Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 271: Shen Xiao’s past

Chapter 271 Shen Xiao’s Past

Under the moonlight, Lin Yuan and Chu Yu sat on the balcony and chatted for a long time.

In order not to affect others, Lin Yuan directly raised his hand to set up mental barriers around him for sound insulation.

  After being separated for a long time, the two people not only did not feel alienated at all, but actually became closer after experiencing this incident.

Lin Yuan told her about the experiences he had encountered in the secret realm of Yuanjie in the past six months, which made Chu Yu's eyes widen.

Chu Yu also happily shared with Lin Yuan interesting things about her life and practice in the past six months, and both of them were beaming with laughter.

Chu Yu also knew in her heart that with her talent in martial arts, she might not be able to keep up with Lin Yuan in her lifetime.

However, she is no longer obsessed with this kind of thing.

Because, for Chu Yu now, as long as she knows that Lin Yuan still has herself in her heart, that is enough.

 Furthermore, every girl has a hero complex deep in her heart.

Lin Yuan has grown up to this point and has fully demonstrated his talent and edge.

 The youngest eighth-level venerable in all of China, and even the world!

This name is enough to prove Lin Yuan's own value.

Before, Chu Yu would worry about whether his family would object to him being with Lin Yuan.

Now it seems that my worries are completely unnecessary.

Such a dazzling genius, even if he has not yet become the King of Heaven, is definitely the target of the big families trying to show their favor.

Lin Yuan suddenly said: "By the way, remember to go back to Chu's house in the past few days."

“Ah, back to the Chu family? Why?”

Chu Yu had a look of surprise and confusion on his face.

Lin Yuan explained: "In the past few days, the Xu family should start to have civil strife. You can ask your old man of the Chu family to prepare in advance and take the opportunity to raid some of the Xu family's territory."

Chu Yu was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and nodded: "Okay!"

Since Lin Yuan has already said this, he must have a reason. After he goes back, he only needs to tell him the exact words.

 Lin Yuan smiled: "Mr. Chu has helped me before, so this news should be regarded as my return gift."

Before Lin Yuan was imprisoned, many forces were helping him deal with it, including the old man of the Chu family.

Although the old man of the Chu family only helped Chu Yu this time because of his face.

But Lin Yuan’s character is that he must avenge his enemies and repay his favors.

“Okay, go back to bed and we can meet again tomorrow.”

Lin Yuan stood up and said, "If nothing else happens, I should stay in the Magic City for a few days."

“By the way, speaking of this...have you met Shen Xiao?”

Just as Lin Yuan was about to leave, Chu Yu suddenly asked.

 Lin Yuan shook his head and said, "I came to see you as soon as I came back, but I haven't had time to find him yet. What's wrong?"

Chu Yu pursed his lips and said, "Shen Xiao... went to Yanjing."

"Going to Yanjing?" Lin Yuan was slightly stunned, and subconsciously asked: "What did that guy do in Yanjing?"

Chu Yu shook his head: "I don't know either. I asked Shen Xiao, but he didn't tell me."

"But I know...this time when he went to Yanjing, he brought the sword that he had kept for nearly a year."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

 Based on his understanding of Shen Xiao, this guy would never do anything useless.

Since he chose to bring this sword, it means that there are enemies in Yanjing who are worthy of his sword. Wang Zhanlin’s method of raising a knife is the most honing thing, which is the character of mind.

 The longer you keep your knife, the stronger it will be!

Although Shen Xiao did not take care of the knife for seven years like Wang Zhanlin, he started to take care of the knife when he first entered school, and it has been nearly a year now.

 What does this guy want to do?

Suddenly, Lin Yuan thought that Tong Hu seemed to have revealed something related to Shen Xiao on the field during the ten-school freshman fraternity competition.

That guy...maybe knows something.


  The second day.

 “Dang, Dang, Dang…”

 The heavy bells echoed on the campus of Yanjing Wuhan University.

As soon as Chen Ji and Yun Tingting left the classroom, a figure stopped in front of them.

 “Lin Yuan?!”

  After the two of them saw the face of the man in front of them clearly, they immediately exclaimed in surprise.

"it's me."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, smiled and greeted the two of them.

"Aren't you in the secret realm of the abyss? Why did you come out?"

Chen Ji looked at Lin Yuan and asked blankly.

“This is a long story, I’ll talk to you in detail later.”

Lin Yuan asked straight to the point: "I want to ask you, do you know where Shen Xiao went?"

Yun Tingting interjected: "Shen Xiao? Didn't you hear that he went to Yanjing?"

“Well, I know that.” Lin Yuan asked, “But do you know what he did in Yanjing?”

Chen Ji shook his head: "We don't know about this. He didn't mention it to us, so we didn't ask any more questions."

 After hearing Chen Ji's answer, Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

Logically speaking, Chen Ji and Yun Tingting should be the two people who have the best relationship with Shen Xiao besides him.

But Lin Yuan obviously didn't expect that even they didn't know what Shen Xiao was going to Yanjing for.

Yun Tingting quickly asked: "What's wrong? Did something happen to Shen Xiao?"

"It's not clear yet." Lin Yuan shook his head and said, "But I'm a little worried about him."

Then, Lin Yuan changed the subject and said, "By the way, which one of you two has Tong Hu's contact information? He may know something inside, so I want to ask him."

After thinking for a moment, Chen Ji said, "Tong Hu? Are you talking about the Tong Hu from Zhenhai No. 1 Middle School?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, that's him. We also dealt with him at the freshman fraternity game."

"We don't have his contact information. After all, our Zhenhai No. 3 Middle School and their Zhenhai No. 3 Middle School were like fire and water at the beginning, and there was not much intersection at all."

After Chen Ji paused for a moment, he changed the topic and said, "However, by coincidence, Tong Hu and Tangdi Yuan were sent to us by Jingwu some time ago to be exchange students for one month. I guess he hasn’t left yet.”

“In our Mowu?”

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned: "That would be convenient."

“It’s indeed a lot more convenient. If I remember correctly, Teacher Huang Hantian should be responsible for arranging the exchange student’s courses. You might as well go to him first and ask where Tong Hu is.”

Chen Ji turned around and rushed in the direction of the administrative office. He also waved back, signaling Lin Yuan to follow him quickly.

 (End of this chapter)

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