Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 289: Devil Fruit Awakening Card!

Chapter 289 Devil Fruit Awakening Card!

 By the Weiyang Lake.

 Lin Yuan pretended to be walking as if no one was watching, but his mind was always on guard, because the murderous intention locked on him never faded from the beginning to the end.

 Fortunately, he has crushed the transmitter, and Nan Yunjing and Wang Zhanlin should be able to arrive soon.

 “Chi chi chi!”

However, at this moment, three piercing sounds suddenly rang in Lin Yuan's ears!

Three black flying knives exuding the aura of death suddenly pierced out from the surface of Wuyang Lake and roared towards Lin Yuan!

The latter did not hesitate at all, and made a decisive decision to activate the power of the Sharingan, summoning Susanoo!

A faint purple energy shadow instantly condensed behind Lin Yuan, forming half of Susanoo's combat body!

 Subsequently, Susanoo's arm blocked Lin Yuan's face like a barrier.

 The three black flying knives were all blocked!

Subsequently, Lin Yuan turned his head, his eyes fixed on Weiyang Lake, and he couldn't help but frown.

 He obviously did not expect that the enemy had been hiding at the bottom of Weiyang Lake!

"Jie Jie Jie... Boy, you don't need to pretend anymore. I know you have noticed my murderous intention a long time ago. Someone with such murderous intention as me is really not suitable to be sent to complete this kind of assassination mission." ”

A figure slowly emerged from the center of the lake. It was not stained by any water stains. The figure was hidden in the dark blue robe, making it impossible for Lin Yuan to see his face clearly.

However, the other party's sinister laughter seemed particularly harsh to Lin Yuan's ears.

Then, the man in a jet-black robe sneered again: "Since you have sensed my murderous intent, I will give you some rewards, such as this reminder - be careful of the top of your head."

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Lin Yuan was frightened and subconsciously looked up!

I saw a huge red hammer that shook the sky, crashing towards the position where he landed with the force of breaking mountains and cracking the ground!

 “Damn it!”

 Lin Yuan cursed secretly, and resolutely chose to push Susanoo to the extreme. On the half of the battle body, purple light burst out, and extremely majestic energy fluctuations bloomed!

The next second, Lin Yuan directly controlled Susanoo to cross his arms, trying to forcefully block the giant hammer falling from the sky!


Following a loud bang, the power contained in the giant hammer spread out in all directions like ripples!

The ground under Lin Yuan's feet first appeared with cracks that were as dense as a spider web, and then suddenly collapsed into a huge pit!


Although the blow was finally blocked by Lin Yuan using Susanoo, his body still suffered a certain degree of residual power, making his internal organs seem to be misaligned, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

This hammer definitely has the power of a heavenly king!

 Furthermore, the other party is definitely not an ordinary king.

The power of this hammer alone is probably close to that of Su Lingxiao's Dragon Fight in the Wild!

You must know that dragons fight in the wild...that is Su Lingxiao's trump card!

“Hao, don’t just hammer this guy to death. It’s not fun. I haven’t had enough fun yet.”

The man in the center of the lake complained, and then slowly took off the hood on his head.

However, even so, Lin Yuan still couldn't see his face clearly.

 Because under the hood, he also wears a weird clown mask.

The "Hao" in his mouth, the giant man who wielded the heavy hammer, also wore a brown bear mask.

Hao glanced at the man in the middle of the lake coldly, and said angrily: "Ying, if you hadn't reminded him, he would have died under my hammer."

 “Hahahaha, that’s really embarrassing!”

The figure wearing a clown mask covered his stomach and laughed crazily.

At this moment, another extremely sharp sword light ripped through the air, pointing directly at Lin Yuan! “Divine power!”

Lin Yuan quickly noticed this sword energy. While retreating, he activated the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and displayed the power of the gods!

The space in front of him was quickly distorted, swallowing up the sharp sword light into it.

 “You can even swallow sword energy? It’s really interesting...”

At this moment, another thin figure soared into the air, carrying four long swords on its back.

Like Hao and Ying, he also wears a mask on his face.

It’s just that the mask on his face is extremely simple, just a touch of white, like a face without facial features.

 “Hahahaha, Wu Mian, I really didn’t expect that your sword… would actually be worn out one day.”

  After his companion missed, Shadow laughed unceremoniously and started sarcastically.

Wumian, who was carrying four swords on his back, turned around, glanced at him, and said calmly: "If you dare to make any noise again, I will kill you with my next sword."

Ying Ying was not angry at all, but said with a smile: "I understand, I will shut up now."

Looking at the three people in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but look a little ugly.

 Because according to his perception, these three people in front of him are all Nine Realm Heavenly Kings!

 When did the King of Heaven become a cabbage on the roadside?

Lin Yuan felt bitter in his mouth. In order to kill him, how many kings did the Dark Council send out? !

 The selection system seemed to hear Lin Yuan's voice, and soon three options popped up in front of him!

  【Option 1: Hand over the Heart of the Abyss in order to save your own life. Rewards obtained: Hell Demon Soul Body, 100,000 points of Qi and Blood. 】

  【Option 2: Hand over the Heart of the Abyss and use this as an opportunity to join the Dark Council. Rewards obtained: Pangu Essence and Blood, 80,000 Qi and Blood points, and 50,000 Spiritual Power. 】

  【Option 3: Defend the Heart of the Abyss to the death and survive the encirclement and suppression by five king-level powerhouses from the Dark Council. Rewards obtained: Devil Fruit Awakening Card, 50,000 points of vitality and 50,000 spiritual power. 】

  【Note: After making the selection this time, the selection rewards will be issued in advance. 】

 After seeing the selection task given by the system this time, Lin Yuan was really stunned for a moment.

I have to say that the Dark Parliament's handiwork... is really big enough.

In order to seize the Heart of the Abyss from him, five Nine Heavenly Kings were dispatched!

In other words, in addition to the three Heavenly King realm warriors who have appeared in front of them, there are two others who are hiding in the dark and have not chosen to take action yet.

 It seems that the Dark Council has made up its mind to put itself to death.

As for how to choose...Lin Yuan already had the answer in his heart.

 “You want me to join the Dark Council? How is this possible!”

Lin Yuan slowly opened his mouth and smiled as if whispering to himself: "I have always lived in the light, but you want me to fall into the darkness?"

No matter how tempting the rewards for joining the Dark Council are, Lin Yuan doesn't even bother to take a look!

“Besides, why should I give up the things I sacrificed my life to others?”

Lin Yuan looked around at the three kings in front of him, sneered and said to himself: "Just a few of you want to kill me? In the next life!"

 (End of this chapter)

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