Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 278: If you dare to take another step forward, I will kill you!

Chapter 278 If you dare to take a step forward again, I will kill you!

After seeing Lin Yuan's face, Su Wen was extremely shocked.

A young man of the same age as Su Qinge received his full blow? !

How can this be? !

Before Su Wen could recover from the shock, the young man in front of him chuckled and spoke: "This is Shen Xiao's battle, and I don't want to see anyone else intervene. "

Lin Yuan's tone was particularly calm.

 But underneath the calmness, there is an unquestionable majesty.

At the moment when Su Wen was blocked by Lin Yuan, the sword light struck by Shen Xiao had completely hit Su Qinge's body!

The latter spat out a mouthful of blood, and like a kite with a broken string, he flew dozens of meters away and fell heavily outside the martial arts arena!

 “Qin Ge!”

After seeing the scene in front of him, Su Wen's expression changed drastically, and he was about to forcefully cross Lin Yuan and rush forward.

However, Lin Yuan's speed was a few points faster than him.

As soon as Su Wen moved, Lin Yuan turned into a beam of lightning again, stopped in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "I don't want to say it a second time, and I don't want anyone to interfere in the relationship between them. fighting."

 “Get out of my way!”

With Su Qinge's life and death uncertain, Su Wen no longer cared about his own cultivation, and directly shouted angrily, condensing a crimson blood spear again, and pointed the spear point directly at Lin Yuan!

However, facing the crimson spear in his hand, Lin Yuan's face did not show the slightest fear.

He looked at Su Wen in front of him with cold eyes: "My patience is limited, the warning ends here."

"If you dare to take a step forward again, I will kill you."

Lin Yuan's tone was cold and indifferent, as if Su Wen standing in front of him was already a dead person.

Facing Lin Yuan's threat, Su Wen actually felt a chill in his heart.

 Because he could feel the murderous intent emanating from Lin Yuan very clearly!

The young man in front of me has definitely killed someone before.

Moreover, there are definitely not a few people who died in his hands.

 Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to possess such a strong murderous intention.

However, after a moment of palpitations, Su Wen decided to take action!

Although he was extremely shocked by the other party's age, Su Wen did not think that an eighth-level venerable at such an age could compete with him.

After all, he has been in the realm of venerables for several years. In terms of his background, he is naturally much better than ordinary venerables.

It was this kind of confidence that made him take action against Lin Yuan!

However, the moment he took action, Lin Yuan's figure disappeared from the place without any warning!

The next second, Lin Yuan's voice seemed to come from Jiuyou Huangquan, faintly passed into his ears!

 “I gave you a chance.”

Su Wen was shocked!

He quickly realized that Lin Yuan must have used some secret method to hide his figure!

 It's just that the speed at which he reacted was still too late.

At this moment, Lin Yuan had already ducked behind him. Lightning light lingered on his right fist, and he punched Su Wen in the spine!

Although Su Wen had already covered his whole body with Qi and Blood Armor, under the power of Lin Yuan's Thunder Fist, the opponent's Qi and Blood Armor did not even last a second before it shattered into pieces.

And Lin Yuan's thunder fist also broke Su Wen's spine!

After hearing the sound of the opponent's spine breaking, Lin Yuan was even slightly stunned.

This guy...why is he so weak? ! Even though his punch used the power of the Thunder Fruit, it couldn't break the opponent's spine so easily, right?

Furthermore, in Lin Yuan's view, the opponent's Qi and Blood Armor was as vulnerable as paper.

 Actually, what Lin Yuan didn't know was that the reason why this happened was not that Su Wen was too weak, but that the venerable person Lin Yuan met in the secret realm of the Abyss was too strong.

You must know that those who are qualified to enter the secret realm of the abyss are all top sages from various countries, and their strength is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary sages.

Although Lin Yuan was able to kill these people as if they were dogs, in fact, in the secret realm of the Abyss, any venerable could easily kill Su Wen.

 So, under this situation, Su Wen was naturally extremely weak in Lin Yuan's eyes.

  All the Jingwu students in the audience seats were immersed in deathly silence.

 Because what happened before my eyes was really shocking.

 First, Shen Xiao reversed the situation with a single blow and forcibly defeated Su Qinge.

 Subsequently, the venerable Su family member who came to the rescue was stopped by a mysterious young man.

 No, to be more precise, this Su family venerable... almost died in the hands of the other party.

 The situation before us seems to have developed in an unpredictable direction.

After Su Wen's spine broke, his figure fell directly downwards, splashing countless dust.

 “Su Wen!”

 After what happened to Su Wen, the people of the Su family couldn't sit still at all.

Several eighth-level venerable figures suddenly rose into the air and surrounded Lin Yuan in the center!

“Who are you and why are you attacking my Su family?!”

The leader, the venerable man, fixed his gaze firmly on Lin Yuan and asked in a stern voice.

"Don't be too quick to pin the big hat on me. If you, the Su family, didn't want to interfere in the duel, why would I take action?"

Lin Yuan sneered and said calmly: "Besides, you should thank me."

“If I had killed him just now, he would have suffered more than just a broken spine..."

The leader was not polite at all. He interrupted Lin Yuan's words and said sternly: "It's ridiculous! You injured a member of our Su family. Do we still need to thank you?!"

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile: "What if it's not the case?"

Under Lin Yuan's deliberate provocation, the Su family sages in front of them were quickly angered by him!

“Stop talking nonsense with him, capture him quickly and hand him over to the owner of the family!”

 The leader quickly issued the order in a deep voice.

 In Yanjing Wuhan University, murder is naturally not allowed.

 Lin Yuan was obviously worried about this just now, so he didn't kill Su Wen. is allowed by law to beat Lin Yuan to serious injuries, take him back to the Su family, and deal with him in accordance with the Su family's family rules.

 After all, these family forces in Yanjing all have a certain degree of privileges within their territories!

 (End of this chapter)

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