Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 272: Is Shen Xiao an illegitimate child?

Chapter 272 Is Shen Xiao an illegitimate child?

"You are saying...Shen Xiao went to Yanjing?"

With Chen Ji’s help, Lin Yuan quickly found Tong Hu on Mowu’s campus.

However, facing Lin Yuan's inquiry, Tong Hu's face clearly showed a bit of surprise.

Yun Tingting on the side asked in surprise: "What? Don't you know about this? I thought you two were friends."

 “Friend? Then you really think too highly of me.”

Tong Hu smiled and said, "It's not like you don't know that Shen Xiao has a very arrogant personality. I'm afraid there are not many people who can be treated as friends by him."

“Speaking of which, no wonder I didn’t see this guy in Mowu. It turns out he went to Yanjing.”

 Lin Yuan frowned and said, "Didn't you exchange a few words with Shen Xiao at the freshman fraternity game?"

"It's just a few words with an old rival. Isn't it weird?" Tong Hu said with a smile: "You have to know that it was because of Shen Xiao's presence that I was the second in command of Zhenhai City for three years. It was so frustrating to me. ”

What Tong Hu said is true. In the three years of high school, almost no one could compete with Shen Xiao, and even he could only be ranked second.

 Including the final martial arts test results, Tong Hu also ranked behind Shen Xiao.

 Lin Yuan had no intention of chatting with Tong Hu and said bluntly: "Then do you know what Shen Xiao is doing in Yanjing this time?"

Tong Hu shook his head and said with a smile: "How could I know such a thing? I'm not the roundworm in his stomach."

Lin Yuan said seriously: "But when he went to Yanjing this time, he brought a knife with him. He brought a knife that he had raised for a whole year."

Hearing this, Tong Hu finally suppressed the smile on his face: "You didn't lie to me?"

Chen Ji on the side said angrily: "Do we still need to lie to you?"

Tong Hu took a deep breath and murmured softly: "It seems that this guy is really serious about it this time..."

Lin Yuan frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

“Has Shen Xiao told you anything about his past?”

Tong Hu changed the subject and asked.

However, Lin Yuan shook his head: "I never said that."

Tong Hu sighed and said, "Actually, I also learned about it by accident."

"You may not know that Shen Xiao... is actually an illegitimate child."

 Illegitimate child?!

After hearing these three words, the faces of Lin Yuan, Chen Ji and Yun Tingting showed a bit of shock one after another.

 Shen Xiao is actually an illegitimate child?!

 “This is his secret, I shouldn’t have told you in the first place.”

Tong Hu paused and spoke again: "Shen Xiao has a father who is in the Heavenly King realm, named 'Shen Wuya'. He is also a famous martial arts expert in China."

"It's just that his father... is a son-in-law, the son-in-law of the Su family in Yanjing."

 After hearing the word ‘brother-in-law’, all three of them couldn’t help but frown.

You must know that for any man, being a son-in-law is an extremely humiliating thing.

Chen Ji couldn't help but ask: "How could a warrior in the Heavenly King Realm condescend to become a son-in-law?"

Logically speaking, warriors at the Heavenly King Realm are already regarded as the top combat power in China, and there is no need to do such a disgraceful thing to their status.

"Of course Shen Wuya didn't become a son-in-law after he became the Heavenly King." Tong Hu glanced at Chen Ji and explained: "Really speaking, Shen Wuya can break through to the Heavenly King realm, except for his own martial arts In addition to his excellent talent, it is also inseparable from the help of the Su family. "

 “To put it bluntly, this is a deal.”

“The Su family took a fancy to Shen Wuya’s talent in martial arts and wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law. The latter also needed the Su family’s training resources to support him, so he chose to marry him.”

“When Shen Wuya first arrived in Yanjing, he was broke and had no talent for martial arts, but no resources or connections. If he wanted to get ahead, he had to try his best to get close to the big tree of the Su family.”

 Chen Ji frowned: "Then this guy is really cruel to me. He even gave up his own face for this little cultivation resource."

Tong Hu said silently: "It can only be said that everyone has their own choice. Who can say clearly about this kind of thing?"

“It is true that everyone has his own ambitions, and it is not incomprehensible that some people are willing to sacrifice their dignity for the pursuit of martial arts.”

Lin Yuan nodded and said again: "Then... what happened to Shen Xiao?"

Tong Hu said: "Actually, before Shen Wuya went to Yanjing to pursue his career, he had a childhood sweetheart in Zhenhai City who he grew up with."

Yun Tingting couldn't help but widen her eyes: "Then his childhood sweetheart, could it be..."

“That’s right.” Tong Hu said, “She is Shen Xiao’s mother.”

 The three of them looked at each other, and for a moment, they didn't know what to say.

“This Shen Wuya is too scumbag, isn’t he? Contemporary Chen Shimei, this is it!”

Yun Tingting looked angry and said through gritted teeth, "How can a man like this become the King of Heaven?"

"It is true that Shen Wuya made a mistake in this matter." Tong Hu sighed: "However, he didn't know that his childhood sweetheart was pregnant before he married into the Su family."

 “Although Shen Xiao’s mother looks gentle and gentle, she is actually a woman with an extremely strong personality.”

"After learning about Shen Wuya's marriage to Su's family, she didn't cry or make a fuss. She just wrote a long letter and let him make his own decision."

Yun Tingting quickly asked: "Then what did Shen Wuya do?"

Chen Ji on the side shrugged and mocked in a disdainful tone: "Do you still need to ask? I finally got close to the big tree of the Su family, how can I still be willing to let go."

Tong Hu said: "Shen Wuya...he didn't even reply to that letter, because he also knew that he was sorry for Shen Xiao's mother."

Yun Tingting sneered disdainfully: "He is indeed a coward."

"However, even though she received no response from Shen Wuya, Shen Xiao's mother was still very stubborn and gave birth to Shen Xiao and began to raise him on her own."

"But she also made it clear that although this child has the surname Shen Wuya, he has nothing to do with him."

“So that...when Shen Wuya learned of the existence of this child, Shen Xiao was already five years old.”

Lin Yuan sighed: "She is indeed a strong woman, or rather... she is strong as a mother."

"Shen Xiao and his mother have always been dependent on each other. During this period, Shen Wuya came to Zhenhai City several times, but Shen Xiao's mother had no intention of seeing him at all."

"There is no greater sorrow than death of heart. In her heart, the man she once loved has died long ago."

Tong Hu sighed and continued: "However, the Su family knew about Shen Wuya's private visit to Zhenhai City to visit Shen Xiao's mother."

“For this reason, his wife Su Yuhan had a lot of quarrels with him.”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan frowned slightly and asked doubtfully: "But shouldn't this be a family matter of the Su family? Why is it related to Shen Xiao?"

"If it's just like this, it really has nothing to do with Shen Xiao."

Tong Hu said in a deep voice: "However, Su Yuhan's son, Su Qinge, heard from somewhere that his father had an illegitimate child outside, and took him directly to Zhenhai City."

 (End of this chapter)

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