Chapter 292 Bone Demon Realm!

Although Li Tianchou only made one slash.

But his sword seemed to contain thousands of knives!

The sword cut through the Dark Thunder King's body with almost crazy force, causing the latter's body to suddenly be torn into countless pieces.

 The name of the sword is to cut off love, and the sword cuts the thread of love!

 “The Love-Breaking Knife…is truly worthy of its reputation.”

 The next second, countless dark thunder fragments condensed into shape again, condensing into the figure of the Dark Thunder King.

It's just that this time, his eyes were a little more solemn and fearful, fearful of Li Tianchou's strength!

Li Tianchou also did not take it lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Boy, this guy is not simple. If I fight with him, I will never be able to care about you. You go to Nanyunjing and let him protect you!"

Before Lin Yuan had time to ask where Nan Yunjing was, Li Tianchou had already rushed forward, his blade pointed directly at the Dark Thunder King!


“Ying, it seems like you and I are the only ones left now.”

 While there was a melee between various parties, another figure slowly emerged from the center of the lake, standing side by side with the figure that had not made any move.

"Hehehe...yeah, it seems that they are here well prepared. Those who take action are all heavenly king warriors who are worthy of the name. It's really scary."

Ying grinned, looking even weirder with the clown mask on his face.

The man who just appeared smiled and said, "It's not over yet. That old guy from Nanyunjing hasn't made a move yet."

Ying turned her head, glanced at him, and licked the corner of her mouth excitedly: "Does that mean you can only look at us?"

The man smiled and said calmly: "To be precise, it's up to you. I will try my best to hold off Nan Yunjing for you."

  "Hahahaha... don't worry, Gu, I will kill that kid as soon as possible."

Ying laughed crazily again, with a ferocious look in his eyes.

The man beside him nodded slightly: "Since you are ready, let's get ready to do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure suddenly rose into the air and turned into a forest-white shadow, flying towards Lin Yuan's direction!

 After Bone moved, Ying instantly turned into a shadow and escaped into the darkness below.



Lin Yuan looked at Weiyang Lake again, only to find that the man standing in the middle of the lake had quietly disappeared.

 Come to kill me?

Lin Yuan was slightly frightened and could not help but frown. Then he used the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to scan in all directions very vigilantly.

 Under the amazing insight of the Sharingan, Lin Yuan quickly discovered something strange!

 A shadow like black mist is traveling quickly under the ground!

 “Thunder Spear, Ning!”

Lin Yuan did not dare to hesitate, raised his hand and condensed several thunder spears, heading towards the shadow to pierce and kill!

“My perception is quite keen...but it’s a pity that it’s of no use.”

Ying's voice soon came from the ground.

 The next second, the shadow surged out of the ground like a wave, swallowing up all Lin Yuan's thunder spears in an instant!

 “Shadow Cage!”

 The next second, this group of shadows instantly condensed into a prison, trapping Lin Yuan inside.

 “It’s up to you, bone, Jie Jie Jie…”

Just as Ying finished speaking, a forest-white figure quickly appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

The person in front of me is extremely strange.

 All his bones seem to grow outside the skin, so when viewed from a distance, it looks like a white skeleton.

 “Shadow, you did a good job...Thousand-layer Bone Killing!”

Countless sharp bone spurs grew out from around his body, and in an instant, they pierced towards Lin Yuan who was trapped in the shadow cage!

  "Roar!"   However, at this critical moment, a beast's roar suddenly erupted from the shadow cage!


 The next second, the shadow cage suddenly shattered!

Hydra's majestic figure forcefully burst the shadow cage, and also protected Lin Yuan behind it, blocking all the bone spurs with its scales.

Lin Yuan directly chose to summon the Final Hydra from the Shadow Cage!

 “Bone Demon Realm, open!”

Bones let out a low shout, and the forest-white field fluctuations suddenly spread to the surrounding areas.

With the opening of the Bone Demon Realm, a sense of deathly silence soon spread within the realm, making people feel as if they were in the Netherworld.


 Within the realm of bones, countless dead bones were spliced ​​together to form skeletal warriors one after another.

This group of lifeless undead creatures, armed with swords, roared and attacked Lin Yuan!

 Fortunately, the individual combat capability of this group of skeleton warriors is not very strong. The Hydra can easily kill one of them with just a breath of its snake breath!

However, the abilities of the Bone Demon Domain are obviously not limited to this!

When the bone stands in the field, it is like a magnet, constantly attracting the surrounding dead bones and gathering them towards him, eventually forming a huge white bone giant!

 “Netherworld Blow!”

 The aura of deathly silence, like a snake, wrapped around the body of the white-bone giant.

The latter roared, and with a huge fist like a hill, it came towards Lin Yuan with great force and killed him!

Lin Yuan's face turned stern, knowing that he could not withstand this blow, so he directly mobilized the energy of the Heart of the Abyss to bless the body of the Final Hydra!

 The next second, the nine heads of Nine Snakes condensed nine different elemental attributes, and once again gathered the final power in front!

 “Blast it to pieces!”

Lin Yuan gave a low shout and raised his hand to point forward.

The energy beam formed by the final power swept forward with a bang, colliding with the fist of the white-bone giant, and bursting out with supreme power!

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom—”

Under a series of roars, the right arm of the white-bone giant exploded inch by inch!

The dead bones on it were also crushed into bone fragments and dust under the power of the final power.

However, although the collision between the two parties was extremely powerful, in the end Hydra's blow did not damage the opponent's body.

  New dead bones once again condensed towards the body of the bones, as if they were immortal.

His cold eyes glanced at Lin Yuan, and he said in a cold voice: "It's useless, don't waste your efforts anymore. Within the realm of my bone demon, every white bone is formed by my power." change."

 “As long as the white bones still exist, my body will not be destroyed.”

After saying this, the bone giant condensed a bone spear out of thin air in his hands. With the increase in its power, it swept towards the Final Hydra from the right at an extremely fast speed!


This blow from the bone giant was so swift and violent that even with the ultimate reaction of Hydra, it was unable to avoid it and was killed firmly by this bone spear. Up, there was a dull sound!

You must know that the scales on the Jiuyan Hydra are so hard that even under the full blow of an eighth-level venerable, there will be no cracks.

 However, where the bone-white spear struck, it was a mess of flesh and blood.

At the time of being hurt, even the Final Hydra erupted with a shrill cry.

Lin Yuan’s pupils shrank.

The opponent's strength was obviously beyond his imagination. He actually suppressed the Final Hydra with just strength alone!

 “Boy, your abyssal beast is screaming.”

Unknowingly, Ying's figure suddenly appeared behind Lin Yuan, and said jokingly: "How about we guess how long it will take Gu to kill this poor nine-headed little one?" The snake was tortured to death?"

 “I guess…after your death!”

Lin Yuan suddenly turned around and activated his Sharingan to the extreme in an instant.

 Space pupil technique, divine power!

 (End of this chapter)

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