Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 287: The threshold of the Heavenly King Realm!

Chapter 287 The threshold of the Heavenly King Realm!

After hearing the news, Lin Yuan was completely stunned.

 The Society of the Necromancer...has actually been secretly incorporated by the Dark Council?

"That means..." Lin Yuan tentatively analyzed: "This time the undead will enter the secret realm of the Abyss and try to seize the heart of the Abyss. Is it actually the Dark Council instigating behind it?"

   Nanyun nodded: "That's right."

“The Dark Parliament, like normal forces, also needs to expand. The emergence of the Heart of the Abyss is a good opportunity for them.”

“In order to seize this opportunity, they even risked the possibility of exposure of the Necronomicon.”

"They thought they were fully prepared, but the heart of the abyss was intercepted by you halfway... Do you think the Dark Council should bear a grudge against you?"

Nan Yunjing said slowly: "What's more, until now, the heart of the still in your body."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan immediately shuddered.

What Nan Yunjing said seems to be not unreasonable.

 Under the influence of these two factors, the Dark Council seemed to have no reason to let him go.

"Thank you, old principal, for reminding me." Lin Yuan smiled bitterly: "Otherwise, I'm afraid I still don't know anything about these things."

Nanyun Jing said calmly: "Now that I know, it's not too late."

"However, I still want to warn you, be careful in everything you do. In terms of the degree of danger, even ten Xu families are not worth one Dark Council."

“After all, as a force in China, the Xu family must follow some rules if it wants to gain a foothold.”

"But...the Dark Parliament doesn't have to worry about this."

"Furthermore, there are many more powerful people in the Dark Council than the Xu family."

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "I understand."

"So, during this month, you can stay in Jingwu with peace of mind. It's best not to move around." Nan Yunjing said: "In this way, even if the Dark Council wants to take action against you, I can still A response."

“Furthermore, in a few days, Wang Zhanlin will come to Jingwu. Wang Zhanlin and I will protect you. Even the Dark Council must weigh it carefully.”

Lin Yuan scratched his head and asked softly: "Is it necessary to go to so much trouble? Will it trouble you too much?"

Nan Yunjing said in a deep voice: "You still underestimate the determination of the Dark Council to obtain the Heart of the Abyss. If you let them take away the Heart of the Abyss from you, that will be the real trouble."

Seeing how serious Nan Yunjing was, Lin Yuan simply stopped insisting and thanked him: "Then I'll just let the old principal arrange it."


The moon has few stars.

Lin Yuan leaned against a big tree by the Weiyang Lake, looking at the calm center of the lake with a complex expression.

Then, he seemed to feel a little bored, so he picked up a stone beside him and threw it into the middle of the lake, causing ripples to appear in an instant.

Ever since Nan Yunjing spoke to him in the afternoon, Lin Yuan has been sitting here thinking about this matter.

 Although his strength has been growing, he has also encountered more and more troubles.

From Xu Tianwu's targeting at the beginning, to the joint siege by all forces in the secret realm of the Yuan Realm... and now, Lin Yuan thought that his strength was enough to break into the palace, but he was defeated by a behemoth like the Dark Council hiding in the dark. Got targeted.

Lin Yuan's current life is like the middle of the lake in front of him. It seems to be calm, but in fact there are undercurrents.

"It seems...that my strength is still somewhat lacking after all."

“Even if you are already an eighth-level venerable, you still have to live under the protection of others.”

Lin Yuan smiled bitterly.

 In his smile, there was a hint of self-deprecation and helplessness.

However, this helplessness quickly faded from Lin Yuan's eyes.

 Instead, his eyes are full of perseverance!

 Lin Yuan has always believed in this truth.

 In this world, all misfortunes are caused by the lack of ability of the person involved.

In Lin Yuan's eyes, even if he died at the hands of the Dark Parliament, he could not blame Wang Zhanlin or Nan Yunjing for their poor protection. After all, he was not strong enough.

 Not strong enough, you can’t protect anyone, let alone your family and friends, you can’t even protect your own life.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan stood up slowly, his eyes shining with light like burning flames. It seems that the eighth level of the Venerable Realm is still not enough.

 During this period of time, I must break through to the Heavenly King Realm as soon as possible!

 Otherwise, in the eyes of the Dark Parliament, I would be just a bigger ant.

Only with the combat power of the Heavenly King Realm, can he have a certain ability to protect himself in front of the Dark Parliament.


 Time is like running water.

 In the blink of an eye, half a month passed between the fingers.

During this period of time, Lin Yuan almost always stayed in the practice room of Yanjing Wuhan University and almost never left.

 First of all, it was to be less ostentatious and attract the attention of the Dark Council.

Secondly, Lin Yuan also wanted to improve his own strength as quickly as possible through seclusion and practice.

 However, the final result was somewhat unsatisfactory.

Even after being in seclusion for nearly half a month, Lin Yuan's overall strength has hardly improved at all. At most, his blood and mental strength have become a little stronger.

 Now, Lin Yuan's vitality, blood and mental strength are infinitely close to 400,000 points.

However, there was such an invisible threshold that stood in front of Lin Yuan, blocking his progress. This made Lin Yuan make no progress for so many days.

 Because he has the system at hand, this is the first time that Lin Yuan has encountered a threshold since he started practicing martial arts.

Lin Yuan also deliberately consulted Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin about the problems he encountered.

 After all, one of them is the principal of Jingwu and the other is the principal of Mowu. When it comes to teaching martial arts, they can be called the real masters of martial arts.

 After consulting them both, Lin Yuan got the same answer from them.

 That’s the field!

The reason why Lin Yuan fell into the current predicament is precisely because he has not yet understood the field!

 Any warrior with some knowledge has heard this sentence.

 You cannot become a king without understanding the realm.

  Domain is the unique symbol of the King of Heaven.

Only the King of Heaven has a realm, and correspondingly, if you have not understood the realm, you cannot enter the realm of the King of Heaven.

Furthermore, according to Nan Yunjing, the threshold from an eighth-level venerable to a ninth-level heavenly king is the most difficult one!

 The difficulty is no less than the entire process of a warrior breaking through from the first level to the eighth level.

 This has also resulted in many eighth-level venerables being unable to enter the realm of ninth-level heavenly kings throughout their lives.

 Before stepping into the Heavenly King, the warrior's vitality, blood and mental strength will also reach their limit, like being shackled and stuck in the mud, completely stagnating.

Under this situation, Lin Yuan's shortcomings of breaking through the realm too quickly and having too little foundation in martial arts were completely exposed.

You must know that Lin Yuan has always relied on the rewards issued by the system to become stronger.

The time he spent practicing martial arts was too short, and Lin Yuan did not have a deep understanding of the true meaning contained in martial arts.

As for the field, Lin Yuan was even more confused.

 So, there are only two ways to go before him now.

 Or, just wait for the system to release a selected mission so that you can take the opportunity to break through to the realm of the King of Heaven.

 Otherwise, Lin Yuan would have no choice but to continue to settle down until the day he understood the realm.

 But for Lin Yuan, this method is more or less impractical.

However, although Lin Yuan's strength has not been significantly improved, in the past half month, there has been no movement from the Dark Parliament, and it seems that it has disappeared.

 However, Lin Yuan did not relax his vigilance.

You know, the night before a storm is usually very quiet.

Unconsciously, Lin Yuan walked to Weiyang Lake again.

He always felt that walking by Weiyang Lake could give his mind an unprecedented sense of tranquility, and even dispel all the negative emotions in his heart.

While Lin Yuan was aimlessly relaxing by the Weiyang Lake, he suddenly stopped without warning.

 Because Lin Yuan was very keenly aware of...a strong murderous intention, locked on him!

 (End of this chapter)

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