Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 277: With one knife, the world can be reversed!

Chapter 277: One knife, turning the world around!

 The fighting has reached this point, and both sides no longer hold back.

Shen Xiao directly injected the power of his own energy and blood into the red-blooded hundred-refined sword in his hand. The latter instantly bloomed with a dazzling red luster like a raging flame, and even the power of the sword was enhanced by several points. !

And Su Qinge didn't hesitate. He directly inspired the power of the stars in the meteor gun, and the dazzling brilliance like a star instantly surrounded the spear in his hand!

 “Let you have a good big is the strength gap between you and me!”

Su Qinge shouted low, and the meteor gun in his hand forcibly penetrated forward!

The power of the silver-white stars actually condensed into the phantom of a star dragon in the sky, and the momentum was extremely powerful!

Su Qinge used one of his most powerful spear moves, Dragon Star Fall!

Facing the roaring Dragon of Stars, Shen Xiao looked slightly stern. The red-blooded Bailian Sword in his hand also carried a huge force and slashed forward. The flames rose from the blade and turned into... A ferocious red-flame tiger seemed to choose people to devour!

The vicious tiger shadow and the dragon soul shadow collided in the air, and the air waves suddenly spread in all directions. The residual power of the energy alone was enough to make everyone around them feel trembling.

Seeing that the ‘Dragon Star Fall’ did not play the role that he had imagined, a ferocious look appeared on Su Qinge’s face out of thin air.

“A **** like you will never be my opponent!”

Su Qinge took a step forward and pressed forward. The meteor gun in his hand was like a roaring angry dragon, shooting out several shadows in the air and piercing towards Shen Xiao!

 However, the latter had no intention of retreating at all.

 The sword is the main weapon in battle!

 If he retreats, the power of the sword will be released!

 So... Shen Xiao cannot retreat!

 He must use his fighting spirit to maintain his sword!

 When the power of the sword is raised to the extreme, that’s when he will draw the sword!

 “Let’s fight!”

 Shen Xiao shouted loudly and got into a fight with Su Qinge again!

This time, although Su Qinge still has the upper hand, Shen Xiao is now able to fight him!

Although the spear moves performed by Su Qinge were all unique skills of the Su family, Shen Xiao's moves were not inferior to the former's in the slightest under the guidance of Wang Zhanlin!

 Everyone present was silently watching the battle on the martial arts field.

I have to say that this is really a hearty battle.

Before the two sides fought, no one could have imagined that Shen Xiao, a mere mid-seventh level warrior, could actually fight with Su Qinge for such a long time.

As the battle entered a fierce stage, Lin Yuan, who was in the stands, narrowed his eyes slightly.

 If nothing else happens, Shen Xiao...will take action soon!

as expected.

 After the collision of swords and guns, the two sides staggered one after another.

 At this moment, Shen Xiao's hand silently placed on the handle of the knife!

Su Qinge's eyes were locked on Shen Xiao's wrist.

This guy is finally going to make this move!

 From beginning to end, Su Qinge was wary of Shen Xiao's sword.

However, what he didn't expect was that this guy would actually choose to make this knife in front of him openly.

 After Shen Xiao revealed his intention to use the sword, everyone present couldn't help but hold their breath.

 Because everyone knows it deep down.

 Shen Xiao's sword is the one that truly determines the outcome!

 Winning or losing is all between this sword.

Shen Xiao held the handle of the knife tightly in his hand, raised his head calmly, and looked directly at Su Qinge.

“From the day I started to keep my sword, my master told me that the sword is the main weapon in battle. The longer the force is accumulated, the stronger the sword will be.”

“He told me that before drawing a sword, you must be determined to win.”

“One sword can determine victory or defeat, and determine the outcome.”

"I know you are stronger than me, so...I will use this knife to reverse the situation!"

Su Qinge's face became more and more ferocious: "Reverse the world? Just you?!" The power of the stars in the meteor gun was completely drawn out by Su Qinge, and it condensed into a pair of twinkling stars around him. Hui's armor!

The next second, the power of the stars and the armor of the stars were covered with a layer of blue energy and blood, and they were reinforced again.

 Obviously, Su Qinge planned to rely on his own strength to take Shen Xiao's blow!

As the eldest son of Su and the most dazzling genius of Yanjing Wuhan University, Su Qinge also has his own arrogance!

Shen Xiao slowly closed his eyes.

And when he opened his eyes again, there seemed to be a spark of light in his eyes!


There was a soft sound of metal friction.

 Shen Xiao’s Red Flame Hundred Refined Sword is finally out of its sheath!

At the moment when the blade was unsheathed, a sharp cold light seemed to flash out of thin air in front of everyone's eyes!

At the same time, the monstrous force of the sword surged out in all directions like a stormy sea!

Even Lin Yuan was secretly frightened.

Wang Zhanlin’s method of raising a knife is really good!

After a year of raising the sword, Shen Xiao actually used the power of a seventh-level master to slash with power comparable to that of an eighth-level venerable!

This sword is so powerful that it seems to be able to penetrate the heaven and the earth!

The vast sword light, in the shape of a half-moon, was slashing towards Su Qinge, blocking all his retreat routes!

 The latter's eyes flashed with a hint of fear that was not easy to detect.

 Obviously, the power of Shen Xiao's sword far exceeded his imagination!

However, this hint of fear was quickly hidden by Su Qinge.

 Instead, there was a look of determination on his face.

I am the eldest son of the Su family. How could I lose to such a lowly person? !

 I can't lose...I have to win!

 “Don’t even think about defeating me!”

Su Qinge roared and stabbed forward!

With Su Qinge trying his best, the phantom of the dragon soul condensed by this gun was a bit larger than before, and even contained a bit of real dragon meaning!

 However, Shen Xiao's expression did not change at all.

 All I have knife!


 In Shen Xiao's mouth, the word "Zhan" came out coldly and indifferently.

 The next second, scorching red flames ignited out of thin air on top of Shen Xiao's sword!

The vast fire light instantly swallowed the dragon soul shadow into it, tearing it apart and burning it into ashes!

 Under Shen Xiao's sword, even the Dragon of Stars must be annihilated into ashes!

Su Qinge finally couldn't remain calm anymore, and even couldn't help but take a step back.

 However, Shen Xiao's sword light swept towards him in an instant!

Under the power of the sword light, the star armor on Su Qinge instantly appeared numerous cracks, and then burst apart!

After the star armor shattered, Su Qinge’s last layer of protection was completely destroyed!

At this moment, Venerable Su Jia, who was originally sitting in the auditorium, finally couldn't sit still.

His expression changed, and the energy and blood all over his body suddenly exploded. A crimson spear of energy and blood condensed out of thin air in his hand, and he threw it towards Shen Xiao's sword light and penetrated it!

With the strength of this Venerable Su family, if he attacks with all his strength, he will definitely be able to easily break Shen Xiao's sword light.

However, at this critical moment, a figure suddenly stopped in front of the crimson spear.

Then, the figure calmly stretched out his hand, stopped the crimson spear in front of him with one hand, and firmly captured it in his own hand.

The face of the Su family venerable froze, because he found that no matter how hard he tried, the spear of energy and blood he had condensed could not advance even an inch further!

 Obviously, the strength of the person in front of you is definitely not inferior to yourself!

He was secretly shocked. With Shen Xiao's background, where did he find such a strong person to help him? !

Moreover, what surprised him even more was that the mysterious strong man in front of him looked like he was only in his early twenties!

 (End of this chapter)

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