Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 280: Su family, Su Lingxiao!

Chapter 280 Su Family, Su Lingxiao!

After being exposed by Lin Yuan, the resentment on Su Yuhan's face became more intense. She complained in a sharp voice: "Why do you put all the blame on me?"

“I am Shen Wuya’s wife, and I am the one she is marrying!”

"Who is Cheng Nianen? Why should she give birth to a child for Shen Wuya? She and her child are both bastards! Despicable and despicable!"

Facing Su Yuhan who was scolding like a shrew, Lin Yuan no longer had the desire to continue arguing with her.

 The jealousy in her heart has completely blinded her eyes, making her whole person a little distorted.

 There is nothing to argue with this kind of person.

Then, Lin Yuan turned his attention to the leader of the Su family, and said slowly: "If your Su family is willing to apologize to Shen Xiao, I can let you take Su Qinge away."

The Su family leader shook his head and said calmly: "Our Su family also wants to save face. Shen Xiao's existence is a shame to our Su family. If we apologize to him for such a thing, our Su family will Where is the face? This is completely trampling on the dignity of our Su family!"

After getting the answer from the other party, Lin Yuan sneered and said calmly: "In this case, I won't force him. You can just watch him without any treatment and let him die here."

"If you dare to do anything, our Su family is at odds with you! If anything happens to Qin Ge, even if we chase you to the ends of the earth, our Su family will definitely crush you to ashes!"

At this moment, Su Yuhan was completely unable to control her emotions. She was roaring with a ferocious face, and her tone was stern and resentful.

 From a mother’s perspective, it’s not that Lin Yuan can’t understand her.

 After all, mother and son are connected. As a mother, even if her son is slightly injured, she will probably feel extremely distressed in her heart, not to mention that Su Qinge's life or death is still uncertain.

Lin Yuan sighed slightly and said calmly: "Why is it so difficult to apologize when you have done something wrong?"

“Is the so-called face of your big families really that important?”

Just when the situation was about to reach a stalemate, a loud sound like muffled thunder suddenly came from the sky.

"Is our Su family really in decline now? Why do even these juniors dare to yell at people from my Su family?!"

In this thunder-like sound, there is also a hint of anger, which makes people's eardrums hurt!

 After this voice sounded, the faces of the sages of the Su family clearly showed a hint of joy!

 “It’s Su Lingxiao!”

 “Ling Xiao is here!”

Someone else turned their head and looked at Lin Yuan fiercely: "Boy, I want to see how long you can continue to be arrogant! Do you really think that my Su family is a soft persimmon that can be manipulated?!"

“Today, if you can leave Yanjing Wuhan University unharmed, it will be due to the incompetence of our Su family!”

Lin Yuan did not answer, but just raised his head, looked upward calmly, and murmured to himself: "This breath... it should be the arrival of the king of heaven."

"Haha, no wonder these people are so confident. It turns out that reinforcements have been brought here."

However, Lin Yuan didn't have the slightest fear in his heart.

The King of Heaven?

What about the King of Heaven?

Even if you, the King of Heaven, come to protect the people I want to protect, I still can’t move them!

 In the almost ecstatic eyes of everyone in the Su family, a slender figure slowly descended in front of Lin Yuan.

 He did not rush to take action, but looked around first. When he saw that almost all of the Su family sages beside him were injured, the man's eyes suddenly turned cold: "These people in my Su family...were all injured by you?"

Lin Yuan’s expression remained unchanged: “So what?”

 “So what if it’s a good one!”

Su Lingxiao frowned and his tone suddenly rose: "Can you admit the guilt of those who hurt my Su family?!"

Lin Yuan chuckled softly: "If you want to accuse me, there is no need to hesitate. If you want to use your heavenly king-level combat power to force me to bow my head, then you may have found the wrong person."

The Beijing martial arts students in the audience couldn't help but widen their eyes.

How courageous is this guy?

Even when facing the King of Heaven, he did not show any timidity. Instead, he showed a bit of tit-for-tat attitude.

"There are many people who dare to be arrogant in front of me, but you are the first one to be as arrogant as you."

Su Lingxiao narrowed his eyes dangerously and said coldly: "However, what I want to tell you is that those who thought they were righteous in front of me are all dead."

Lin Yuan chuckled: "Really? Then maybe I will be an exception."

"Exception?" Su Lingxiao smiled contemptuously: "With your Venerable Realm strength, are you worthy of saying such a thing?"

"Ling Xiao! Save Qin Ge first, he is about to die!"

Su Yuhan said eagerly.

“Don’t worry, I just checked Qin Ge’s body energy. He’s fine. He was just temporarily comatose.”

Su Lingxiao said calmly: "Speaking of which... was Qin Ge injured by that bitch?"

 “Yes, it’s that scoundrel!”

Su Yuhan gritted her teeth and said, "They are all in the same group. Qin Ge was plotted against him and was defeated by that bastard!"

Lin Yuan chuckled softly: "Mrs. Su, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. Everyone present can witness that Shen Xiao defeated Su Qinge with the knife in his hand!"

After a pause, Lin Yuan once again sarcastically said: "If he is a bitch, then isn't your son a waste that is worse than a bitch?!"


Su Yuhan’s expression changed and she took a step forward.

 However, Su Lingxiao stretched out his hand and stopped her, and said calmly: "Yu Han, there is no need to get angry with him."

 “Anyway...he won’t live long.”

Su Yuhan took a deep breath and nodded calmly: "Ling Xiao, it's a good thing you're here. Otherwise, if this matter got out today, they would all think that our Su family is weak and can be bullied."

"It's okay, as long as I'm here, just a few of them can't make any waves."

The next second, Su Lingxiao looked at Shen Xiao below with cold eyes: "Since this **** has no tutor, then I will discipline him properly for Shen Wuya!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Lingxiao's figure turned into an afterimage and attacked Shen Xiao below!

 (End of this chapter)

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