Chapter 269 Return to the Demonic Martial Arts!

   . "Chichichi—"

Lin Yuan gathered all the corpses together and burned them completely to ashes with Amaterasu Black Flame.

However, he only cut off Xu Tianwu's head and threw it into his own system space.

 The head of a powerful man in the Heavenly King Realm can be regarded as a good trophy.

 Xu Tianwu died, and the grievances between the Xu family and himself were finally settled.

 Against the big questions of right and wrong, Lin Yuan is still clear about right and wrong.

The people who have a grudge against him have always been the father and son Xu Tianwu and Xu Xinning, and have nothing to do with the rest of the Xu family.

However, after the death of Xu Tianwu, the contemporary head of the Xu family, the Xu family will probably fall into a period of turmoil.

 Under this situation, the Xu family probably won’t be able to spare much time to deal with him.

 Furthermore, even Xu Tianwu, who was in the Heavenly King Realm, had already died in his own hands. Even if the Xu family still wanted to target him, they would have to think carefully about it.

After finishing everything, Lin Yuan directly took all the abyssal beasts into the pet space and continued to fly into the distance.

It’s just that Lin Yuan’s destination changed from Yanjing to the Demon City.

Of course he still wants to go to Yanjing.

However, before that, he had to go to Wuhan University, the magical capital.

 After all, Wang Zhanlin and Chu Yu still don’t know that they have left the secret realm of the Abyss alive.


 Under the cover of night, the Magic City still looks so prosperous.

Since flying in the air is prohibited in the city, Lin Yuan directly called a car and took himself to Wuhan University in the magical capital.

Although I have been away for nearly half a year, the scenery of Wuhan University, the magical capital, has not changed much.

Lin Yuan strolled into it and walked straight towards the principal's office.

He opened the door to the principal's office and soon saw Wang Zhanlin who was at his desk reviewing files.

As if feeling his anger, Wang Zhanlin frowned and said calmly: "Before coming in, don't you know how to knock on the door first?"

Lin Yuan chuckled and said, "Principal, it's me."

After hearing this familiar voice, Wang Zhanlin was slightly startled for a moment, then suddenly raised his head, his eyes fell directly on Lin Yuan, and said with surprise on his face: "How could it be you?! "

" came out of the secret realm of the Abyss alive?!"

Lin Yuan nodded: "Yes, although it was not easy, I still made it out alive."

Wang Zhanlin's eyes, like sharp eagle eyes, scanned Lin Yuan.

 The next second, the look of shock on his face became more intense: "You have already broken through to the eighth level of the Venerable Realm?!"

Lin Yuan replied with a smile: "Well, luckily I got some opportunities in the secret realm of the abyss, so I made a breakthrough."

However, at this moment, Wang Zhanlin's figure suddenly rose up like a lion, and punched towards Lin Yuan!

The latter did not expect that Wang Zhanlin would actually attack him, but fortunately Lin Yuan reacted quickly enough and raised his hand to receive the opponent's punch!

 The aftermath of the dissipated energy and blood caused the entire principal's office to shake slightly.

“You’re just lucky enough to break through? I think your energy and blood concentration will almost catch up with the King of Heaven in a few days!”

Wang Zhanlin retracted his fist and said angrily.

His punch was of course not a serious attack on Lin Yuan, but just a test.

However, Wang Zhanlin was still shocked by the results of the test. You must know that although he did not use all his strength in the punch just now, it did not use nearly 300,000 qi and blood.

However, Lin Yuan accepted his punch lightly, without even frowning.

From Wang Zhanlin's point of view, Lin Yuan now definitely possesses the strength of the late eighth level. It is not like he said that he just broke through to the eighth level by luck!

After Wang Zhanlin saw the clues, Lin Yuan did not choose to hide it deliberately, but smiled and said: "The principal really has a good eye!"

Wang Zhanlin waved his hand and said, "Come on, stop flattering me like this. If I can't even see through your strength, then I don't need to be the principal of Mowu."

"But... there is no other eighth-level venerable person in his early twenties who can be found in the world. You are really a monster among monsters!"

"The only person who is qualified to compete with you is probably Ymir, who is known as the 'No. 1 Genius in Northern Europe'. However, that guy seems to have only broken through to the eighth-level Venerable Realm at the age of twenty-five. Compared with you, There is still a certain gap.”


Lin Yuan was slightly startled.

Why does this name sound so familiar...

Oh, doesn’t it seem that he was the Nordic genius who died by his own hands in the secret realm of the Abyss?

He killed so many eighth-level venerables that he almost lost track of them.

However, Lin Yuan glanced at Wang Zhanlin and did not say this in the end.

 In front of your principal, it is better to be as low-key as possible.

After analyzing it for himself, Wang Zhanlin looked at Lin Yuan with increasingly hot eyes.

 Because, Lin Yuan is not only an unparalleled martial arts genius, but also a student of their magic martial arts!

It is estimated that Lin Yuan will be the legend and glory of their magic martial arts for a long time in the future!

“By the way, isn’t it supposed to be half a year before the end of the Abyss Secret Realm? How can you come out early?”

 Subsequently, Wang Zhanlin finally brought the topic back to the right track and asked in confusion.

Lin Yuan used the same rhetoric that Xu Ying used to deceive Xu Tianwu and repeated it to Wang Zhanlin.

As for the ability of ‘other gods’, Lin Yuan was not prepared to reveal it even to his closest people.

 After all, the abilities of other gods are really incredible.

 Once exposed, it is easy to be targeted by those top powerhouses!

Although Lin Yuan now has the record of killing the King of Heaven, he was only able to achieve it with the right time, place and people.

In the eyes of those top kings, Lin Yuan's strength is not worth mentioning at all.

 “So that’s it.”

After listening to Lin Yuan's narration, Wang Zhanlin nodded and said, "It seems that you are a child of luck. This will allow you to get the Heart of the Abyss Realm."

 Then, Wang Zhanlin spoke again: "Since you're back alive, that's a good thing!"

"However, you have to be a little more careful, because I feel that the Xu family will not let you go so easily. You also know that the old guy Xu Tianwu is like a poisonous snake. Once he knows that you are still alive, he will He will never give up until you are completely killed."

“Furthermore, your talent is so amazing that it has already posed a substantial threat to the Xu family. Even if Xu Tianwu does not target you, the senior officials of the Xu family will not let you go.”

“So, during this period of time, you should stay at Mowu with peace of mind. I will find a way to protect you as much as possible.”

 It has to be said that Wang Zhanlin was quite thoughtful, and the first thing that came to his mind was Lin Yuan's safety.

After Wang Zhanlin finished speaking, Lin Yuan nodded and said calmly: "Principal, I have already considered everything you said."

Wang Zhanlin glanced at Lin Yuan approvingly.

What he admires the most is that Lin Yuan, although he has extremely high martial arts talent, has always been neither arrogant nor impetuous, cautious and very steady in doing things!

From Wang Zhanlin's point of view, Lin Yuan had considered that he would be targeted by the Xu family, so he deliberately came to Mowu as soon as possible to seek his asylum.

“Don’t worry, Mowu will always be your strongest backing. As long as I’m here, the Xu family won’t dare to attack you so easily!”

Wang Zhanlin patted Lin Yuan's shoulder and comforted him.

However, Lin Yuan continued to speak calmly: "I first considered that Xu Tianwu might attack me, so... I acted first and killed him first."

 (End of this chapter)

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