Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 283: There is no reason why fakes are inferior to genuine ones.

Chapter 283 There is no reason why a fake is inferior to the real thing

No matter how unbelievable Su Lingxiao was, the facts were right in front of him.

 That's it... Shen Wuya really used Dragon Fighting in the Wild.

Moreover, the black-yellow light that emerged from his blade was even more dazzling and purer!

"Impossible! No matter how much our ancestor values ​​you, he can't teach you the dragon battle in the wild. This is the secret skill of our Su family! Our ancestor said that in the entire Su family, I am the only one qualified to learn from him. I learned this trick by hand!”

Su Lingxiao’s face was distorted and he shouted at the top of his lungs.

He absolutely did not want to believe that Shen Wuya learned this trick of fighting in the wild from the hands of his ancestors of the Su family.

You must know that even if Shen Wuya marries the Su family, in the eyes of the ancestor of the Su family, he will still be just an outsider!

How could an outsider... be qualified to learn the Su family's unique skills? !

“You are right. This move of fighting dragons in the wild was not taught to me by your ancestors of the Su family... but was learned by me myself.”

Shen Wuya held a black-yellow sword and said calmly: "Dragon fighting in the wild is a marksmanship. I studied it for a while, and then I completely mastered it. I also learned by analogy, and spent nearly half a year to master it. Transformed into sword skills.”

“Weapons in the world belong to the same family, and the mysteries of marksmanship are equally applicable to swordsmanship.”

 After Shen Wuya said these words, everyone present could not help but fall into silence.

Everyone has to admit that the Su family's son-in-law in front of them is indeed a stunning and beautiful person.

The Su family's secret art of marksmanship, but Shen Wuya only understood its true meaning after observing it on the spot a few times, and he also transformed it and completely turned it into his own use.

Such talent and martial arts talent can only be described as unbelievable.

It’s no wonder why Shen Wuya’s two sons, Su Qinge and Shen Xiao, are among the best in martial arts.

If Su Qinge is so outstanding, there is a reason why the Su family supports him.

 Then Shen Xiao...really relied entirely on his own hard work and martial arts talent to get to where he is today step by step.

As for where the martial arts talent came from, I estimate that the 80% achievement was inherited from Shen Wuya.

 After listening to what Shen Wuya said, Su Lingxiao fell into a trance for a moment.

Then, he roared at the top of his lungs: "It's useless! Even if you secretly learn the secret skills of our Su family, you can't be my opponent!"

 “A fake is always a fake! What’s fake can never be real!”

People will lose control of their emotions only when the situation exceeds expectations and they cannot control the situation.

 Su Lingxiao is in such a situation right now.

 No matter what, he was unwilling to admit that Shen Wuya's martial arts talent was superior to his!

 “Indeed it is.”

 Shen Wuya smiled, and then...he chose to draw the sword!

 He executed this strike in front of Su Lingxiao... The dragon fights in the wild!

At the same time as he drew the sword, Shen Wuya said softly: "There is one thing I think you haven't figured out yet."

“That is, in this world, there is no reason why fakes are necessarily inferior to genuine ones.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the almost dazzling red and yellow sword light directly slashed towards the position where Su Lingxiao was in front of him with the force of splitting the sky and the earth!

"How could I be compared to you? I am the Qilin of the Su family!"

Su Lingxiao had already felt the power of Shen Wuya's sword, but he did not choose to give up. He gritted his teeth to death, and all his energy and blood burst out in an instant, roaring... and stabbed out!

 Everything used by both sides is dragon fighting in the wild.

 What can be compared is nothing more than the level of Qi and blood of both parties, and the degree of understanding of this move. However, what everyone did not expect was that the black and yellow spear light pierced by Su Lingxiao was instantly completely swallowed up by the light of the sword struck by Shen Wuya, as if the wave merged into the tsunami.

The scene in front of him was so similar. It could be said that it was exactly the same as the sword that Shen Xiao used to defeat Su Qinge.

 Everyone present could not help but cast their eyes on Shen Wuya.

This man...seems to be inconspicuous, but in fact he is far more powerful than they imagined!

Along with the red and yellow spear light that shattered, there was also Su Lingxiao's sharp energy.

He looked at the sword light approaching him with a deathly expression, and did not make any dodge movement.

At this moment, Su Lingxiao seemed to have lost his soul. He kept mumbling to himself: "How is it possible, how is it possible..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shen Wuya frowned, raised his hand, and forcibly dispersed the glare of the sword in front of him.

 Obviously, he didn't want to hurt Su Lingxiao.

Su Lingxiao raised his head, his face full of self-mockery.

 Until now, he finally understood how big the strength gap between himself and Shen Wuya was.

Under such circumstances, Shen Wuya was able to forcibly withdraw the sword light, which either showed that he did not try his best at all, or that his control over the power was far superior to him.

However, no matter what the situation is, it can only mean one thing.

 That is Shen Wuya...stronger than him.

Su Lingxiao only now realized how ridiculous his previous actions were.

 He is eager to prove his strength by defeating Shen Wuya.

Little did he know that the opponent's strength had completely crushed him before he knew it.

 “You win, you are stronger than me.”

After a long moment of silence, Su Lingxiao finally spoke. He looked at Shen Wuya and said these words calmly.

 In the past, with Su Lingxiao's character, it would have been absolutely impossible for him to say such words.

 However, such a complete defeat today finally made Su Lingxiao realize something.

He realized that the so-called "peerless genius" name was not an honor at all, but a shackles that bound him.

Only by throwing away this layer of shackles can he go further on the road to martial arts.

This tragic defeat, for Su Lingxiao, is not only not a bad thing, but a mental test.

If he can learn from it and completely overcome this hurdle, then for Su Lingxiao, this will be a period of growth.

Su Yuhan on the side looked at the scene in front of her blankly.

She has always felt that Su Lingxiao's strength is superior to Shen Wuya's, even if he is not good enough, he is still equally matched.

 But it wasn’t until today that she realized that her husband had been hiding his edge.

It's like a giant dragon that has restrained its claws. When its sharp edge is revealed, the whole world will be shocked!

 (End of this chapter)

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