Chapter 285 Dark Parliament!

The person who appeared in front of him was none other than his old acquaintance, the old president of Yanjing Wuhan University, Nan Yunjing!

 For Nanyun Jing, Lin Yuan only felt respect and gratitude in his heart.

He respected Nanyun Jing and Lin Yuan. Hearing this familiar voice, he turned his head subconsciously.

A kind elder, he also respects his contribution to Beijing, China, and even mankind.

As for gratitude, let alone it.

At the beginning, if Nan Yunjing hadn't helped him deal with it, I'm afraid Lin Yuan would have suffered ten years of imprisonment in the sky prison, and he would never have the opportunity to enter the secret realm of the abyss, let alone use it to atone for his crime.

 “Old principal, long time no see.”

Lin Yuan smiled slightly and bowed to Nan Yunjing.

Even though we haven’t seen him for half a year, Nan Yunjing’s appearance has not changed at all, and he still looks energetic.

If you look at his temperament alone, it would be impossible to tell that Nan Yunjing is an old man who is nearly a hundred years old.

 “Principal Nan!”

The Su family and Shen Wuya also bowed slightly towards Nanyun Jing.

Given Nan Yunjing’s qualifications and strength, no matter how respectful their attitude is, it is not an exaggeration.

Nanyun Jing looked around and nodded slightly, responding to their greetings.

Then, Nan Yunjing turned his attention to Lin Yuan again, and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that with the strength of little friend Lin Yuan, he actually came out alive from such a dangerous place as the Abyss Realm. I have to’s truly a miracle!”

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 What's the matter with you old guy?

 I am still grateful to you and think you are a good person, but you never thought that I could come out alive, right? !

After Nan Yunjing looked at Lin Yuan carefully, he spoke again: "However, this trip to the secret realm of the Yuan Realm is of great benefit to you. Judging from your current martial arts realm, , I’m afraid it can be said to have made great progress, right?”

“The so-called putting one’s life to death is correct.”

 Under the gaze of Nan Yunjing, Lin Yuan felt as if his entire being was being seen through.

 It’s like...the feeling that everything you own is invisible in front of the other person.

This feeling has never happened to me before, even when I faced Wang Zhanlin or Xu Tianwu.

It seems that the strength of the old principal of Nanyunjing is really unfathomable.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan cupped his hands and said with a smile: "The old principal is ridiculous. This junior has indeed got some opportunities in this secret realm of the abyss."

Nan Yunjing waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be too humble. It's yours. It's yours. There's no such thing as chance."

At this moment, the venerable member of the Su family spoke before Lin Yuan: "Principal Nan Yunjing..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Nan Yunjing interrupted him: "Stop talking, I know what you want to say. It's just that your Su family feels that their face has been damaged and you want to come to me to ask for help." It’s fair.”

“But the question is, if so many of you bully a child, is this the so-called justice?”

Nan Yunjing looked around at everyone with sharp eyes, his expression was arrogant and angry.

 Obviously, he was deliberately favoring Lin Yuan.

That venerable Su family member almost wanted to curse his mother in his heart.

 You call this a child?

Have you ever seen a child who can fight several eighth-level venerables on his own without falling behind? !

Have you ever seen a child who can control a ninth-level beast and use it to threaten the King of Heaven? !

But then again, if we really only talk about age, Lin Yuan is really just a child in front of them.

“Su Minglin, do you still think that our Su family has not been embarrassed enough today?”

At this moment, Su Lingxiao finally chose to speak and scolded the other party directly. Then he turned to Nan Yunjing and said apologetically: "Principal Nan, I'm really sorry. What happened today was indeed caused by our Su family being too impatient. , it was not handled properly, I am here to say sorry on his behalf, and I hope you will forgive me.”

I have to say that Su Lingxiao is also a person who understands current affairs and the general situation. He knew very well that since things had reached this point, the only solution was for the Su family to make concessions and swallow this bitter fruit.

 After all, Lin Yuan, who was surrounded by ninth-level abyssal beasts due to his strength, was not afraid of them at all.

Turning to the background, not to mention whether Shen Wuya will take action, Nan Yunjing, the principal of Jingwu who has appeared now, has already made it clear that he supports Lin Yuan.

After apologizing to Nan Yunjing, Su Lingxiao left the place directly with everyone in the Su family, as well as Su Qinge who was in a coma.

 After taking a deep look at Shen Xiao, Shen Wuya also chose to leave this place with everyone in the Su family.

 The series of events triggered by the duel between Shen Xiao and Su Qinge finally came to an end.


Yanjing Wuhan University, by Weiyang Lake.

 Lin Yuan and Nan Yunjing, an old man and a young man, walked around the lake.

“I have heard from Feng Tianrong about what happened to you in the secret realm of the Abyss Realm.”

Nan Yunjing looked at the center of the lake and said calmly: "I have to say that you did a good job. It is a great good deed that you did not let the Heart of the Abyss fall into the hands of a foreign country."

Lin Yuan was slightly surprised and subconsciously asked: "Old principal, do you know Feng Tianrong?"

Nan Yunjing turned his head and glanced at Lin Yuan, and said calmly: "He is a student taught by me, don't you know?"


Lin Yuan laughed twice and said flatteringly: "Old principal, you are really full of talents."

 He really didn’t expect that Feng Tianrong would be Nan Yunjing’s former student.

 Subsequently, Nan Yunjing spoke again: "However, this time I came to see you not for this matter."

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Then why did the old principal come to see me?"

Nanyun Jing said calmly: "The Ministry of Military Affairs has approved a proposal to help you apply for a protector list, but... the procedures for this are extremely complicated. Even if the proposal is approved, it will take at least a month to complete it."

Lin Yuan nodded: "I know this. Senior Feng once told me about this. Old principal, are you worried that the Xu family...will attack me during this period?"

“I’m not worried that the Xu family will attack you.”

Nan Yunjing shook his head with a smile, and there was a hint of helplessness in his smile: "You guys are really determined to take revenge. Revenge does not last overnight. You just killed Xu Tianwu when you came back. Now everyone in the Xu family is He is putting pressure on the Ministry of Military Affairs, which is causing a lot of trouble. "

Lin Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment.

He really didn’t expect that Nan Yunjing had already received the news just a few days after Xu Tianwu’s death.

"What I'm really worried that the 'Dark Parliament' will take action against you."

Nanyun Jing looked directly at Lin Yuan and finally expressed his thoughts directly.

 However, after Nan Yunjing said these words, Lin Yuan's face was filled with confusion.

 Because...he has never heard of the organization "Dark Parliament".

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan asked directly: "Principal Nan, what kind of organization is this 'Dark Parliament'? Why have I never heard of it? Could it be that you made it up to scare me, right?"

Nan Yunjing glanced at him angrily and said, "Who has the leisure to come here to entertain you? This 'Dark Parliament'... is not as simple as you think."

“It is no exaggeration to say that the ‘Dark Parliament’ organization is the counterpart to the ‘Human Parliament’ on the surface.”

Lin Yuan was shocked and couldn't help but frown.

Although he doesn’t know much about the Dark Parliament, the Human Parliament is the most powerful global organization in the world today, bringing together top warriors from all over the world. Its reputation is so prominent that it has already penetrated into everyone’s heart.

But now... Nan Yunjing said that the so-called dark parliament in his mouth is an existence that is as famous as the human parliament!

 (End of this chapter)

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