Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 270: Thank you, I'm very happy!

Chapter 270 Thank you, I’m very happy!

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, Wang Zhanlin was stunned on the spot.

He even wondered if his ears had heard it wrong.

"What did you say?"

 Lin Yuan spoke again: "I said I had killed Xu Tianwu."

 After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan directly took out Xu Tianwu's head from the system space and threw it on the table.

Wang Zhanlin's expression gradually became more exciting.

He never thought that Lin Yuan actually killed Xu Tianwu!

"how did you do it?"

Wang Zhanlin turned his head and stared at Lin Yuan, his eyes full of disbelief.

You must know that even he may not be able to easily defeat Xu Tianwu without drawing his sword.

However, Lin Yuan, a mere eighth-level venerable, did it and brought Xu Tianwu's head in front of him.

 “Forget it, you don’t have to tell me, everyone has their own secrets.”

Wang Zhanlin smiled bitterly and shook his head: "But this time... you really gave me a big 'surprise'."

Lin Yuan smiled but did not speak.

Wang Zhanlin thought he was a young bird who needed to live under the protection of others' wings.

 But in fact... Lin Yuan has already grown into a beast that chooses and devours people in the secret realm of the abyss.

Then, Lin Yuan spoke again and said solemnly: "By the way, principal, I have one more thing to tell you, something more important than me killing Xu Tianwu."

Wang Zhanlin was slightly startled: "I have a bad heart, please don't scare me."

Damn it, you are too capable of causing trouble, aren't you?

 Is there anything more important than you killing Xu Tianwu? !

Lin Yuan said seriously: "Senior Li Fenyou asked me to tell you something. She asked me to tell you that when she successfully breaks through to the Heavenly King Realm, she will come to you to force her to marry."

Wang Zhanlin: “…”

“Principal, cherish your time! There is only less than half a year left before Senior Li Fengyou comes out of the secret realm of the abyss.”

Lin Yuan patted Wang Zhanlin on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

Wang Zhanlin's face darkened instantly: "Get out of here!"


Modu Wuhan University, girls’ campus.

 At this moment, it is late at night, and most of the girls are sleeping.

However, a girl wearing a pink bear nightgown slowly sat up from the bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes with confusion on her face.

This girl with a pure and pretty face is none other than Chu Yu.

 The reason why she woke up in the middle of the night was because she had a very strange dream.

She dreamed that Lin Yuan had returned from the secret realm of the abyss and was now waiting for her on the balcony of their dormitory.

“Is this considered to be something to think about every day and dream about at night?”

Chu Yu smiled mockingly to himself, but he couldn't help but worry about Lin Yuan's safety in his heart.

Just as she lay down again and prepared to fall asleep again, an idea suddenly flashed through Chu Yu's mind.

 That is...what if this dream is true?

Chu Yu himself felt that her idea was a bit ridiculous.

But she still couldn't hold it back. She climbed out of bed quietly and walked towards the balcony.

The infrastructure of Wudu University is quite good. Each dormitory will be equipped with an independent balcony, which can be reached by walking through a compartment where clothes are stored.

Soon, Chu Yu came to the balcony.

However, the balcony was empty, except for the cold wind passing through the hall.

 An indescribable feeling of loss soon spread from the bottom of her heart.

"I'm so obsessed that I actually believed in a dream..." Chu Yu smiled wryly at himself, wrapped up his pajamas tightly, turned around and prepared to go back.

 It’s so ridiculous...I would believe in an illusory dream.

It seems that the more people long for something, the more they like to hold on to some illusory hope.

However, just when Chu Yu turned her head, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"I thought, maybe...were you looking for me?"

After hearing this voice, Chu Yu's eyes widened at first, and then he covered his mouth in disbelief.

 She turned her head slowly.

What appeared before her eyes was Lin Yuan's familiar smile.

 “Lin Yuan…it’s really you!”

At this moment, Chu Yu's mood can no longer be described with just the words 'excited' or 'joyed'.

She directly opened her arms and hugged Lin Yuan in front of her.

 Then, she reached out her hand, pinched Lin Yuan's face, and said with joy on her face: "Are you a real person? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

 Lin Yuan smiled and said softly: "Sister, you'd better speak softer, otherwise someone will find out that I broke into the girls' dormitory at night."

Chu Yu said triumphantly: "I'll be louder! Who made you not come back to me for so long! It's better to let them arrest you as a gangster!"

Lin Yuan rubbed Chu Yu's head lovingly, smiled and asked, "Have you missed me after so many days apart?"

As soon as he asked this question, Chu Yu's face suddenly turned crimson.

 She lowered her little head and said as quietly as a mosquito moaning: "I have thoughts."

Looking at Chu Yu's shy and cute appearance, Lin Yuan's heart trembled, and he lowered his head directly and kissed Chu Yu's jade lips.

The latter obviously did not expect that Lin Yuan would make such a move, but she did not make any move to resist. Instead, she closed her eyes silently and allowed Lin Yuan to do whatever he wanted.

 Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

 A long time passed.

 After the kiss, the lips part.

Chu Yu punched Lin Yuan on the chest with a pink fist, and said angrily: "You know how to bully me! You will bully me as soon as you come back!"

Lin Yuan took him into his arms, smiled and said, "It's okay, you are used to being bullied by me anyway, and... only I can bully you."

"If anyone dares to bully you, I will chop off their paws."

 “Hmph, who is used to being bullied by you? How shameless!”

Chu Yu snorted in an extremely charming manner, and then asked curiously: "Did you move your hands and feet in the dream I had just now?"

Lin Yuan pretended not to understand: "What dream are you talking about?"

 “You’re still pretending!”

Chu Yu seemed to see some clues from Lin Yuan's face, and stamped his foot angrily: "I just dreamed that you were on the balcony!"

Lin Yuan replied with a smile: "Oh, that may be telepathy, which means that the two of us are connected."

"speak nicely!"

Chu Yu stretched out his hand and twisted the soft flesh of Lin Yuan's waist viciously.

 “Fairy, have mercy on me, fairy, have mercy on me!”

Lin Yuan quickly begged for mercy and explained: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just some small means of using mental power to achieve it."

You know, Lin Yuan's current mental power has almost reached 400,000 points, and his soul strength is also extremely strong. It is naturally easy to influence Chu Yu's dreams and manifest some specific scenes in his dreams. .

 Then, Lin Yuan smiled again and said: "After all, we are meeting again after a long absence, so there should be a sense of ceremony."

Just as Lin Yuan finished speaking, Chu Yu hugged him again, buried his head in his arms, and said softly: "Thank you, I'm very happy."

 (End of this chapter)

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