Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 293: Nan Yunjing’s unique skill, Flowing Cloud Palm!

Chapter 293 Nanyunjing’s unique skill, Flowing Cloud Palm!

 Under the influence of divine power, the space in front of him was instantly distorted!

However, Ying's figure escaped into the shadows again, and the divine power did not cause any harm to him.

"Distort space? It's indeed a good technique...but it's too slow."

 “Any move has no meaning at all if it cannot hit, Jie Jie Jie...”

After avoiding the divine power, the figure of the shadow appeared next to Lin Yuan again like a ghost.

 And, this time, he chose to attack!

A dagger exuding a faint light drew a sharp arc in mid-air and slashed towards Lin Yuan's neck!

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan used the insight of Sharingan to capture the opponent's movements in time.


With the sound of a blade penetrating into flesh, a deep wound with bone visible was cut directly on Lin Yuan's right arm!

 Turrent blood suddenly spurted out from the wound.

Although Lin Yuan could see the opponent's movements clearly, Ying's speed was too fast.

 When his dagger was released, all Lin Yuan could do was to avoid the vital point!

 A lot of the blood spurted out from the wound was stained on Ying's clown mask.

However, he didn't take it seriously at all. Instead, he stuck out his tongue, licked the blood around his mouth, and made a slurping sound, as if he was enjoying some rare delicacy.

Lin Yuan took the opportunity to distance himself from him and said in a cold voice: "You guys are really perverted."

“What do you know? The blood of dying people is the real delicacy in the world..."

Ying smiled ferociously and said, "It's a pity that the knife just now failed to cut open the main artery in your neck."

“You have to know that the blood there is even more delicious.”

Lin Yuan smiled: "Really?"

The next second, before Ying could speak, Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly ignited two more black flames, which were Amaterasu Black Flames!

However, Ying's figure turned into an afterimage again, and once again easily avoided the black flames igniting from Lin Yuan's eyes.

He Jie Jie smiled strangely and taunted Lin Yuan: "Didn't I tell you? Moves without speed are meaningless. You will never be able to hit me in this life."

Lin Yuan laughed again and said sincerely: "You are right, you are the King of Heaven and I am the Venerable. In terms of speed, I naturally cannot match you."

Ying narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Yuan in surprise, obviously not knowing why the other party said such words.

Immediately, he sneered and said, "Boy, are you begging for mercy?"

“Do you expect that after handing over the Heart of the Abyss, I can spare your life?”

"If you really think that, you are totally wrong... I am different from them. They want to kill you because they want to seize the heart of the abyss. But when I kill you, I just want to kill you. ”

“I can peel off your skin like a silkworm cocoon and make you suffer the pain of separation of skin and flesh. I can also cut countless **** wounds on your body and let you bleed to death.”

"Let me think about it, by the way, I also raised some cute little guys called 'Bone-Eating Nail Ants'. After these little guys burrow into your body, they will start to eat your bones until All the bones in your body have been chewed into powder, and you have become a puddle of lifeless flesh and blood..."

Ying became more and more excited as he talked. He stretched out his hands and asked eagerly with a ferocious face: "How do you think? Are you interested? Choose a way to die, I can satisfy you!"

However, Lin Yuan calmly shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm not ready to die yet." Ying's face suddenly turned cold: "It's not up to you."

Lin Yuan smiled faintly and said, "I have one more move, and you absolutely can't stop it."

Ying raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer, "Really? I just want to see what abilities you, a mere venerable person, have."

 “Then you should be optimistic.”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, then raised his head and shouted loudly: "Old guy, come and save me quickly! If you don't come again, I will be killed by this bitch!"

Ying stared blankly at Lin Yuan who was shouting loudly in front of him, and his whole person fell into a trance.

 Is this the move you're talking about? !

However, just as Lin Yuan finished speaking, a slightly older voice slowly rang out: "Oh, I think you are having a lot of fun, can you still think of me? "

 After hearing this voice, Ying's expression suddenly turned cold.

This is... the voice of Jingwu Principal, Nan Yunjing!

"Kill you!"

After Nan Yunjing's voice sounded, Ying did not dare to neglect at all. The dagger in his hand instantly turned into an afterimage and stabbed Lin Yuan's neck.

"Little guy, give me some face... It would be rude to kill someone in front of an old man."

Nanyun Jing's voice came over again like a breeze.

At the same time, a palm print that seemed to be condensed by flowing clouds came directly towards his location!

 This is one of Nan Yun Jing’s unique skills, Flowing Cloud Palm!

 “How could it be hurt at such a slow speed...”

Ying's thoughts were circulating in his mind, but just when he had this thought, his figure was severely slapped and flew away by Liuyun's palm print!

Ying was shot a full three to four hundred meters away, and then he managed to stabilize his figure. He stood still, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the Nanyun scenery in front of him in disbelief.

How can this be? !

Liu Yun's palm print seemed extremely slow, but it struck his body in an instant.

Standing in the sky, Nan Yunjing smiled and explained: "Erratic, gathering and dispersing by the sky...this is the so-called flowing cloud."

  “You cannot catch the trajectory of the flowing clouds with your naked eyes alone.”

 Under Nan Yunjing's words, even Lin Yuan on the side felt extremely surprised.

This old president of Yanjing Wuhan University is truly worthy of being a master of martial arts. Even every move contains the true meaning of martial arts.

 “There… there seems to be a little guy there.”

Nan Yunjing turned around and looked at the bones that were fighting with the Final Hydra, and whispered to himself: "Can you control the realm of the power of bones? It seems that this time the kings sent by the Dark Council are all It’s not a simple thing.”

 The next moment, Nan Yunjing concentrated his energy in his heart and clapped his hand forward again!

Before the white-bone giant could react, the erratic Flowing Cloud Palm had already landed on his white-bone body!

 (End of this chapter)

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