Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 273: I'll be Shen Xiao's backing!

Chapter 273 I will be Shen Xiao’s backing!

Hearing this, Lin Yuan finally began to understand.

Tong Hu continued: "Although Su Qinge is Shen Wuya's son, since the latter is a married woman, he naturally inherited the Su family's surname."

“As the eldest son of the Su family, even though Su Qinge was still a boy of thirteen or fourteen at the time, he was already able to mobilize part of the family’s energy.”

“So, after arriving in Zhenhai City, Su Qinge quickly found out the location of Shen Xiao and his mother.”

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes dangerously and said coldly: "Did he take action?"

“Well, although no one was killed, it was pretty bad.”

Tong Hu said: "At that time, Su Qinge led people directly into Shen Xiao's home, and his men pressed Shen Xiao's head to the floor. You must know that at that time, Shen Xiao I have just started practicing martial arts, and there is no room for resistance when faced with genuine warriors.”

“Then, Su Qinge slapped his mother dozens of times in front of him, and humiliated his mother as a shameless **** in front of everyone.”

Listening to what Tong Hu said, Lin Yuan couldn't help but clenched his fists.

 He could fully imagine how humiliating Shen Xiao felt at that time.

If someone dares to treat his family like this, then... no matter who the other person is, Lin Yuan will make him pay with blood!

“That day was the first time Shen Xiao knew his own life experience and that he was just an illegitimate child without any status.”

“Because, before this, her mother had always told him that his father had died before he was born.”

"Shen Xiao told me that that day... he watched his mother being slapped dozens of times by Su Qinge, but until her mouth and nose started to bleed, his mother didn't say a word, and she always looked indifferent. look."

"It wasn't until Su Qinge was about to take people away that she said the only thing she said - 'You have found the wrong person. I don't know the man named Shen Wuya you are talking about'."

“Ever since that day, Shen Xiao’s mother acted as if nothing had happened, and Shen Xiao never mentioned it again, but just because he didn’t mention it, it doesn’t mean that he has forgotten it.”

“On the contrary, this incident has become a thorn in Shen Xiao’s heart.”

“Do you know why he practices so hard and wants to become stronger?”

“He just wants to be able to defeat Su Qinge with his own strength one day!”

"Actually, Shen Xiao doesn't know what he wants to prove. Maybe he just wants to fight for his mother."

Tong Hu raised his head and said calmly: "Now you know why Shen Xiao, who was the number one scholar in Zhenhai City, chose to study at the Magic City Wuhan University, right?"

Lin Yuan quickly reacted: "Because he knows that Su Qinge will go to Jingwu?"

Tong Hu nodded: "Yes, that's why."

Chen Ji touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "In other words... Shen Xiao went to Yanjing this time to find a duel with Su Qinge?"

Tong Hu said: "Yes, that should be it."

Lin Yuan said directly: "Then I will leave for Yanjing now!"

 For him, Shen Xiao was a dead brother.

No matter what, Lin Yuan couldn't just watch something happen to him.

However, Chen Ji grabbed him and said in a deep voice: "Lin Yuan, I suggest... you should leave this matter alone and leave it to Shen Xiao to handle it himself." Tong Hu on the side He also nodded and said in agreement: "I have to say that Shen Xiao is indeed lucky to have friends like you, but Chen Ji is right, it is better not to interfere casually in this matter."

"Presumably, this is why Shen Xiao didn't tell you about this."

"Yes." Yun Tingting said, "The reason why Shen Xiao didn't tell us about this matter was firstly because he didn't want us to worry, and secondly because he didn't want us to interfere in this matter."

“After all, for Shen Xiao, Su Qinge’s previous actions have planted a thorn in his heart.”

“He has been practicing hard for so many years just to pull out this thorn with his own hands.”

"Of course I have thought of all the things you said."

After the three of them expressed their thoughts, Lin Yuan finally spoke: "However, I did not go to Yanjing this time to interfere with Shen Xiao's actions. I was..."

Before Lin Yuan could finish speaking, Chen Ji quickly reacted and took over the former's words: "Are you afraid... that the Su family might take action against Shen Xiao?"

"Well, that's what I'm worried about." Lin Yuan said: "Yanjing is the territory of the Su family after all. Even if Shen Xiao wins, the Su family will not let him go so easily."

“So, I went to Yanjing, not for anything else, but to ensure that Shen Xiao can enjoy a fair duel.”

Lin Yuan’s idea is simple.

 Since Su Qin Ge has the entire Su family supporting him.

 Then, let him... be Shen Xiao's backing!

 “Okay, we’ll go with you!”

Chen Ji nodded and spoke solemnly.


 The next day, Yanjing.

In order to reach Yanjing as quickly as possible, Lin Yuan did not choose to take a plane at all, but directly summoned a pterosaur beast that could fly in the air.

 After flying for nearly a night on this pterosaur beast, Lin Yuan and the others successfully arrived in Yanjing.

Along the way, Lin Yuan also briefly explained to them his situation in the secret realm of the abyss, and how he finally returned to the earth.

 Lin Yuan's narration made everyone marvel, especially Tong Hu, who began to feel a little dazed.

 Obviously everyone is of the same age, but Lin Yuan has already broken through to the eighth level of the Venerable Realm.

While he was still an exchange student at Mowudang, Lin Yuandu had already come back alive from the secret realm of the Abyss, known as the 'Tomb of the Lord', and even captured the Heart of the Abyss.

 Tong Hu was almost beginning to doubt life.

  Since childhood, Tong Hu has always lived under the aura of genius. In the entire Zhenhai City, except for Shen Xiao who can stabilize him, almost no one can compete with him in terms of martial arts talent.

Even at Yanjing Wuhan University, where there are so many geniuses, Tong Hu is among the top students in his class.

 However, after learning about Lin Yuan's strength, Tong Hu realized that compared with the real genius, he seemed to be nothing at all...

 (End of this chapter)

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