Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 282: Dragons fight in the wild, their blood is black and yellow!

Chapter 282 The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow!

Shen Xiao silently looked at the slightly stooped figure in the mid-air, with extremely complex emotions in his eyes.

 After so many years, who can tell clearly whether it is love or hate?

Shen Xiao knew in his heart that the man had been atoneing for what he had done, but he had never accepted Shen Wuya's kindness to him.

 Except for helping Lin Yuan escape from prison, Shen Xiao never took the initiative to find him once.

 Because Shen Xiao did not intend to forgive him.

 In his eyes, Shen Wuya has always been an extremely weak man.

This kind of weakness does not refer to weakness in strength, but to inner cowardice.

 Shen Xiao hated his weakness.

 Because of his weakness, his mother was bullied by the Su family.

 Because of his cowardice, he did not dare to appear in front of his mother for so many years.

However, just today, that cowardly man admitted to everyone that he was his son.

This guy... is a complete idiot.

For some reason, Shen Xiao suddenly felt that the hatred in his heart for this man seemed to have subsided unconsciously.


Su Lingxiao has been waiting for this day for a long time.

 In the eyes of everyone, he is the Qilin of the Su family, the most dazzling genius of this generation of the Su family!

However, everything that Su Lingxiao was proud of was completely shattered after Shen Wuya married into the Su family.

Originally, in Su Lingxiao's eyes, Shen Wuya was willing to marry into his wife, which was a great thing.

 At first, his sister Su Yuhan loved Shen Wuya wholeheartedly, and they were in love with each other.

 Secondly, after Shen Wuya got married, he and Su Yuhan soon had an heir, which could be regarded as continuing the incense of the Su family.

 In this way, the old guys from the Su family will no longer arrange marriages for him.

However... what Su Lingxiao didn't expect was that after Shen Wuya entered the Su family, Shen Wuya would shine even more dazzlingly!

You must know that Shen Wuya has always been a martial arts wizard who is unique among thousands.

Even if he had no cultivation resources before, Shen Wuya's cultivation speed could be said to be unparalleled.

And after the Su family provided support to him, Shen Wuya's progress was even faster than any other!

In just one year, Shen Wuya's reputation has become as good as Su Lingxiao's.

Everyone in Yanjing knows that the Su family has two martial arts geniuses, Su Lingxiao and Shen Wuya!

However, Su Lingxiao, who has always been arrogant, simply cannot allow Shen Wuya to be as famous as himself.

Even more, because Shen Wuya has accumulated a lot of experience and continuously made breakthroughs, in the eyes of many people, Shen Wuya's martial arts talent is even higher than that of Su Lingxiao!

Every time he heard similar words, Su Lingxiao felt as if a fire was burning in his heart.

 He is Shen Wuya... How can He De be compared with him?!

In order to prove that he was stronger than Shen Wuya, Su Lingxiao had come to him to compete with him many times.

Most of the time, Shen Wuya declined using various excuses. Even if he really couldn't refuse, during the discussion with him, Su Lingxiao could clearly feel that Shen Wuya had not tried his best.

This kind of point-and-shoot discussion naturally has no meaning, and it cannot prove that he is stronger than Shen Wuya at all.

 So, Su Lingxiao has been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for Shen Wuya to fight against him with all his strength!

 He wants to prove to everyone who is the strongest among the younger generation of the Su family!

 And now...he has finally waited!

 He has waited for this battle for too long!

 “Shen Wuya, come and fight!”

Su Lingxiao shouted loudly, and his figure instantly turned into an afterimage, heading towards Shen Wuya at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye!

He didn't give Shen Wuya time to refuse. Su Lingxiao wanted to take this opportunity to force the other party to fight with him!

The tip of the spear in Su Lingxiao's hand swept towards Shen Wuya with a force that broke through the air. The sound was so shocking that it seemed to be enough to tear the void apart!

At this moment, Su Lingxiao's fierce aura was like two different people from the previous battle with Lin Yuan!


Shen Wuya sighed softly, pulled out a sword from behind himself, and directly blocked Su Lingxiao's sweeping spear!


With the sound of gold and iron interlacing, Shen Wuya's blade happened to block the tip of Su Lingxiao's spear!

The violent and surging energy and blood force suddenly erupted from a single point, making everyone present unable to help but feel frightened!

This is the real battle to reach the pinnacle.

 Because, this is...a duel between the King of Heaven and the King of Heaven!

Even if it’s a move or a move, it’s the ultimate level of martial arts.

  Everyone watched the battle scene in front of them with bated breath, for fear of missing any scene.

 “Come again!”

After the shot was blocked, Su Lingxiao quickly changed his moves. The spear in his hand was like a swimming dragon. With a slight shake, he skillfully deflected Shen Wuya's sword!

The next second, Su Lingxiao flicked his wrist, and the spear in his hand once again pierced Shen Wuya from an extremely weird blind corner!

As the spear thrust out, a black-yellow light suddenly appeared above the tip of the spear, and there seemed to be a faint sound of dragon roaring all around!

Su Lingxiao's move is exactly the martial arts secret passed down from generation to generation in the Su family. The dragon fights in the wild!

 The dragon fights in the wild, his blood is black and yellow!

 This spear move was created by the ancestor of the Su family.

  At the beginning, he used exactly this move. On the border of China, he used the spear in his hand to pierce the head of a ninth-level blue dragon, and the dragon's blood flowed hundreds of miles away!

Su Lingxiao has been practicing spear moves with his ancestor since he was a child. This "dragon fights in the wild" is naturally his strongest killing move!

 After Su Lingxiao made this move, Su Yuhan's expression changed!

 Although what Shen Wuya did made her very disappointed.

 But no matter what, Shen Wuya is still her husband, so Su Yuhan will naturally worry about his safety.

 However, Shen Wuya looked at Su Lingxiao with an indifferent expression, and said calmly: "You are no match for me."

  After saying this, Shen Wuya slowly straightened up his body, and the dejected look on his face disappeared.

His figure is as tall and straight as a green pine, and the sword in his hand also has a black-yellow luster!

 This is...dragon fighting in the wild?!

How can it be?!

Su Lingxiao looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, with an expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost!

At this moment, Shen Wuya held a sword in his hand and said calmly: "Dragon fighting in the wild... you are not the only one who can do it."

 (End of this chapter)

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