figure instantly expanded and exploded like a hydrogen balloon!

At this moment, Xu Tianwu is at the center of the explosion!

Although Xu Ying and Xu Tianwu are different in levels, the power of an eighth-level warrior to self-destruct with all his strength cannot be underestimated.

As the smoke cleared, Xu Tianwu's figure appeared in front of Lin Yuan in an extremely embarrassed state.

His body was covered with large and small bloodstains, and some of the wounds were so deep that the forest-white bone stubble could be seen!

 Obviously, Xu Ying's self-destruction caused serious injuries to him.

 Furthermore, Xu Tianwu's energy and blood consumption has reached a certain level.

The effects of the Lieyang Divine Body have gradually declined, and even the healing speed of the injuries on the body has gradually slowed down.

 “You plotted against me.”

Xu Tianwu's voice was surprisingly cold.

Things have developed to this point. If he still can't see through Lin Yuan's plan, then he would be too stupid.

 From the moment Xu Ying betrayed him and attacked him from behind, Xu Tianwu figured everything out.

 All this... is Lin Yuan's plan, a trap he set up in advance!

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Isn't it uncomfortable to be betrayed?"

Xu Tianwu gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of betrayal? It was clearly you who manipulated him!"

 Regardless of whether Xu Ying will betray or not, even if he chooses to betray, it is absolutely impossible to choose such a decisive method as "self-destruction".

 So, the only reasonable explanation is...Lin Yuan manipulated Xu Ying in some unknown way!

Lin Yuan chuckled and said: "Why do you say it so unpleasantly? I just freed him from his status as a 'tool' of your Xu family."    "Hahahaha... It's really ironic. , A mere eighth-level venerable man actually plotted against me, a ninth-level king."

Xu Tianwu laughed maniacally, his eyes full of resentment.

Lin Yuan said calmly: "I'm just trying to survive. This world originally follows the most primitive laws of the jungle. Natural selection, the winner and the loser."

“Before, when your Xu family gained power, I was forced to have no choice but to be exiled to the secret realm of the abyss.”

 “It’s a pity...I didn’t die, I came back alive.”

"You know, my biggest shortcoming is that I hold grudges and will retaliate."

"You want to kill me to avoid future troubles, but why don't I want to kill you? It's just to see who is more skilled."

Xu Tianwu's face was full of ferocity, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You have indeed won this battle... Are you satisfied now?"

"not enough."

 Lin Yuan shook his head and said, "I will only be satisfied if I see you die with my own eyes."

 “Then I will satisfy you!”

Xu Tianwu shouted angrily, and his figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, stalking towards Lin Yuan's direction!

 Obviously, in despair, Xu Tianwu had already thought of dying with Lin Yuan!

It's a pity that Lin Yuan didn't intend to let him succeed.

He predicted Xu Tianwu's thoughts in advance. The moment the latter's figure left the place, he directly opened the divine power space and hid in it!

  The situation in the outside world no longer requires Lin Yuan to think about it.

Under the joint attack of the Final Hydra and dozens of other eighth-level abyssal beasts, Xu Tianwu was absolutely certain to die, and there was not even a chance of escape, unless he had an unknown trump card in his hand. !

Lin Yuan was very steady. In order to ensure that Xu Tianwu had no chance to die with him at the last moment of his life, he stayed in the divine power space for a full five minutes, until his mental power was almost exhausted, and then he chose to leave. Which leaves!

 After Lin Yuan escaped from the secret realm of the Abyss Realm, the scene that unfolded in front of him was not at all beyond his expectations.

 No one from the Xu family escaped or survived!

Those abyssal beasts are gathering around these corpses, gnawing at the flesh crazily with large mouths. The scene looks extremely bloody.

As for Xu Tianwu’s body, it was guarded by the Final Hydra, waiting for Lin Yuan’s inspection.

 Obviously, Xu Tianwu, upholding the dignity of the head of the Xu family, fought the final Hydra until the last moment of exhaustion and death!

 In a sense, although Xu Tianwu is not a good person, he can be regarded as a powerful overlord.

Even when facing death, he did not beg for mercy. Instead, after using all his strength, he chose to die calmly!

The moment he saw Xu Tianwu's body, Lin Yuan's mind was slightly shaken.

This was the first time that he... personally killed a warrior of the Heavenly King level.

I have to say that in just over a year, Lin Yuan's growth rate has been too rapid.

The realm of the ninth-level Heavenly King, which was once high and unattainable, was now forced into a desperate situation by Lin Yuan, and eventually died in his hands!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but look away from Xu Tianwu's body, looked at the distant sky, and murmured to himself in a low voice: "What can be above the king of heaven...?"

For some reason, he always felt that there was a higher realm above the Heavenly King realm, waiting for him to explore!

 (End of this chapter)

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