Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 284: Why don't you ask me, the client?

Chapter 284 Why don’t you ask me, the client?

Just after Shen Wuya and Su Lingxiao decided the winner, the Su family venerable suddenly spoke.

"We are all from the Su family, so it's better not to fight among ourselves. Shen Wuya, since you don't want your son to get hurt, then we will stop interfering in your family affairs."

Then he changed the subject and pointed the finger directly at Lin Yuan: "But... this son has repeatedly provoked our Su family, so we must not stay!"

“Today, no matter what, we must make this yellow-mouthed kid pay the price! If not, how can our Su family lose their face?!”

"Shen Wuya, you don't have to take action, but I hope... you won't interfere in this matter."

"Otherwise, after this matter is over, go to the ancestor and explain it yourself!"

 After hearing these words, Shen Wuya couldn't help but frowned.

 To his ears, the other party's words could be described as both soft and hard words.

 First, they showed their determination to take action against Lin Yuan, and second, they directly used the ancestor of the Su family to suppress Shen Wuya, making him unable to take action.

 But if you can't take action...

However, at this moment, a lazy voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

“I said that you guys are discussing and discussing, but have you ever asked me, the client, for my opinion?”

 Lin Yuan said with a smile: "Before I even said anything, you have already started to force Shen Wuya to have a wife, making it seem like I am like a piece of fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered."

“You clown, I want to see how long you can keep laughing!”

The Su family venerable stared at Lin Yuan and said sternly: "Do you really think that Shen Wuya will disobey the Su family's wishes to protect you? Stop dreaming!"

 “Today, you must pay the price for what you have done!”

Lin Yuan smiled, chuckled and said, "Really? Is it just the king of your Su family who has lost his fighting spirit?"

“Bold, Ling Xiao, is someone like you capable of insulting someone?!”

The venerable Su family's face turned serious, and he scolded sternly.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. I advise you to stop quarreling here. Don't you see that your master is too lazy to pay attention to you?"

Lin Yuan sneered, and then said calmly: "And... do you really think that Su Lingxiao alone can defeat me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a long and narrow space crack appeared out of thin air behind Lin Yuan.

Subsequently, a huge black shadow slowly revealed its figure from the crack and descended between the sky and the earth!

 The ninth-level abyssal beast, the ultimate hydra!

After the final Hydra appeared in front of everyone, almost everyone couldn't help but swallowed, feeling extremely shocked in their hearts.

Although Su Lingxiao and Shen Wuya are both ninth-level kings, the visual impact brought by the huge body of the Ultimate Hydra is not comparable to these two.

In the eyes of everyone, the arrival of the final Hydra is like the arrival of the devil into the world, making people unable to help but feel a bit of fear.

“What a terrifying alien beast... Oh my god, is this a ninth-level alien beast?”

“This is definitely a ninth-level alien beast! This is the first time I have felt suffocated under the pressure of an alien beast. It’s so scary.”

“This guy can actually control a ninth-level beast?!”


 For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the final Hydra.

However, no one thought that this was just the beginning.

In the cracks in space behind Lin Yuan, more and more Abyss beasts crawled out. Among these abyssal beasts, even the ones with the lowest strength still possess the strength of level eight or above!

After crawling out of the space crack, these abyssal beasts were like guards, surrounding Lin Yuan, and from time to time they made low roars towards the surroundings!

Lin Yuan raised the corner of his mouth, smiled and asked: "Although I don't know your name yet, but... Dear Mr. Su, now you still feel that without Shen Wuya taking action, the Su family will Can Su Lingxiao alone defeat me?"

Looking at the army of abyssal beasts in front of him, the expression of the Su family's venerable was as ugly as if he had eaten a fly, and he did not say even a single word for a long time.

At the same time, Su Lingxiao also looked livid, frowning at the scene in front of him.

 Today... was definitely the most frustrating day he had ever experienced.

 He was defeated at the hands of Shen Wuya, so forget it.

 But the key thing is that even a boy in his early twenties got on top of him!

 But I am... helpless.

Su Lingxiao was not without his own judgment. When Lin Yuan summoned the abyssal beasts, he began to sense the energy of these abyssal beasts.

 Subsequently, he came to a rather terrifying conclusion.

That is, with his strength, he may be able to defeat the most powerful nine-headed demon snake at most!

If there are other abyssal beasts participating in the battle, even if they are only at the eighth level of strength, they will cause great interference to themselves.

Even if you are not careful enough, you may die here!

The more Su Lingxiao thought about it, the more frightened he became.

 What is the origin of this boy...? !

The Beijing martial arts students sitting in the audience were probably even more frightened than Su Lingxiao.

 For them, coming here to watch the battle was probably the most correct thing they did today.

 Originally, in their eyes, the showdown between Shen Xiao and Su Qinge was exciting enough.

 What they never expected was that it was just an appetizer.

 The battle between the nobles, the battle between the heavenly kings, the ninth-level abyssal beast...

Most of the people present were probably witnessing such a grand scene for the first time in their lives.

 The one who found them most incredible was undoubtedly Lin Yuan!

You must know that just over half a year ago, Lin Yuan only made his mark in the freshman fraternity competition.

 But now, only a little time has passed, and Lin Yuan has become a figure that even the Su family is helpless to do anything about, and he even recovered a ninth-level alien beast!

 What is Tianjiao?

 This is the true pride of heaven!

 Shen Xiao is very strong, and Su Qinge is not weak either.

 But in front of Lin Yuan, the brilliance radiated by these two people was simply not worth mentioning!

To be precise, there is no one of his age who can compare with Lin Yuan, this monster.

If Lin Yuan really had a whim, I am afraid that he alone would be enough to sweep through the entire grade of Jingwu, and it would be a crushing sweep!

Just when the situation was at a stalemate, a familiar figure stepped over from Yukong and said lightly: "Isn't it a fight between two juniors? Why is it still getting to this point?"

 (End of this chapter)

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