Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 276: A man of great perseverance!

Chapter 276 A man of great perseverance!

 In just half a minute, Shen Xiao had already fought with Su Qinge for several rounds.

 The spear point and the scabbard continued to intersect on the martial arts field, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air.

“This guy from Mowu seems to have something, he can actually last for so long on Su Qin Singer.”

"Haha, what's the use of holding on for a long time? It's better to be beaten by Su Qinge."

“How can he be worthy of competing with Su Qinge? He is one of the most talented martial arts geniuses in our Jingwu in recent years, and he is only half a step away from the eighth-level venerable realm!”


On the martial arts field, under Su Qinge's almost violent offensive, Shen Xiao was completely in decline.

 “Why, didn’t you shout very fiercely just now? Is this all you have?!”

Su Qinge had a trace of sarcasm on his face, and shot out another shot in his hand. After being blocked by Shen Xiao with the sword in his hand, his offensive continued unabated, and he kicked off the ground with his right foot, taking advantage of the situation. With a whip kick, he kicked the latter **** the waist!

Although Shen Xiao has extremely rich combat experience, he quickly realized Su Qin's intention.

 However, the gap between the two in terms of energy and blood is really too big.

Su Qinge’s speed is far higher than him!

Before Shen Xiao had time to react, the opponent's kick landed firmly on his waist!


The power of the whip was quickly transferred to Shen Xiao, kicking him more than ten meters away.

 When Shen Xiao stood up again, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Su Qinge dragged the tip of the gun and walked up to Shen Xiao. He said coldly: "To be honest, your strength is not worthy of the good sword in your hand."

The sword in Shen Xiao's hand was specially made for him by Wang Zhanlin, and it was called the 'Red Blood Hundred Refined Sword'.

When making this sword, the hundred-refined quenched alloy smelted from the volcano was used. Not only is the material extremely strong, but after the Qi and blood are injected into it, red flame patterns will appear on the blade, which is rare to see. The magic weapon!

However, the spear in Su Qin's singer is not an ordinary thing. It is also forged from extremely precious materials.

His spear, called the "Star Meteor Spear", is forged from extraterrestrial meteorite iron. In addition to being extremely hard, it also contains a hint of the power of the stars!

 After pouring the power of Qi and blood into the Star Meteor Gun, this trace of star power can be stimulated!

“Whether you deserve it or not is not up to you.”

Shen Xiao snorted coldly, drew his sword again, and slashed forward with a slash!


Su Qinge sneered, and the tip of the meteor gun in his hand swept forward with great accuracy, instantly smashing the sword in front of him to pieces!

Then, Su Qinge raised his head and stared at Shen Xiao coldly: "I know you still have one thing left, and that is the method of raising a knife that Wang Zhanlin taught you!"

“If I’m not wrong, it should have been nearly a year since you started keeping the knife, right?”

“If you use this sword, you might still be a threat to me. How about you, do you want to give it a try?”

Su Qinge’s tone was full of teasing and sarcasm.

 Obviously, he did not think that Shen Xiao could really defeat him.

 He said these words just to make the game more interesting.

 After all, he also wanted to see what kind of power Shen Xiao's sword that he had raised for a year could exert!

"You are not worthy of my sword now."

Shen Xiao said calmly: "I will defeat you openly after you go all out!"

Su Qinge laughed loudly: "It's just you? Are you worthy of letting me go all out? Are you kidding me?"

 However, in the next second, another change occurred on the martial arts field!

Shen Xiao raised his head, his whole body was like a wolf roaring at the moon!

At the same time, gray-black hair began to grow around Shen Xiao's body, and even his eyes turned scarlet!

In less than five seconds, Shen Xiao completely transformed into a werewolf. Under the gray-black wolf hair, muscles like steel were hidden, and his whole body seemed to be full of explosive power!

"This is... wolf transformation?!" On the stands, Lin Yuan's face showed a slightly strange color.

 Shen Xiao’s superpower is to transform into a wolf, and he knows this.

But the problem is, shouldn’t Shen Xiao’s wolf transformation ability be activated only in the dark? !

 Now, it is obviously daytime!

Chen Ji on the side seemed to notice Lin Yuan's surprise and explained: "During the time you were away, Shen Xiao conducted a period of special training in order to make up for his shortcomings in supernatural powers."

"Now, he can enter the 'wolf' state anytime and anywhere."

Lin Yuan frowned and asked in confusion: "Can superpowers evolve a second time?"

“To be precise, it’s not evolution, but adaptation.”

Chen Ji said: "The reason why Shen Xiao couldn't enter the 'wolf' state during the day was because he couldn't withstand the sun's rays in his wolf state."

“However, in order to be able to enter the wolf state anytime and anywhere, he conducted special training that was almost self-abuse.”

"He applied for a special training room that can effectively simulate the state of night and day. Shen Xiao will enter the wolf state in the night mode, and then switch the training room to the day mode again, allowing the sunlight to shine on On top of your own body.”

“Every time, it’s the kind of pain that goes deep into the bone marrow.”

“Shen Xiao endured this cruel training for a whole month, and finally he was able to enter the wolf state at will.”

Tong Hu on the side sighed: "Shen Xiao always had a crush on me. It's not without reason. This guy... is a man of great perseverance."

Lin Yuan sighed slightly.

 In order to defeat Su Qinge, Shen Xiao can be said to have paid a price that is unimaginable by ordinary people.

 After entering the wolf state, Shen Xiao's physical potential was stimulated to the greatest extent.

 Whether it is strength, speed, or reaction force, it is no longer comparable to what it was before.


Facing Shen Xiao in the wolf state, Su Qinge was not afraid at all and charged directly to kill him!

 Shen Xiao roared low, and with the blade in his hand, he opened and closed the knife and slashed towards Su Qinge. The sound was as loud as thunder!

 At this moment, there were no more voices mocking Shen Xiao from all directions in the audience.

 Because, Shen Xiao has proven that he has the strength to challenge Su Qinge.

 The strong are always respected by others!

“This boy’s talent in martial arts is quite good, and his tenacity is very high, but it’s a pity that he is not a descendant of our Su family. It’s a pity, it’s a pity!”

Even on the Su family’s seat, there was a Su family venerable who couldn’t help but sigh.

"Su Wen, why are you speaking for outsiders? What does this kid have to boast about? How can he be Qin Ge's opponent? My Qin Ge...hasn't even tried his best."

Su Yuhan, who was sitting aside, frowned and said rather dissatisfied.

As Su Qinge’s mother, she naturally cared about her son.

The venerable Su family member smiled and said calmly: "That's natural. Qin Ge's martial arts talent is definitely better than this kid's, and... Qin Ge also has the support of our Su family behind him."

"If any wild boy who appears out of nowhere can defeat Qin Ge, wouldn't that prove that our Su family's hundreds of years of heritage are just a joke?"

Hearing Su Wen's words, Su Yuhan smiled with satisfaction: "This is exactly the truth, so... we just need to sit here and watch Qin Ge win this game beautifully, that's it. ”

 (End of this chapter)

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