Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 288: Eight Heavenly Kings!

Chapter 288 Eight Heavenly Kings!

The Dark Council finally lost its composure and decided to take action against itself?

Lin Yuan's heart was awe-inspiring and he had thousands of thoughts.

After feeling the murderous intent, he only hesitated for a second, and then continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

However, Lin Yuan quietly took out a small, mechanical-style instrument, and then a trace of energy and blood emerged from his palm, shattering it instantly.

This mechanical instrument is a communication device that Nan Yunjing specially ordered for him from the scientific research institute. As long as it is crushed, they will be able to receive the message immediately!

Therefore, Lin Yuan's apparent calmness was just a pretense to confuse the enemy so that Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin could have time to come over.

Since the other party is ready to attack him, Lin Yuan doesn't mind... letting the other party come back defeated.


Yanjing Wuhan University, President's Office.

As the transmitter made a soft sound, Nan Yunjing, who was still closing his eyes to recuperate, opened his eyes instantly, and a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The people of the Dark Council are so courageous that they actually dare to take action in Yanjing Wuhan University!

However, since you’ve come, you might as well just...don’t leave!

Thinking of this, Nan Yunjing's figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew upwards, quickly reaching the sky above Yanjing Wuhan University.

He slightly sensed Lin Yuan's Qi and quickly locked onto Weiyang Lake.

 This guy is really good at picking places.

 At this time, there should not be any students on the other side of Weiyang Lake except for the young lovers having a tryst.

Thinking of this, Nan Yunjing turned over and took out another transmitter. After opening it, he said directly to the opening: "Start evacuating the students immediately, especially the students next to Weiyang Lake! You must move quickly, we don't have much It’s time!”


A response came quickly from the other end of the transmitter.

Since he had expected that the Dark Council would attack Lin Yuan in advance, Nan Yunjing had already taken preventive measures in advance.

You must know that the scope of a battle at the Heavenly King level is quite broad.

 If it is not handled well, it is likely to cause unnecessary casualties.

Just as Nan Yunjing was arranging evacuation matters, soon, another figure rose into the sky and stood opposite him. It was Wang Zhanlin!

The two of them looked at each other and flew towards the direction of Weiyang Lake.


Yanjing City, in the suburbs, in a low house.

 Three mysterious men wearing masks sat around a dilapidated wooden table.

Atop the wooden table, a dirty kerosene lamp was burning. Perhaps because it had been used for too many years, the light it emitted was extremely dim, making the atmosphere in the low room even more eerie.

 Every person wears a different mask on his face.

 White wolf mask, Yaksha mask, skull mask.

The entire low house was completely silent, and only the sound of the slowly burning kerosene lamp could be heard.

 In such a weird atmosphere, someone finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Isn't the parliament too cautious this time? Is a boy in his early twenties worthy of sending out eight kings?"

 The first person to speak was the man wearing the white wolf mask. His voice was low and hoarse, as if two rough iron pieces were rubbing against each other, making it extremely uncomfortable.

However, if anyone heard what he said, they would be shocked.

This time, in order to seize the Heart of the Abyss from Lin Yuan, the Dark Council actually dispatched eight kings!

 “Be careful and you never go too far.”

After the white wolf mask spoke, the man wearing the skull mask also spoke calmly.

 Compared with the roughness of the former, the tone of the latter seems colder.

  Then, the skull mask spoke again: "The parliament's behavior has always been like this. This time, the eight kings were dispatched by the parliament with a foolproof attitude."

Five of the eight kings dispatched by the Dark Council this time have quietly sneaked into Yanjing Wuhan University and are preparing to attack Lin Yuan.

 A few of them stayed here to take care of the situation.

 If everything goes well, that would be the best.

 But once something goes wrong, they must take action to cover the retreat of the five people.

 “Foolproof? I don’t think so.”

At this moment, the man under the Yaksha mask spoke.

 However, what came out from under the evil ghost-like Yaksha mask was a female voice!

“Jingwu Nanyunjing, Mowu King Zhanlin, with two people here, how can there be anything infallible?”

“Furthermore, do you really think that there are no other Heavenly King realm warriors in Yanjing Martial Arts University? Then you are looking down on the number one university in China.”

“Besides, that Lin Yuan is not a simple person.”

"Didn't the council just get information before that this guy can freely control the abyssal beast in the secret realm of the abyss? The most important thing is that he also cultivated a ninth-level abyssal beast at the level of a heavenly king. Its power is extraordinary and ordinary. A heavenly king-level powerhouse may not be his opponent.”

“It’s just eight heavenly kings, not to mention nine out of ten, it’s pretty good if they can barely complete the task.”

 Listening to Yasha Nu's analysis, the expressions of the other two people gradually darkened.

“According to you, the probability of our mission... failing is very high?”

The skull mask frowned at the Yasha woman, as if he wanted to get the answer from her mouth.

"Failure? That's not necessarily the case." Yasha said slowly: "Although the opponent is very strong, there is no need for us to confront them head-on."

"As long as Lin Yuan is killed by force and the Heart of the Abyss is captured, the task assigned by the council will be completed."

White Wolf nodded thoughtfully: "That makes sense. This is China's territory. It would be somewhat unwise to go head-to-head with others on their territory."

"Okay, let's not think about it so much. These are not things we should consider anyway." Skull Face said calmly: "We just need to do our part and stay here to be responsible for the response. ”

Yaksha nodded, then closed his eyes, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and said softly in a praying manner: "The Lord of Darkness is above, may God bless the council and everything will be safe."

 “The Lord of Darkness is above, may God bless the Council and everything will be safe.”

 “The Lord of Darkness is above, may God bless the Council and everything will be safe.”

The other two people, wearing white wolf masks and skull masks respectively, also clasped their hands and recited prayers silently, as if there were so-called gods in the sky protecting them.

 (End of this chapter)

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