Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 281: This time, I want to protect him!

Chapter 281 This time, I want to protect him!

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed, and his body instantly turned into a beam of lightning, and he flashed in front of Su Lingxiao!

He obviously did not expect that Su Lingxiao would choose to attack Shen Xiao!

However, as long as Lin Yuan is still alive, Su Lingxiao will never want to hurt Shen Xiao!

"piss off!"

Lin Yuan's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan was activated to the extreme.

 The Susanoo behind him glowed with an even more dazzling purple light!

 The next second, blue lightning also wrapped around Susanoo, making his power even more shocking!

When his strength reached its peak, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and punched Su Lingxiao in front of him!

At this moment, Lin Yuan wants to use the power of an eighth-level venerable to defeat the King of Heaven!

“How dare the light of fireflies compete with the moon?!”

Su Lingxiao snorted coldly, drew out a dark-colored spear with his backhand, flicked the tip of the spear, and stabbed Lin Yuan boldly!

The giant purple fist suddenly collided with Su Lingxiao's spear point in mid-air, causing an almost violent wave of air!

"What a terrifying power... What is the origin of this Su Lingxiao?"

In the audience, Chen Ji couldn't help but swallowed and asked with difficulty.

This was the first time that he felt the strength of the King of Heaven at such a close distance.

Even he felt extremely shocked by the power of the King of Heaven!

Tong Hu on the side explained: "Su Lingxiao, known as Qilin of the Su family, is Su Yuhan's elder brother. He is also the youngest Heavenly King Realm expert in the Su family. His martial arts talent is not inferior to that of Shen Wuya."

"It's just that this man is too obsessed with martial arts. He once declared that he would not marry and have children within fifty years, which caused the Su family a big headache, so he recruited Shen Wuya to marry him so that he could continue the family's legacy."

Chen Ji nodded and said suddenly: "That's it."

Then, Tong Hu frowned slightly and asked in surprise: "With Lin Yuan's strength, it is absolutely impossible for him to be Su Lingxiao's opponent, but why do you not look nervous at all?"

Chen Ji said cheerfully: "You don't understand Lin Yuan very well. Once that guy chooses to take action, he is 100% sure that he can stop him. Otherwise, he would have escaped with Shen Xiao long ago. , how can we hold on."

 “You don’t know, that guy has never lowered his limits.”

Tong Hu was slightly stunned.

This is... too true.


Although Lin Yuan has already activated the Thunder Fruit and Susanoo's abilities to the extreme.

But after all, there is still a gap in realm between the eighth-level venerables and the ninth-level kings, and their strengths are also different.

After the collision, Lin Yuan's figure flew out directly, falling towards the ground like a meteor.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan used Susanoo in time to resolve most of the impact, and was able to stabilize his body before hitting the ground.

Su Lingxiao looked at Lin Yuan below with indifferent eyes, and said coldly: "Now you should know how big the strength gap between you and me is, right?"

  "You alone want to stop me? A cricket shakes a tree, and you don't know your own strength."

“If you dare to stop me again, I will kill you too!”

Although Su Lingxiao said this, he felt extremely shocked in his heart.

 The blow he just struck was definitely enough to seriously injure any eighth-level venerable!

But the guy in front of him actually took his shot forcefully, and other than being forcibly blown away by him, he didn't suffer any serious injuries at all.

Originally, in Su Lingxiao's eyes, among this generation, the only person he could recognize for his talent in martial arts was Shen Wuya.

 But the martial arts talent of the young man in front of him was even more exaggerated than that of Shen Wuya!

 So much so that Su Lingxiao even had murderous intentions!

If this son insists on being an enemy of the Su family, when he grows up, he will become a serious problem for the Su family!

After Su Lingxiao finished speaking, Lin Yuan rose into the air again, and a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face.

He is indeed a little too confident, he actually thinks that he can fight against the powerful ones in the Heavenly King Realm with all his strength.

 Now it seems that I still think too much.

Let alone kings of the level of Xu Tianwu and Wang Zhanlin, even Su Lingxiao, a budding king, cannot easily defeat him.

It seems that the road to martial arts is long, and I still cannot be too complacent. Lin Yuan sighed in his heart, then raised his head and looked at Su Lingxiao with a smile: "Although I am no match for you, if you insist on taking action against Shen Xiao, today...even the King of Heaven will die!"

“What a shameless statement! I want to see how you let me die here!”

Su Lingxiao completely lost his patience, swept the spear in his hand, and once again unleashed a majestic spear light, like a trained horse, slashing towards Shen Xiao!

Lin Yuan frowned and subconsciously wanted to summon the Final Hydra.

You must know that when Lin Yuan set up the trap, relying on the power of Zhenyan Hydra and other abyssal beasts, he could even ambush and kill a veteran heavenly king like Xu Tianwu, let alone Su Lingxiao who was not satisfied with entering the realm of heavenly kings. The new king of ten years.

However, before Lin Yuan could summon the Final Hydra, a loud shout exploded in everyone's ears like thunder!

 “Su Lingxiao, that’s enough!”

Accompanied by this violent shout, a sword light condensed to the extreme struck in the air, instantly annihilating Su Lingxiao's spear power!

 “Shen Wuya.”

Su Lingxiao turned his head, looked at the man who appeared here with cold eyes, and called out his name jokingly.

 Shen Wuya?

Lin Yuan was slightly startled, and also turned his head to look over.

 If he remembered correctly, Shen Wuya...should be Shen Xiao's father.

 He looked in the direction where Su Lingxiao's eyes were, and soon saw a middle-aged man in his thirties.

His facial features are indeed somewhat similar to Shen Xiao's, and they are even as if they were carved from the same mold.

The only difference is that he does not have the sharp youthful spirit of Shen Xiao, but more of the frustration and dejection of a middle-aged man.

If no one had told him that this was Shen Wuya, Lin Yuan would never have thought that the middle-aged man in front of him would be the one-in-a-million ninth-level king.

“Su Lingxiao, that’s enough, stop.”

Under Su Lingxiao's gaze, Shen Wuya's tone weakened slightly, and he spoke in pain.


Su Lingxiao raised the corners of his lips and said jokingly: "Shen Wuya, what are you thinking? It was clearly your son who was beaten into a coma. Instead of helping me, you asked me to stop?"

Shen Wuya took a deep breath, landed down, hugged the unconscious Su Qinge with his hands, and then rose up in the air again and came to Su Yuhan: "Yuhan, take Qin Ge back to the family first. Treat it."


 A crisp sound of a slap soon reverberated above the martial arts arena.

Su Yuhan stared at Shen Wuya and said fiercely: "Shen Wuya, what kind of man are you?!"

“You are right, I am indeed sorry for you in this matter.”

"Whether you hit me or scold me, I admit it."

Shen Wuya took a deep breath and said calmly: "But... I won't let any of you hurt Shen Xiao."

 “Because he is also my son.”

 “I have been indebted to him for so many years, and I owe him too much.”

 “So…even if it’s just once, that’s fine.”

 “This time, I want to protect him.”

Su Yuhan stared straight at her husband: "Is this your decision? Good... very good."

She knew in her heart that although Shen Wuya seemed submissive in front of her, once he made a decision, no one could change it.

"Since you insist on protecting him, there's nothing more to say... Shen Wuya, let's have a fight between you and me!"

Su Lingxiao flicked his wrist and pointed his spear directly at Shen Wuya, with a fierce fighting spirit in his eyes!

 (End of this chapter)

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