Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 290: The former guard of Tianchuan City!

Chapter 290: Former Tianchuan City Guard!

Just as Lin Yuan finished speaking, the system's prompt tone also sounded.

 Because his words were equivalent to making a choice in disguise.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully making the choice and receiving the reward: Devil Fruit Awakening Card, 50,000 points of vitality and 50,000 spiritual power.”

“Ding, it is detected that the host’s blood and mental strength have reached the upper limit of the current realm, and the selected reward will be automatically stored.”


Lin Yuan almost cursed.

 He really didn’t expect that even the rewards issued by the system would be restricted by realm.

So it seems that before you understand the realm and step into the king of heaven, you really can't make any more progress? !

The next second, Lin Yuan thought, and his personal attributes panel instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

Host: Lin Yuan

 Level: Peak of the eighth level

 Qi and blood: 399999 points

  Mental power: 399999 Hz

Superpowers: Hide, Cursed Thorns

 Devil Fruit: Thunder Fruit【Unawakened】

 Special ability: Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan

 Comprehensive evaluation: excellent potential

 “All were stuck at three hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine…”

Looking at the attribute panel in front of him, Lin Yuan rubbed his temples with a look of helplessness on his face.

If you don’t count the realm, your strength is definitely comparable to that of a ninth-level warrior who has just entered the Heavenly King Realm.

 But because he has not yet understood the realm, Lin Yuan is still stuck outside the threshold.

At this moment, a dull sound piercing the sky sounded in Lin Yuan's ears again!

He felt horrified, and his figure instantly turned into a beam of lightning, dodging to the side!


The next moment Lin Yuan managed to dodge, the sky-shaking hammer fell and created another deep pit directly on the ground!

Lin Yuan looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help feeling palpitations.

Fortunately, my reaction was quick enough. If this hammer had hit me hard, all the bones in my body would have been shattered.

“Boy…you are probably the first one who dares to be distracted when facing three powerful men at the Heavenly King Realm at the same time.”

The giant man named 'Hao' said in an angry voice, directly pulled out the heavy hammer and approached Lin Yuan step by step.

Lin Yuan smiled: "Senior, you are joking. How can I, a mere venerable person, dare to be so presumptuous in front of the King of Heaven? How about you, senior, show your noble hand and let me go?"

“Haha.” Hao held a heavy hammer in his hand: “If you hand over the Heart of the Abyss, I won’t kill you.”

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What if I say no?"

Hao's voice suddenly turned cold: "Then you will definitely die today."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hao kicked off his right foot, and his body rose up like a cheetah. The giant hammer in his hand split the sky and smashed down towards Lin Yuan in front of him!

 The power of dark golden energy and blood surged out like a wild python, one after another wrapping around the giant hammer in Hao's hand!

 The heavy hammer in his hand is called the ‘Huntian Hammer’. It is forged from the rare mineral vein Huntian Black Iron and is several times harder than ordinary alloys.

 The top divine weapons, combined with Shang Hao's almost domineering power, make his power almost unrivaled!

Lin Yuan frowned.

He knew deep down in his heart that with his own strength, even with the help of Susanoo's power, he would never be able to withstand the opponent's mighty blow.

You must know that in order to forcefully catch the opponent's blow, Lin Yuan's internal organs were almost out of place.

However, this does not mean that Lin Yuan has nothing to do.

As long as he summons the Final Hydra, he can easily neutralize Hao's offensive!

However, just as Lin Yuan was about to open the beast space, a figure suddenly stopped in front of him. “Have you asked me, the principal, if you dare to touch my students?!”

With a loud shout, it exploded like thunder!

 The next second, a dazzling sword light flashed by!

Before Hao could react, his figure was forcefully thrown away by the sword in front of him!

The person who appeared in front of Lin Yuan was none other than Wang Zhanlin, who had arrived belatedly!

 The name of the God-cutting Sword is not for nothing.

Even though the sword in Wang Zhanlin's hand was still unsheathed, the power of the sword easily overturned a powerful king!

“Principal, why are you moving so slowly? If you hadn’t come here, I would have been watching the scenery on Huangquan Road.”

After Wang Zhanlin appeared, Lin Yuan felt slightly relieved and even made a joke with a smile.

Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Young master, do you think I don't know how many cards your kid has? Even if I burn a stick of incense at night, your kid will probably still be alive and well. of."

Lin Yuan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth: "Principal, do you really think of me as a god, or do you really take these kings of the Dark Council seriously?"

“I have a lot of cards in my hand, but if I really want to use them to deal with the King, it’s still a bit unsightly.”

Wang Zhanlin glanced at him and said, "You are so humble, kid."

"Humility is a virtue." Lin Yuan chuckled, then suppressed the smile on his face, and reminded in a deep voice: "Principal, be careful, in addition to the three people in front of you, there are two kings hiding in the dark. "

Wang Zhanlin was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked, "How do you know?"

Then, before Lin Yuan could speak, he nodded and said in a deep voice: "Forget it, you have your own abilities, you don't need to explain to me, I believe you."

Judging from Wang Zhanlin’s understanding of Lin Yuan, he certainly knew that the latter would not be aimless.

However, if this is the case, then things are not simple.

He obviously did not expect that the Dark Parliament would dispatch five heavenly kings to encircle and suppress Lin Yuan during this trip!

 Furthermore, the two people hiding in the dark must be extremely powerful.

 Because I was not aware of their motivation from beginning to end.

“Mowu King Zhan Lin? Finally we met an interesting opponent.”

"Otherwise, using the power of the King of Heaven to bully the little kid behind you will be a bit embarrassing after all."

Hao steadied his body, stared directly at Wang Zhanlin, and couldn't help but lick the corners of his mouth, as if a hunter had discovered his prey.

“You are tall and strong, your voice is like a bell, and your weapon is the Huntian Hammer... If I guess correctly, you should be Tian Guanghao, the former guard of Tianchuan City, right?”

Wang Zhanlin stood with a sword in hand, but he was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he stood there and speculated on the origin of the opponent.

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned: "Principal... do you know him?"

"We can't talk about knowing each other. We can only say that we met a few times in the past." Wang Zhanlin explained calmly: "There are only a few warriors in the Heavenly King Realm in the world. Their appearance can be concealed, but some features cannot be concealed. It can’t be concealed.”

“It’s like the ‘Huntian Hammer’ in his hand. It was the most iconic weapon of Tianchuan City Governor Tian Guanghao back then, so it’s not surprising that I can recognize it at a glance.”

Then, Wang Zhanlin raised his head again, looked at Hao holding the Huntian Hammer with complicated eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Back then, you led the warriors in Tianchuan City to suppress the rioting alien beasts outside the city, but when the alien beasts were about to As he retreated, he disappeared into thin air.”

“At the beginning, everyone guessed that you had died in the rioting tide of alien beasts.”

"It's just that I never would have thought...that you would actually choose to join the Dark Parliament."

“Tian Guanghao, do you know what you are doing?”

 “Do you know what your actions mean?”

"The common people in Tianchuan City who love you even erected a stone monument for you in the city, raised money to recruit monks, and chanted sutras for you to pray for seven days and seven nights... Before, I thought that you deserved all this. But now...I really feel worthless for them."

However, facing Wang Zhanlin's persuasion, Hao in front of him looked cold and said calmly: "Don't mention the past anymore. Things in the world are changing rapidly, and I am no longer the Tian Guanghao I was before. ”

"You should think that the Tian Guanghao you used to be is dead, and the me you are today is a brand new me."

“No matter how ridiculous you say it, I will never look back.”


Wang Zhanlin took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "Since this battle between you and me is inevitable, before the war begins, I still want to ask you one last question."

 “You joined the Dark Council...for what purpose?”

 (End of this chapter)

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